Nihonkoku Shoukan

The first half of the counter-attacking Alien Army II.

Gra Varcas Empire Reifolia General Base Lars Firmina

There are many army air bases and garrisons in the Rayford area.

A large base of the Gra Varcas Empire was built in Reifolia, the capital of the former great power, as a last resort in the event of an invasion of a group of continental countries.

Integrated Base Lars Filmina is a much larger base than any other, as the Gra Vulcan Empire was built as a general command base for the integration of the Moo continent.

Army and Navy integrated bases are purely more powerful than other Imperial bases due to their highly efficient operation.

The sky to the east of the geometrically arranged Reifolia Integration Station Lars Filmina is slightly brightened, and the darkened nights are over and the stars are disappearing.

"Excuse me!!"

Army Officer Sideswipe enters the Army Rayford Defense Captain Fantale's room.

We've had no contact with the Hinomawari Kingdom since last night, and there may be fighting going on.

The Imperial Army of Graça Varcas, which was judged to be present, was moving into a state of strict alert.

"I still can't get in touch with the Hinomawari Kingdom.

The reconnaissance planes have also lost track of time. We will determine that it is highly probable that the enemy is making a full-scale invasion. ”

"I guess so... the Navy?"

"I have already contacted you.

With regard to alertness, I feel that there is a slight lack of direct concealment. It should be increased fivefold!! "

According to Ramboll's opinion, Captain Fantare had a strange look on his face.

"Colonel Lamborgh, what are you talking about?

I do not believe the range of the enemy fighter planes from their base to here.

You're not so stupid as to launch an attacker without a fighter guard, are you?

In other words, there is no aerial bombardment due to the enemy's lack of range.

Even if it did, it wouldn't be one-off or massive. "

Fantale looks at the base from the window.

The Imperial Army Air Force, which was on high alert, was ready to launch at any time.

The planes were in order, and the soldiers were sharp.

Even from the point of view of Fantale, the high level of practice was commendable.

"The number of hiding machines is enough." There is no problem as it is.

Five or more radars of different frequencies are installed near Layforia, and there are three spare radars.

Considering the possibility that the enemy's radio jamming will cause the radio to fail, each base is wired and connected to the ground.

We can't afford to miss the enemy.

Normally, there is no problem with one unit... but it has been installed eight times due to the overwhelming defeat of the Navy.

It can be called a radar network that is much more powerful than the capital of the country.

There are also a number of camouflaged anti-aircraft gun positions in the nearby mountains.

This Larus Firmina air defense network is much more powerful than the Navy's anti-air defenses.

Too much intrusion to infer from the possibility of an enemy attack. ”

He goes on.


As you know, air strikes are not the only way to take out the ground forces.

Rayford still has a large army of 320,000 men, and there are many bases and garrisons.

Also at the end of the eastern ocean stands the Navy's Rayford Defense Fleet of 70 ships.

Our army is overwhelming. "

"I fully understand that our army is strong."

However, the opponent is Japan.

Yes, in the creatures of this world.

A large naval fleet was sent to conquer Japan, but suffered a great defeat.

I fully understand that land and sea are different, but I don't think Japanese counterparts will be too vigilant. "

"Oh, indeed, the Navy has been greatly defeated.

There is no greater historical defeat. In addition, the Reem Kingdom's Army Air Corps has been devastated.

The Japanese army is strong. I never licked it.

However, this intercept can be described as a strict alert. Considering the possibility of a long-term battle, there is no way to take any more positions.

Even if you raise the straight cover, you can't keep flying forever.

The number of soldiers was overwhelming, but not infinite.

Well, if we talk about it at the moment, there are training flights going on, so it's not five times the amount in the sky, but more than eight times the amount.

In order to enter the strict alert state, this training flight was cancelled today, and it is not a cover-up mission, so it is just there. "

Army Rayford Defense Captain Fantare takes the word out of Samball.

The sun was gradually rising and beginning to illuminate the base.

Suddenly the office phone rings.

"It's me."

I'm writing to inform you that we have just been informed by the Desdemona garrison that we are under attack.

"What!? I'll be right there, tell the training planes to be vigilant!!"

Fantare puts the telephone receiver in a strong position.

What's the matter?

"It looks like the Desdemona garrison has been attacked."

We need to get to the command room immediately.

Sambor, in the end, the straight cover is more than five times as many as you think. "

The two of them run towards the command room.

She turned around the hallway and ran up the stairs.

When I ran out of breath and entered the command room, there was a scream of rage.

"What are you doing!!"

As Fantare shouted, his men rushed over and began to report.

"Ha!! We have lost contact with the Cicorax, Perdy, Desdemona, and Crescida garrisons."

"No... no way!!" Each base is wired!!

I don't think we're communicating over the radio.

"The radio is already unavailable.

The only thing I heard was that Desdemona was being attacked by a wire. ”

A chill runs down my spine.

I hope it is a malfunction, but there is a report that further reduces the likelihood of a malfunction.

"All 5 anti-aircraft radars are unusable!! I'm going to put three spare units into operation... no, I can't use it!!!"

Fantare peers into the radar watchman's screen.

All eight screens provided for each radar were white.

"Damn it!! Everything has a different frequency!! Sometimes it becomes white at the same time!!

not a malfunction..... "

"It's not a malfunction!! I've already looked it up."

The watchman speaks to Fantale as he says.

"Oh... no!! We're expecting an enemy attack.

All the planes that can go up, go up!!

All personnel battle stationed!!! "

I will instruct you immediately!!


A loud siren rang from the speakers installed at the base.

"Combat manning, this is not a drill.

I repeat, this is not a drill, all personnel combat deployment!!! "

Subordinates communicate Fantale's orders to the entire base.

Each of the Imperial Army of Gra Varcas runs towards its place.

The aeroplane set up at the aerodrome began to run towards the runway for immediate take-off.

Fantale looks out the window.

Friendly planes are taking off from the large base mega-runway in an orderly fashion.

That figure makes me feel overwhelmingly powerful, and I even have the certainty that I can't lose.

"I did what I could." If we lose with such scale, skill, and skill, we can't win. ”

Eight radars became unusable at the same time.

It's an inconceivable technical skill, and perhaps you can't win no matter what you do. As a commander, I had some serious thoughts in my head for a moment.

Three Antares fighters were running simultaneously.

Soon I was about to take off-.

The flash runs.

Subsequently, some kind of shock wave spread radially.


An explosion echoes through my ears, involving an Antares fighter on the takeoff runway.

Each Antares fighter broke its main wing on impact, clearing its interior of fuel, igniting the fuel and creating an epic flame.


Explosive shock waves cracked the windowpane.


Fantare bathed in splashed glass fragments.

"What happened!!"


Someone screams.

However, at the next moment, I am sure that it is not an accident.

Flashes of light flash continuously, and a violent explosion rises near the radar tower disguised as a radar facility within the base and the mountains.

The radar was originally disabled for some reason, but because the radar facility was destroyed, it became completely disabled.

"Wait... enemy attack!!!!"

"Where was it!!"

I can't even see where they're coming from.

Fantare looked across the sky.

"Oh no!!!"

Orderly... a powerful flying friendly plane trembled violently.

A continuous impact runs in the sky.

Forty explosions occurred in the sky, and it was a friendly army that turned into a fire, painted a red flame in the blue sky, and drew a black smoke tail.

The peaceful sky turned into a picture of hell in an instant.

A rain of fire falls from the sky.

"That's... stupid..."

Friendly planes were shot down before we could evade.

The pilot probably went to the afterlife in an instant without noticing the attack.

An overwhelming difference in power.

The Fantare trembled with an undisguised difference in strength.

A massive amount of anti-aircraft fire is launched from the base.

Out of fear of not knowing where to attack, the soldiers fired anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft guns into the dark clouds.

The tracer bomb filled the sky like a rain.

If the Japanese people had seen it, it would have been reminiscent of Iraq firing anti-aircraft guns into the dark clouds in the Gulf War, or it would have looked like an American Pacific fleet firing anti-aircraft guns like rain against the Kamikaze Special Attack Squadron that invaded the aircraft carrier in the Pacific War.

In terms of appearance, I feel impeccable and powerful.


"The first to thirty-three hangars are exploding!!"

"The silence of the anti-aircraft guns on the outer perimeter of the mountainside, followed by... ahhhh!!"

Heavy explosion, reporting interrupted.

In addition to the anti-aircraft guns around the base, the anti-aircraft guns in the base explode in succession and become silent.

A series of violent explosions shook the building.

There were too many consecutive explosions, so I didn't hear any reports from my men.

The radio is not connected, and the wires are too mixed to understand the situation at all.

However, I can only tell from looking around that I was attacked from somewhere and deprived of my ability to fight back.

All anti-aircraft guns had already been silenced, and only the explosion of critical installations had continued.

"The Navy... has no choice but to rely on the Navy!"

The helplessness covered Fantare's entire body.

"The base... this base that has gathered the best of imperial technology... will burn... will burn!!"

Fantare and Rambol were about to see a stunned burning base.

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