Chapter 3000: Procrastination

The Chinese server side will undoubtedly agree to the arrangement of the fireworks being easy to cold, and the Central Asian server will naturally not have any opinions as the target of being dealt with, and the Russian server, the non-service server and other servers do not have much to do with the arrangement of the fireworks being easy to cold. After all, they also know the truth about lip-death and tooth-coldness, especially Russian clothing and court clothing. After all, they border the Central Asian clothing. Even at this time, the [Mobile Fortress] of servers such as India’s server is only separated from their server by the ancient battlefield. In this case, they naturally hope to destroy those [Mobile Fortresses], so they will naturally agree to the tactics of fireworks that are easy to cold.

“Firework beauty, we already know your arrangements. At this time, there is still the biggest problem, that is, can we delay for 30 minutes?” Deep Sea Youlan said solemnly: “If you can’t delay for such a long time, then don’t wait for us. The people who created the [Mobile Fortress] then their [Mobile Fortress] arrived, so our arrangement was in vain, and it is even possible to bury the semi-finished [Mobile Fortress] in Floating Fire City.”

That’s right, it takes nearly 2 hours to create [Mobile Fortress], and it only takes more than 1 hour to drive from Longling City to Floating Fire City at the speed of [Mobile Fortress], which requires Ye Luo and the others to hold the enemy for 30 Minutes or even longer, if they can’t delay for such a long time, they won’t have time to create a [Mobile Fortress].

“Yeah, if it’s just the [Mobile Fortress], it’s not a big problem, but all the super masters of the enemy server have arrived, and they have also mobilized a large number of elite players, so even if we try our best to stop them, we may not be able to stop them. For more than 30 minutes, even if we let space players use [Space Enchantment] to protect the heart of the city.” A dual-professional master of the Central Asia Service said in a deep voice: “The strength of the enemy far exceeds ours, especially theirs. There are more than 10 [Mobile Fortresses]. It is too difficult for us to persist for more than 30 minutes.”

“Yes, even if we perform big moves or use multiple [Group Blessing Scrolls].” A player of the court said: “Even if we can intercept them for 30 minutes, if the consumption and casualties are too great, then it is for us. It’s not worth it at all, because if we consume too much, then even if we create multiple [Mobile Fortresses], we may not be able to stop them in Flowing Fire City. Maybe the [Mobile Fortress] we create will follow Flowing Fire City. Is destroyed, so we lose even more.”

“Next, we will use 3 combination equipment awakening skills and ults. Although using these skills may not prevent the enemy from occupying Longling City, there is no problem with delaying for 10 minutes, and we can even destroy them on the spot. Some [mobile fortresses].” Fireworks said indifferently: “In addition, we can use [Space Enchantment] to protect the heart of the city, so that it can be delayed for another 10 minutes. Then they destroy the heart of the city by using [cross Service*City Heart] It takes at least 5 minutes to integrate with the city heart of Longling City, and it’s not much worse than the 30 minutes you said.”

“If you use the awakening skills of 3 combination equipment, there is no big problem, even if the enemy also displays some awakening skills of combination equipment, because the players under the awakening skills of big moves and combination equipment are almost It is invincible. Even if the enemy’s [Mobile Fortress] cannot be destroyed within 10 minutes, the enemy will not be able to break through Longling City, so it can be delayed for such a long time.” Polar Silver Wolf said, nodding his head as he said, “And According to our agreement, there are as many as 8 or 9 awakening skills of combination equipment owned by our alliance, so just using 3 is not too much, and after using these assassin skills, you don’t need to spend many more [Blessing of the Group Scroll] or something, plus we used some [recruitment orders] from six-wing fallen angels, so there is no problem.”

Hearing that, the people of the major servers nodded. They became more confident after hearing the plan to defend the city, and what they discussed next was naturally to use the awakening skills of those combination equipment, after all, all major servers wanted Keep your own assassin skills-next day servers and other servers are likely to carry out a sneak attack on any of their servers, it is necessary to retain the assassin skills.

“Our Central Asian suit is the target of the main attack. We are naturally the main force in defending the city. We provide a combination of awakening skills for equipment.” The commander of the Central Asian suit immediately stated his stance, and this is justified to them. matter.

“Our Chinese server will also use a combination of equipment awakening skills.” Fireworks Yi said indifferently, while talking about her while looking at the players on other servers, it was self-evident. After a short pause, she continued: “Of course. , If at that time our enemy has also used multiple combination equipment awakening skills, then we can use another one, so it should be foolproof.”

I have to say that the fireworks are easy to be cold and smart. In this way, it is natural to ask other servers to agree to use a combination of equipment awakening skills. After all, you can’t just let the middle server contribute.

Sure enough, after hearing the words that fireworks are easy to get cold, the people of the court clothes immediately said that they would also use a combination of equipment awakening skills. After all, the court clothes had previously avoided occupying a gang site because of the support of the clothes.

In this way, the awakening skills of the three combination equipments have been separated, and other servers will naturally not look at them. They also said that they will use more [Group Blessing Scrolls], and they will also give them more Central Asia served some [recruitment orders] from six-winged fallen angels, and these can also increase the strength of the defender. There is no problem with so much delay for some time.

“At this time, the enemy’s [Mobile Fortress] is still a few minutes away from Longling City. We also need to use this time.” Dongfang Star said, while she looked at everyone: “I propose that we send some elite teams. It’s better to stop the enemy along the way and kill some of them even if you can’t delay for a long time, than to wait here.”

“If you are lucky, our space players will still have the opportunity to cast [Space Enchantment] to trap the enemy’s [Mobile Fortress]. This will not only delay some more time, but also have the opportunity to destroy their [Mobile Fortress]. Bad luck can also destroy some of the toughness of their fortress, which is also good for our next actions.” The Eastern Star added.

In this regard, everyone has no objection. The major servers have sent some masters to stop along the way, and Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and others are naturally in the ranks, and they are also quite smart, specializing in protecting those [mobiles] The players of the Fortress started to kill some people with their powerful attack power and mobility.

Although Ye Luo and their actions did not use the [Space Enchantment] to trap the enemy’s [Mobile Fortress], after all, the enemy was a lot more cautious after suffering many losses, but it was a very good result to be able to kill some of their players. What’s more, Ye Luo’s actions have also been delayed for some time, so they are more confident that they will delay for more than 30 minutes and then make the players in Floating Fire City create [Mobile Fortress].

“Uncle Bacchus, how many [Mobile Fortresses] can our servers create?” June Feixue asked curiously. Without waiting for Bacchus Dukang to speak, she continued: “If the number of [Mobile Fortresses] we create is not There are many, such as less than 5, so it seems that the enemy’s offensive cannot be blocked. At the moment, we need at least 8 [Mobile Fortress].”

“We can create 2 [Mobile Fortresses] in the middle service, 2 in the Russian service and the court service, and 1 in the sand service, Iraq service, Baki service, and Central Asian service. Created 10 [Mobile Fortresses].” Bacchus Dukang got the result after a little calculation, and then he laughed: “10 [Mobile Fortresses]. Although the enemy has 14 [Mobile Fortresses], we have With the advantages of the walls of Flowing Fire City, the use of these advantages has made up for the lack of numbers, let alone us.”

“Tsk tusk, I didn’t expect that our servers could create so many [Mobile Fortresses], only 4 fewer than the enemy, so even if the enemy discovers anomalies next, it doesn’t kill Floating Fire City but changes its direction to other targets. Now, we can mobilize [Mobile Fortress] to chase them, so as to prevent them from occupying other gang sites, and even have a chance to destroy their [Mobile Fortress].” Othello is quite exciting and expecting authentic.

“Well, I didn’t expect our alliance to collect so much material in just one day. This is a bit of a surprise.” Samadhi said, he chuckled, “If the enemy really kills after occupying Longling City, To the city of Flowing Fire, and we can delay for 30 minutes, so we really have the opportunity to destroy the enemy’s [Mobile Fortress] seven or eight, or even destroy them all. This is a big blow to them, and we The remaining [Mobile Fortress] can be transferred to Hongyan City, so that our fortress strength surpasses them even more, and maybe we have the ability to siege the city.”

“That depends on how many [Mobile Fortress] we can leave.” Fireworks Yi said coldly: “Although we can take advantage of the gang’s location, our [Mobile Fortress] may still be destroyed. Many [Mobile Fortresses] will be destroyed in the future.”

Hearing that, everyone was silent, they naturally knew this, thinking that their [Mobile Fortress] might be destroyed next, their expressions became a little dignified.

“It would be great if we could get some demon-level materials.” Suddenly Ouyang Feiri said, thinking of something, his eyes lit up: “Didn’t our people have found some quasi-devil-level bosses? Next in Longling After the city is destroyed, we can spare some time to hunt down those bosses, kill them, and then explode the inner alchemy or skeleton of the Demon God level…”

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