Night of apocalypse

Chapter 918 The curtain of the new era (additional update for alliance leader Bingshan Muxue) (fifth

The problem is that there is no overlap at all nearby. We searched before you came.

Gu Feng said with furrowed brows.

There is no overlap nearby, so we can't stay here any longer. Those monsters are not far from here, so we have to find another place to hide.

Shen Qiu said with a headache after hearing Gu Feng's words.

Then change places first.

Wu Di agreed simply.

The problem is that it's not that easy to change. Once discovered by the enemy on the road, you're dead! Especially since the enemy also has a mechanical octopus that can disguise itself, it's hard to guard against it!

Shen Qiu also had some difficulties. The biggest drawback of transferring was that he was easily targeted.

Although Yun Chuyu can catch the disguised mechanical octopus with rain, she cannot keep it raining along the way. At most, it will release rain in a short period of time.

Just then, a middle-aged man with a scar on his forehead and heavy dark circles under his eyes stood up and said.

If it's a mechanical octopus in disguise, I can sense it.

Shen Qiu and others all turned their heads and looked at the man in front of them.

At this time Shi Cang spoke.

This is my team member Wang Fei. He is from the special perception department and is responsible for intelligence investigation all year round. If he said there is no problem, there will definitely be no problem.

That's great.

Shen Qiu looked happy. If he could sense the disguised alien mechanical octopus, it would be easier to transfer.

The question is, where do we move now?

Wu Di asked in a deep voice.

Move here. This is the northwest of the 3rd Ring Road. There is a large residential area here. The buildings inside are very dense and the view is very blocked. It is very suitable for us to hide temporarily! If we hide inside, even if the enemy comes to search, we will not be able to able to find us.”

Qi Lin clicked on his bracelet a few times, projected a map and introduced it.

Then why are you still dazed? Take action immediately without further ado.

Wu Di said.


Everyone responded one after another.


City of Sinking Star·President of Parliament Administrative Building.

Chairman Long Yan was sitting at his desk, and Secretary Lin Ping was waiting quietly aside.

In front of the desk, Vice Chairman Wang Heng and many members were discussing things.

At this time, the door was pushed open, and Admiral Kong Le walked in and saluted Council Chairman Long Yan.

Your Majesty.

Well, how's it going?

Council Chairman Long Yan asked in a deep voice.

We still haven't found General Wu Di and the others, and the overlapping worlds we control have also sent back news that they haven't seen General Wu Di and others.

Admiral Kong Le responded.

I see.

Long Yan's eyes moved slightly when he heard this.

Now is the time when we need manpower, but Wu Di and the others disappeared.

Vice Chairman Wang Heng sighed and said.

Yes, and not only General Wu Di is missing, I heard that even top experts such as Chen Qiu, Wang Hao, Gu Feng, Yun Chuyu, etc. have also disappeared. It's really terrible.

Oh! It's really a leaky house and it rains all night.

Many members of Congress sighed.

At this moment, a burst of rapid footsteps came.

Everyone turned to look over and saw Vice Chairman Yunkong walking in hurriedly.

Vice Chairman Yunkong.

Everyone greeted him one after another.

If it were normal, Yun Kong would definitely greet everyone, but at this moment, he is completely in no mood.

He walked straight to Chairman Long Yan and said in a deep voice.

Your Majesty, something is wrong.


Long Yan raised his eyebrows slightly and replied.

The Eighth Administrative District, the Seventh Administrative District, and the Sixth Administrative District are being hit more and more violently by the strange tide, and the troops responsible for the defense are beginning to struggle!

Vice Chairman Yunkong said with an uneasy expression.

How could this happen? Didn't reinforcements be sent there?

Vice Chairman Wang Heng and others asked with very ugly expressions.

Sent, but the number of impact monsters has increased dramatically. What can you do? And this is not the worst. I just received feedback from the KPI department. Recently, there have been frequent overlaps in various areas of the Red Alliance at night, and a large number of monsters have poured out everywhere. Wreaking havoc. The quantity and quality of these overlapping monsters are a higher level than before. The KPI department is already operating at full capacity and is now exhausted!

Vice Chairman Yunkong said with a severe headache.

When Chairman Long Yan heard this, his face became more and more serious.

At this moment, Long Yan's bracelet suddenly vibrated, and he glanced down.

It was called from an encrypted number.

So Chairman Long Yan stood up and said to Yun Kong and others.

You guys discuss the response plan first, I'll go take care of something and I'll be back soon.

After speaking, Long Yan left the office directly.

Soon Long Yan came to an empty lounge next door, and the door closed automatically.

Then Long Yan walked to the sofa in the room and sat down, then raised his bracelet and pressed it.


Suddenly, the entire ordinary room was covered by virtual projections from all directions.

Directly in front of Long Yan, a holographic projection of a luxurious room appeared, with a leather sofa facing him.

At this time Oroko came over and sat on the sofa.

The two of them seemed to be facing each other.

Then Long Yan spoke in a deep voice.

President Oroko, what do you want from me?

Chairman Long Yan, have you felt that the situation has been deteriorating recently?

Oroko asked straight to the point.


Council Chairman Long Yan nodded slightly.

“I feel like the time is right and it’s time to launch that city.”

So fast? Although the city's foundation has been built, there is still a lot of subsequent construction that has not been completed.

I think there is no difference. We can move and build at the same time.

Then have you ever thought that with so many people and mixed eyes, it might affect subsequent construction.

It doesn't matter, these are all controllable.

Oroko said in a very firm tone.

We've finally come to this point, what are you going to do?

Long Yan asked with a sigh.

What else can we do? First move in the skilled and valuable personnel, and then move in the meritorious personnel and their families! Start moving now to avoid any more troubles in the night.

Oroko said coldly.

When Chairman Long Yan heard this, he took a deep breath and said with emotion.

It's easy to relocate over there, but the problem is that it's hard to handle it here! I once promised that I would never abandon anyone.

Huh, naive! What's the use of worthless people? This world is so cruel and realistic.

Oroko replied with a sneer.

When Chairman Long Yan heard this, he fell silent.

At this time Oroko gave a serious warning.

Now is not the time to be kind to women, don't be stupid! The city can only accommodate so many people. If you stuff a piece of garbage into it, you will squeeze out a valuable person! By then, our chances of survival will decrease. one cent!

I see.

Long Yan replied sadly.

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