Nihonkoku Shoukan

Shaking Great Empire 3

The meeting of the Gura Barcas Imperial Navy's Eastern Fleet and Audit Force leaders, and their decision in this world, will begin to have the power to destroy any nation.

"So ... I'll give you information on what is known to date and the current information on Japan regarding the annihilation of the 52nd Regional Fleet of the Home Fleet."

The meeting was started suddenly by the convening of the Caesar, and started in a form called by the Navy headquarters in a hurry to Reyfol, but it does not have the usual "negotiating" etc., and it begins with the explanation form of the Navy headquarters.

Materials known at the moment were distributed to each person.

Eastern Fleet executives looked at the materials.

`` As to the perception of Japanese cruisers, the analysis was based on the battle off the coast of Cult Alpas, but new findings have emerged here. ''

Being glared at the sharp-eyed Caesar, the people at the headquarters start talking while sweating cold.

"In the past, the high hit rate of Japanese cruisers' anti-aircraft guns was perceived as a threat, but the caliber was of the cannon level, and it was thought that there would be no serious threat in naval battles. Multidirectional information has revealed that there are cruisers in Japan with more powerful guns. ''

The fact that there are large caliber ships with high hit rates.

In addition to the anti-air capability of the iron wall, it will have a strong anti-ship capability.

With the emergence of a major threat, the scene has subsided.

The staff supplements the remark.

"I will explain.

As described in the third page on page 4 of the document, the spy infiltrating the Mu country has obtained a book on weapons used by Japan.

Despite the fact that the headquarters was trying to determine whether it was deceptive information or the truth, the tragedy of the annihilation of the previous Fleet Fleet Regional Fleet occurred.

Regarding the annihilation of the fleet, it was initially pointed out that an aerial battleship of the Holy Military Empire had been launched, but we could obtain information from an important member of Mu State that it was an attack by Japan.

`` Analysis from diversified information concluded that Japan has a high-hit-rate large caliber warship as the Navy HQ. ''

"How much caliber do you know? Are there any large caliber battleships?

The power of artillery fire is proportional to the cube of caliber.

If there were battleships in Japan as well as cruisers ... it would be a great threat if the cruiser-class hit in the battle off the coast of Cult Alpas earlier. ''

Other East Fleet executives follow Caesar's question.

"I see, it has a great anti-aircraft capability against air attacks, and even in fleet battles, if you can come with a high-hit bombardment ... you'll have to push in numbers.

Even submarine attacks cannot be expected to work well enough to decide a fleet battle.

If you had a battleship class ... it would be troublesome ... "

The executives turned pale due to the enemy's too high threat.

"At this time, we have not been able to identify any battleship-class ships in Japan from any sources."

The existence of the battleship is denied, and the tension in the field is eased.

"Yes ... but unconfirmed information ..."

The headquarters staff started to cut it out.

"What? Tell me."

"This is a bit ridiculous, but it comes from sources that are credible.

The information I'm going to tell you now is analyzing its accuracy ... "

"Tell it early!"

"Hah ... huh !!

… …… It is posted on the last page of the material.

According to the information on Japan obtained at the bookstore in Mu and the information obtained from the dignitaries of Mu, er, please see the fifth row from the top ... "

The caesar looks over the designated place.

"What ... what?!?"

A sweat that has never been felt is transmitted to the back of Caesar, a great fighter.

He is calm and utters voices unintentionally.

Escort ship main equipment

○ SSM1-B (Type 90 ship-to-ship missile)

Flight speed 1150km / h

150km or more

Warhead weight 260kg (HE)

Guidance method Inertial navigation system (midway) Active radar guidance (end)

System weight ……

Ships on board ………

The more you read, the more incredible the performance was described.

(4) An executive who has been unable to accumulate in silence has begun asking headquarters staff.

"What does this mean?"

"It's literally ..."

"So what? Japanese cruisers fly more than 150 km in range and must hit a guided bomb, and if they hit, even a cruiser has weapons that can be crushed in a single shot?

Furthermore, there is a guided bomb for anti-aircraft, so can you intercept aircraft from more than 100km away? !

I heard that there is no magical weapon in Japan.

Do you say that science can do that much! ! ...... Is there something like such a science fiction story! ! ! "

"Yes, so the information itself about this case was too ridiculous and is currently under scrutiny.

However, we believe that the home fleet has wiped out the Japanese fleet before. "

Headquarters staff will give appropriate answers.

However, the excited Eastern Fleet executives will not fit.

"What is it! What is this Aegis ship ?! Can you track hundreds of targets at the same time and attack 12 or more at the same time?

Moreover, if you link ships to each other, do you show more ability?

Is it possible to prevent even large-scale simultaneous attacks of anti-ship guided missiles with this SF weapon?

If there is such a thing …… If there is such a thing …… ”

The executives are sowing. For him, for those who actually operate the fleet, this information was too shocking.

The caucasian face with a bitter face slowly opened his mouth.

"If you had such a weapon ... if you had a small but small number ... you will lose, this battle"


The words from Caesar, also called the war god, shocked us all.

"Assuming that this statement was true. It doesn't matter if you own a battleship or not.

The enemy will be able to launch weapons far out of range with weapons far beyond the battleship's main gun.

Moreover, the hit rate is high ....

Almost all air attacks are prevented.

In addition, there is a description that the anti-submarine ability is abnormally high.

Isn't it perfect? ...

It will only be possible to hit supply bases and production facilities.

But the enemy's production facilities are obviously not vulnerable. ''

The story continues.

"If they export technology to the Mu and Holy Military empires, and a large number of people have mastered the technology ... it's too bad to push it on a production scale.

If the Mu continent falls, Japan will no longer be concerned about technology outflows.

The longer this fight is, the worse it will be.

Depending on the number of them ... there might still be a chance if you push them overwhelmingly in the short term. "

If there is a unit that can withstand one large battle, the empire will be exhausted by repeated use of it ... nothing but fear.

"Hu ... The headquarters will work on further information scrutiny !!"

"I asked.

I hope it's deceptive information. ''


The meeting was over and Caesar left the room alone.

He softly muttered in a voice that no one could hear.

"What is that ..."


Holy Millitorial Empire Imperial City Runepolis

Two men are sitting in the director's office.

The director, Arneus, and the member, Rydolka.

A lot of materials are lined up on the desk temporarily set up in the director's office.

"That's what we know at this time of the record of the engagement between the Empire of Gura Barcas, the Navy of Mu and the Japanese army announced at Mu this time.

In addition, this material is the material of the SDF's weapon performance obtained by the intelligence officer from the Foreign Affairs Bureau.

This material has been obtained in the past in Japan, and we have scrutinized whether it is a fake document, a genuine material, or can be produced with Japanese technology, but it is true to see the results of this battle I will be thinking about it. "

Raidlka will report to the director, Arneus.

"Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Japan, we knew that we possessed weapons that partially exceeded the capabilities of our army, but the attack power when these weapons were used systematically was ... … No way… that ’s about it. ”

Arneus talks trembling with Wanawana. Rydolka said, wondering about the situation.

"Director, we just wiped out a few vessels. If Japan could launch the aerial battleship Pal Chimaila or the marine fortress Palcaon, couldn't we do the same thing as Japan?"

"Certainly ... it's possible, but it's not surprising that these are the weapons of the old magical empire.

If these can be made in Japan, it would be good, but Japan cannot be made. And with our magical battleship, you cannot do the same thing as Japan.

I'm sorry, but the performance of the weapon alone has to be said to be higher in Japan.

This is… Japan, the pinnacle of magical civilization, loses in strength! ! "

Arneus, who gets a little emotional, he continued.

"Leidlka, what do you think of this battle record?"

"Huh ?! Japan is superior to the Gra-Barcass in terms of weapon performance alone ...?"

"It's half correct.

This kill ratio, damage to Japanese ships is zero. The place that says zero is very big.

If at least one Japanese country had been destroyed, we could have strengthened our strength.

However, if the damage is zero, the upper limit of strength cannot be read.

This is a paradox, but for Japan, ships outside the civilized territory, as well as the mighty Parpaldia magical battleship, and the ships of the Gra Barcass empire, and even the sacred Mircial magical battleship ... No matter how many vessels we gather, we may be able to reject, regardless of the number of vessels. ''

"Such ..."

Silence ...

"Furthermore, I am also interested in the fact that La Kasami in Mu has been renovated in Japan this time and the performance has been greatly improved.

In the past, Mu would have been swiftly done ... it was a battle of death, and despite being completely disabled, it was rejecting many with only one ship.

It is necessary to do our best to find out what kind of technology transfer from Japan to Mu.

If Mu falls into the hands of the Gura Barcas after the technology transfer ... If the empire absorbs Japanese technology, it will seriously threaten our country ... It will be ridiculous! ! "

Japanese weapons were perceived not only by enemy countries but also by friendly forces as a serious threat.

The analysis in the Director General's Office extends to midnight.


Gra Barcas Empire Occupied Land Alu (formerly the country of Mu)

Guards and inhabitants kneel in an exhausted city.

The train slowly passes over the cobblestones.

The Imperial Crown Prince of Gura Barkas, Gura Kabar, was looking out from the train.

Buildings destroyed by battle, crouching faces of kneeling inhabitants, powerless sights that I have seen many times, this war is not always a pleasant thing, but a necessary sacrifice for the further prosperity of the empire was.

"Please stop a bit"

The driver stopped immediately at the order of the Crown Prince.

"I want to see something."

Cabal suddenly gets off the car and starts walking.

"And ... Your Highness! Even though it was still occupied, the city of Aru is an enemy and dangerous!"

The attendant tries hard to stop.

"Good, okay"

The Prince who never asks.

Exiting unexpectedly for security reasons, the security officer turns his face blue.

Cabal walks to a certain alley.

The kneeling inhabitant left the Crown Prince's way with his head down for appointment.

Departing from the scheduled security route 150m, children soon heard their moans.

"Huh? Children are fine during the war."

Cabal approached the children and spoke to them.

"Hey! What are you playing?"

I don't know who the four kids were talking to and who they were.

Because the child is honest, he will not be rude to his Highness or his worries will turn blue if he is too worried.

"I was tired of playing, so I told her I wanted to eat sweets, and I was going to buy it there."


Gra Cabal looks in the direction the children point.

There was a small quaint shop there.

"Are you okay with me?"

Adjust your eyes to the child.

"Is your uncle coming too?"


The children who don't know anything, and the unexpected movement in the empire, Gra Cabal, headed to the candy store in Japan.

"What's delicious? Tell your brother!"

"Is this ice cream?"


"It's Japanese ice cream, it's really delicious, and my dad and mom told me that the simple taste is for adults."

"Yes, confectionery of the enemy country, hey! Old woman, give this to me and the children!"


"And ... Your Highness! Ice, etc., and the meals of locals!"

"I'm not interested in what kind of confectionary people in the occupied territories eat.

Fare, eat! ! "

Gra Cabal distributed ice to the children.

"Thank you! Uncle!"

They opened the bag, and the kids began to make ice cream, and by the side he also opened the bag and opened his mouth wide.

"Ah! Watch out for Uncle, this is hard ..."

Baki! !


Severe pain running to teeth.

It doesn't just hurt. Irreparable intervals hit Gura Kabar.

I almost screamed for so much pain, but I felt much more masculine.

"Well ... the front teeth !!"

Gura Kabal holding his mouth.

Red liquid dripping from the tip of the hand.

"And ... Your Highness!"

You have been injured by the next emperor of the Gura Barkas Empire.

A person who becomes pale.

"Guu ... I'll go back to the car."

Grass Cabal returns to the car, and the children watch over his back.

Cabal got into the car.

"I'm out in your highness! Are you okay?"

"Your teeth have broken ... but before the inspection! Oh no ... Oh no! It's a Japanese confection! Or maybe even food is an enemy ... Yurusan!"

Look at the bag that is the subject of the exacerbation.

I couldn't read the cabal, a bag that made you feel Japanese somewhere, but the bag stated:

"Ido Muraya's Hardest MAX! ! Bar with super red beans "

There was a figure of ice that boasts the strongest in Japan.


"Your Highness will arrive soon!"

Barkurus, the forefront base destroyed.

His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince came to the city in a hurry, and the airport had to be restored more quickly than the base was restored.

Succeeded in arranging the appearance of the airport and the location visible from the airport, and Legion Commander Gaoggel was relieved.

There was an overwhelming attack that seems to be Japan.

To be honest, it cannot be prevented if there is another attack.

It is said that the Crown Prince can come to such a dangerous area.

He appeals to the military that he cannot guarantee security under the current state of security.

The military response was simple.

By sending support units from homeland, we will greatly increase the army's troops and strengthen the anti-aircraft and anti-ground facilities to respond to land and air.

Furthermore, the base air force within flight range of Barkulus was greatly increased.

Gaoggel reported that if the attack was by a Japanese fighter aircraft, its anti-aircraft performance would be remarkable, and even if the number was increased, it would not be possible to secure the base's security system. The executives put aside in a word that should not be so, and continue to this day.

Gaoggel keeps praying in his mind that no enemy attack will come.

Before the eyes, the aircraft carrying the Crown Prince landed slowly.

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