Chapter 0924: Worried About Joining Hands

At this stage, the Dongfang Family and other gangs will no longer take action against gangs such as the Misty Pavilion and the Fine Wine Family, not because of the intervention of the Game Department. The most important thing is that they simply cannot withstand the sneak attack by the three waves and the wind.

Since it was not teaming up to deal with the Misty Pavilion, it was easy to analyze that the East Killing Heaven was plotting the 200-level dungeon, and she could easily analyze the plans of the four gangs.

After all, the Misty Pavilion is only one family. There is a big gap between the number of masters in the gang and the four gangs such as the Eastern Family. There is almost no hope for the first kill of the 50-person Purgatory-level dungeon, and the chances of joining forces with gangs such as the Brewing Family are not too great. Big, and even if you get the first kill reward because the four are evenly divided, the benefits are extremely limited.

It is precisely with this in mind that Fireworks Yi Leng decided to fight for the first kill of 50 difficult dungeons, because the reward for this first kill is second only to the first kill of purgatory-level dungeons. After all, 6 or 2 dungeons only have two simple and difficult dungeons. Difficulty.

Hearing the words that the fireworks are easy to get cold, Bacchus Du Kang muttered: “You girl is too straightforward. The four of us complained to the Dongfang boy that it was only 50%, and you look down on us too much.”

“But this is the case. We have a small chance of successfully competing for it.” Fireworks Yi said coldly: “Furthermore, the 4 plus equal bonus is really not as good as the first kill of 50 difficult dungeons for a family alone.”

“Fireworks girl, you deliberately said it, are you reminding us not to grab 50 people from you for the first kill in a difficult copy?” Although he was asking, his tone was quite certain. He joked: “Don’t you worry about it.” Do I join forces with Du Kang to fight with you?”

“Don’t worry.” Fireworks Yi said coldly.

Fengxing smiled bitterly when the fireworks were easy to get cold, but he wouldn’t be upset with the Misty Pavilion because of these.

Next, everyone continued to kill the dragon scale pythons. With the arrival of Wednesday and others, their efficiency in killing monsters has increased a lot, and the level increase is also very good.

At 12 o’clock the next day, they took part in the 200-level dungeon on time at 12 o’clock in the afternoon. If fireworks are easy to be cold, they predicted that the four elites from the four gangs gathered together to compete for the first 50-person purgatory-level dungeon. Kill, the result was no surprise, they successfully got the reward for the first kill.

Of course, while breaking the waves and riding the wind, they also won the first kill reward of 50 difficult dungeons, and this system prompt made the faces of Dongfang Tiantian and others difficult to look.

According to Eastern Killing Heaven and their expectations, the four of them were sniping the Misty Pavilion, so that they could not get any first kill. Even for these, they were willing to share the first kill rewards with the four, but did not want the Misty Pavilion and did not choose the Purgatory-level dungeon. They chose to reward the difficulty second only to the Purgatory dungeon, which gave them the feeling of a heavy punch in the air.

As the fireworks Yi Leng said, the first kill reward of the 50-person difficult level dungeon is better than the first kill reward of the purgatory level. The benefits they get from the dungeon this time are still better than that of the unreliable pavilion. Feeling upset.

“Damn it, Damn it, wouldn’t the people in the Misty Pavilion choose the most rewarding dungeon difficulty? How come you suddenly choose the difficulty level of 50 people?!” Dongfang Zhantian angrily said: “The benefits we get are still Can’t compare to them!”

“It also means that they guessed our intentions after learning that the four of us met.” Dongfang Star said, her tone was full of helplessness: “It seems that our Dongfang family or other gangs have spies from the ethereal pavilion, and The level is not low, otherwise it is impossible to know such a secret thing.”

Hearing that, Ye Yu Fei Fei, Ouyang Feitian and others’ faces became difficult to look at. After all, no one would be happy to hear that there are insiders in their gang who have mixed into senior positions.

There will be spies from other gangs in every big gang. This is unquestionable and difficult to put an end to. However, most of these spies are mixed in the middle and low levels of the gang, and they can’t find out too secret information at all, so many big gangs reply. Open one eye and close one eye.

However, if the insider is allowed to go to the top, things will be troublesome, and a lot of information will be leaked out, which will give the hostile forces a lot of opportunities.

It was precisely because of this that Ye Yu Fei Fei and others had such ugly faces, and they began to think about how to eliminate high-level insiders in the gang.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind did not know what Dongfang Tiantian was worried about. After getting the first kill of the instance, they returned to Longlin Mountain, and they were not even interested in breaking the record of the first kill of the instance.

“Tsk tusk, I guess the people in Dongfang Qitian must be very depressed. I wanted us to get nothing, but I didn’t expect that we would get better benefits than any of the four of them.” June Feixue smiled.

“It deserves it, who made them want to yin us.” Black and white chess said, she looked gloating.

“Sister Feng, Sister Fireworks, do you think Dongfang Killing will also join forces with the Ouyang Family and other gangs during the gang battle?” Suddenly Zhiyue said, her tone was full of worry: “They should also know that they are single pair. It is difficult to get the first place in the gang battle alone, so we unite and gather superior forces…”

Hearing that, June Feixue and the others looked solemn, because this event is not impossible. If that is the case, it would be much more difficult for them to get the gang first.

“It’s not possible. There is only one gang, and there is only one heart of the city. Together, how should they allocate the heart of the city after they get the heart of the city?” June Feixue said, but her tone was not sure.

Think about it, too, knowing that there is no hope for the first place in the gang war, the Ouyang Family and other gangs might really join forces with the Eastern Family to gather superior forces to deal with the Misty Pavilion.

The Eastern Family has 2 combo skills, the Yeyu Family and the Heroes of the Heavenly War each have one. This is still the current situation. They have far more combo skills than the Misty Pavilion. If the four families join forces, the Misty Pavilion wants to win a gang war. The first place is very difficult.

“Probably not. After all, the gangs such as the Dongfang Family have their own pride and will not join hands to fight for the gang war.” Samadhi poetry said, and then changed his tone: “Furthermore, the gangs such as the Dongfang Family and Ouyang Family have already signed up separately. Will join forces again.”

“Benefits are also difficult to distribute. After all, everyone knows the benefits of getting the first city heart.” Sitting on Qin Xin took over: “In addition to these, there are other rewards, such as gang skills. These can only be attributed to the gang war. A gang, these are quite difficult to distribute.”

“You can retire if you sign up.” June Feixue said: “I feel that the heart of the first city is also well distributed. The Oriental Family is the strongest, so naturally it belongs to them, and then they give some benefits to the Ouyang Family and other gangs. Anyway, the Ouyang Family also knew that they had little chance of winning the first place in the gang war.”

“This is not necessarily true. Everyone is fighting for the first place in one breath.” Black and white said: “Ouyang Feitian returned from Korea with great fanfare this time, in order to become famous. This time the gang fight is a good opportunity, and he also does it. With so much preparation, I won’t just give up like that.”

Without waiting for everyone to answer, she continued: “In addition to Ouyang Feitian, Ye Yufei, Tiandi and others are also ambitious, and they will naturally go first.”

“Regardless of whether they team up or not, we will deal with them with the strongest attitude.” Fireworks Yi said indifferently: “A gang battle is not the same as a dungeon. It is relatively easy to gather 50 super masters to win the first kill, but it takes 20 for a gang battle. Ten thousand people, relying on the overall strength, the overall strength of our Misty Pavilion is stronger than that of the Eastern family. This cannot be made up by gathering the elites, nor can it be made up by two more combined skills.”

“Yes.” Samadhi took the stubborn words: “Nightmare Cavalry is the best cavalry in China’s game industry, especially after equipped with [Dragon Scale Saddle] and beast ring equipment, this is not comparable to gangs such as the Eastern Family. We have the advantage of gang skills, which is not what they can compare.”

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: “After obtaining the [Dragon Scale Saddle], the players of our Misty Pavilion will be greatly improved. These days, we work hard to upgrade, and the level will be a little different from that of the gangs such as the Eastern Family. Will pull it away a bit.”

“Well, that’s also true.” Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, and then changed his tone: “Forget it, we will know soon if they will join forces. After all, only 7 or 8 days will help fight. We are the most important now. The mission is to create the [Dragon Scale Saddle] to enhance our strength as much as possible.”

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and then each became busy.

The time was spent in Daguai upgrade, and soon 7 days passed. At this time, it was only half a day before the gang war officially began.

As the samādhi poem said, the players of Nightmare Cavalry and Misty Pavilion equipped with the [Dragon Scale Saddle] have greatly improved their overall strength, and the leveling efficiency has also increased a lot. After 7 days, the average level of the Misty Pavilion league is once again the same as that of the East. The family and other gangs have opened more than two levels, and there is already a lot of gap between them.

The gang war is about to start. At this time, most of the gangs who want to participate in the gang war have already signed up. The Ouyang Family, the Yeyu Family, and the Heroes of the Sky War are listed separately. Obviously they did not give up the gang war and then joined forces with the Eastern Family, which made the waves ride the wind. He let out a long sigh of relief.

“Hehe, Sister Feng, our people have found out the news. The Dongfang Family has not joined forces with other gangs.” June Feixue laughed, her tone was full of excitement: “In this way, we almost won the first place in the gang battle. There is no problem.”

“Yes, in the past few days, we have distributed more than 100,000 [Dragon Scale Saddles] in the Misty Pavilion. Our overall strength is much stronger than the gangs such as the Eastern Family.” Black and white chess said, her tone was full of excitement: “In addition, The bet between Ouyang Feitian and Ye Luo, the compensation from the Eastern Family and the Ouyang Family should also be in place. Our overall strength will be further strengthened, and we will be more confident of winning the first place in the gang war.”

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