Chapter 0956: A little bit further

From the perspective of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, the monsters in the ancient battlefield can enable them to upgrade as efficiently as possible in the late game. The most important thing is that this is the border between the China server and the South Korean server. The construction of the gang resident here will start the national war. It is convenient, this is the best choice for her militant.

“It’s better to stay away from here.” The fireworks said indifferently, not waiting for the waves and wind to question, she continued: “Although some places here have very good terrain suitable for building gang resident, but here is too close to the ancient battlefield, not too much. The buffer zone, it’s not convenient for us to use our tactics. In this case, we will bear the brunt and we will lose a lot.”

In the future, the national war will start, and Japan can gather the power of the whole country to directly attack the Misty Pavilion after crossing the ancient battlefield.

“The fireworks are right, it’s better to stay away from here.” Ye Luo took the stubbornly: “Although there is a natural barrier of the ancient battlefield, these monsters are not a big threat to the player in the late game, and the enemy can be invisible. Dan or riding a flying mount, if our station is too close to the ancient battlefield, we will have no buffer time in the case of an enemy’s sneak attack, so we can’t effectively gather our forces. It will be difficult to stop them, even though If you can resist it, there will be greater losses.”

“There is a Japanese server in the southeast, and South Korea in the northeast. The construction of a gang resident association near the ancient battlefield is very likely to be attacked by these two countries. It is difficult to resist with the power of one of our gangs.” Fireworks Yi Lu said. Without waiting for Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind to speak, she continued: “In addition, the monster levels near the ancient battlefield are too high. It will take a long time for the people in our gang to be suitable for leveling here. This is not very good for our early development.”

Although building a gang resident requires long-term development, if you don’t consider the present, then the leveling of Misty Pavilion players will also be greatly affected. If you can’t accumulate advantages in the early stages of the game, it will be extremely detrimental to future development.

“Okay, okay, I’ll leave it to you to choose the location of the gang. If I don’t mix it up, can’t it be done?” When the fireworks and easy-to-cold two people objected one after another, they broke the waves and rides the wind.

With a slight smile, Ye Luo didn’t care, and then flew towards her according to the previous arrangement of the fireworks Yi Leng.

“Fireworks, there is an ancient battlefield on your side, and there is a South Korean server in the northeast of the ancient battlefield. Is there a secret path to the South Korean server?” Ye Luo asked expectantly.

If there is a secret path to the South Korean server, Ye Luo and the others can sneak into South Korea to make trouble after the start of the national war, and they will surely turn it upside down. This will not only cause a lot of harm to South Korea, but also make China. The morale war between players can be said to have a lot of benefits.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Luo will pay much attention to this matter.

Hearing that, breaking the waves and riding the wind will no longer be sulking because of the previous events, she is full of anticipation: “Since there is a secret path to the Japanese server, there should be one that leads to South Korea.”

“Yeah, there is.” Fireworks Yi said coldly: “When you found out about the Japanese server, I decided that there would be a similar secret path to South Korea, so I searched for it, and finally found out, this one. The trail is more secretive than yours, and it is difficult for players to find out. You can use this trail to make some articles in the future.”

After being confirmed, Ye Luo was a little excited, while breaking the waves and riding the wind was excited. She smiled and said, “Hey, Korean players have been very arrogant recently. Don’t be too smug when the villain gets his ambitions.”

Because it has always been a hostile relationship, while China inquired about Korean news, the latter also paid close attention to the situation in the Chinese game industry, especially before the opening of the extreme challenge, so they learned the average level and the highest level of China’s players.

Although South Korea is a small place, the Chinese people claim to be the center of the galaxy, thinking that the entire universe belongs to them. They suffered heavy losses in the real war before, but they have been unconvinced. They finally gained some level advantage after entering the game. Naturally, they will not let go of the opportunity to show off, so they have begun to arrogant on some public platforms, and even speak badly.

June Feixue also has some understanding of international news, and naturally knows these things, and the people like Polangchengfeng and others will naturally know. They are very angry with their arrogant attitude, and they have long wanted to find opportunities to teach. They did it, but suffered because they never had a chance.

Although the extreme challenge is an opportunity, after all, the number of participants is too small, and there are many other server interventions. Naturally, it will not be fun for the waves and wind. Now that there is a secret passage to South Korea, you can sneak into it. Bian slaughtered a lot, she was very excited.

Seeing her like this, Ye Luo was amused, and then asked casually: “Sister Feng, when the national war starts, will you go to Korea or Japan?”

“Uh, this…” Po Lang Chengfeng was stunned, and she looked embarrassed: “People in these two countries are quite annoying. Here, that would be great.”

Ignoring Ye Luo’s dumbfounding look, she continued: “It’s really impossible, but you can split up to make these two countries turmoil. We have a lot of elite players in China, but we have the strength to do this.”

“Well, we can hold a celebrity meeting in the future to discuss how to attack these countries.” Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then changed his tone: “But the most important thing is to defend against them from attacking us. In addition to Japan and South Korea, there are others with us. Bordering countries, such as Russia, India, Vietnam and other countries, since there are secret trails leading to Japan and South Korea, there should also be borders in other countries. It is best for our people to find them and focus on defense.”

“But if we talk about the secret trail now, it will inevitably be leaked. After all, many people can’t hide the secret.” She frowned slightly: “If it is leaked to foreign players, she frowned. Well, not to mention that they might sneak attack on us, and at the worst, they will also defend well, so it will be difficult for us to sneak attack on them.”

“This matter is kept secret for the time being. There will be a specific announcement before the start of the national war. At that time, we will tell them to Uncle Bacchus. It will not be too late.” Fireworks Yi said coldly, and she said to herself: “No accident. It will take a long time. At that time, the major gangs should also have their own gang sites, and according to our previous agreement, they will be built on the edge of the border. At that time, we can directly send them to investigate and send them after finding the secret path. People guard, so that even if you don’t attack them, you can prevent them from being attacked.”

Although China’s game power is very powerful, it also has many enemies, and most of these enemies border China. In order to better resist the invasion, China’s major gangs have discussed and divided the defensive areas according to the secondary cities stationed, and will build the gang battle station. Around the border, this can also make it easier to mobilize the army for defense.

“Well, that’s right, after we have the gang resident, we can directly teleport over, which will save a lot of time.” Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, and then thought of something, she laughed: “Because we got the first heart of the city. , Now the people in the major gangs are in a hurry. They have sent most players to take on various tasks, hoping to have a chance to get the heart of the city, presumably these people will not be too late to build the gang resident. ”

Except for the first heart of the city, which is rewarded through gang battles, most of the other heart of cities are obtained by doing tasks. Although the probability is extremely low, there are many people who work together and the chances will be great.

“Fireworks, according to the agreement, we will build the gang resident on the border between Japan and South Korea, so will the Eastern family will do the same.” Suddenly Ye Luo asked, not waiting for the fireworks to be cold, and he continued: “We have taken advantage of the terrain. , Then they have fewer choices. Will they build behind us at that time, so that we can resist important pressure…”

“This shouldn’t be possible.” Po Lang Chengfeng answered first: “Although the person from Dongfang Killing Tian is very annoying, but he also has his own pride, especially during the national war, they will not hide behind others, let alone hide. Behind us, so I feel that they will build the station closer to Japan and South Korea than we are.”

“Yes, this is also one of the reasons why I propose to build the gang station farther.” Fireworks said coldly: “Eastern Killing Sky has a strong personality. He will definitely build the gang station in front of us, but this will also be affected by the Japanese. The two countries of South Korea can take advantage of it. If we are farther away from the ancient battlefield, they will also be relatively far away from the ancient battlefield. There will be more buffer time, which will allow them to gather more strength.”

“Well, this is also true.” Po Lang Chengfeng nodded.

“In addition, they are facing the attacks of Japan and South Korea in the front. We can also mobilize the army to attack when they attract the attention of the enemy. Because we are in the rear, we are more active. Can be reflected.” Fireworks Yiyi added.

After a moment of contemplation, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind nodded: “It’s true, hey, when the Dongfang Family is in danger in the future, we will help them estimate that Dongfang Tiantian’s face will be wonderful by then, and I don’t know if he doesn’t appreciate it. ”

“It doesn’t matter whether we accept it or not. What we have to do is to repel the invading enemy. We are defending the national interest, not protecting them.” Fireworks Yi said coldly.

“In this way, I am more psychologically balanced.” Breaking the waves and riding the wind, and then changed his tone: “Of course, if you can take the initiative to attack, it is best not to be passive, sneak into their country to make trouble, disrupt their deployment, so that they have no time to invade. We and our domestic players can also improve their strength.”

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