Chapter 0971: Unparalleled in the world

The gang resident will be built into a city in the future, and naturally will have its own name. For example, Haoyue City, Luoshui Town and other towns have their own names. When naming them, she did not act arbitrarily. She asked everyone for their opinions.

“I don’t even need to think about it. Naturally, I will name it the same as before.” June Feixue said naturally.

“Yes, all the gang sites we built before are named ‘Essential’.” Othello echoed, she looked at Po Lang Cheng Feng: “Sister Feng, do you have other ideas?”

“It’s not bad to name our gang, but I want to choose a name that is more domineering and more in line with our ideals.” Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, and saw the curious look of everyone, she laughed: “You feel the name is given. How about’Wushuang’?”

“Wushuang?” Samadhi poem was taken aback for a moment, and then her beautiful eyes lit up: “Take the meaning of Tianxia Wushuang, this name is also very domineering, and this is what we have been pursuing, and it is also very good.”

“It’s indeed more domineering than the ethereal city, and it sounds better.” June Feixue and the others nodded, and then they looked at the fireworks and wanted to ask her for advice.

“The name doesn’t matter, you like it.” Fireworks Yi Leng was as indifferent as always: “If the strength is not good, no matter how aggressive the name is, it is useless. If the strength is strong, just picking a name can make it famous because of our strength. The world, so the name is more of what we give it meaning.”

“That’s true.” Po Lang Riding the Wind nodded, and she glanced at the people: “If this is the case, then we are called Wushuang City, the world’s unparalleled Wushuang. In the future, we will also work hard towards this ideal.”

“Good.” Everyone nodded together.

Next, the city hall of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind will name the gang’s resident. Soon everyone’s system map showed the word “Wushuang”, but now it is only Wushuang Village, which is a village-level gang resident.

After naming it, breaking the waves and riding the wind to turn back, she looked at everyone: “I checked the heart of the city before, and it takes 24 hours for the gang to take shape, that is, one day.”

“I have to wait one more day, it’s too much trouble.” June Feixue was quite dissatisfied.

“You girl, waiting one more day means we can prepare one more day. One day is enough for us to explode a lot of recruitment orders, and we can also prepare more materials. After 4 days, we will be more confident in defending monsters.” Samadhi said, as she spoke, she looked around: “One more day of preparation, we will be able to raise the gang’s resident by one level.”

The samādhi is right, the monster siege will not start until 3 days after the gang resident is completely completed, which means that they will have an extra day of preparation time for breaking the waves and riding the wind.

Hearing this, June Feixue nodded: “Well, that’s true.”

“Sister Feng, we discussed earlier that our defensive strength is much stronger than expected. There is no need to ask Uncle Bacchus for their help. We plan to rely on ourselves to defend the city. How about?” Othello asked Polang Rongfeng : “In this way, we can enjoy the experience of siege monsters and various bursts.”

“Hey, I’ve been thinking about this a long time ago. After all, the gang resident is much stronger than I imagined. Not to mention one more city wall, it’s still made of stone, which is much stronger than a fence.” Po Lang Chengfeng laughed. road.

“Moreover, the outer city wall is not a fence, but an earth wall, and its defense is much stronger than the fence.” Midnight Book took over the words: “No accident, we can upgrade the gang resident within 3 days, so the inner city wall will be taller. Sturdy, the outer city wall should be turned into a stone to ride on, making it easier to resist foreign invasion.”

“Sister Feng, assign me the management of the gang’s resident.” Fireworks Yi said coldly: “So I can clearly know what is needed for the gang to upgrade, and I can ask Sister Qin and the others to prepare in advance.”

Needless to say, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind directly gave the position of Deputy City Lord of Fireworks Yi Leng, and the latter also had the right to manage the internal affairs of Wushuang Village.

Of course, because the gang’s resident is only at the village level, the position of the fireworks is only the deputy village chief, but this resident will become a city sooner or later, and it is understandable to become the lord of the city in advance.

Looking at the gang resident operation panel, the firework is easy to cold say: “The various resources required by the resident god level are about 30% more than the official announcement of the game, and the daily maintenance cost is also much higher. It seems that this is The price of the fusion of the twin city walls and the twin city hearts.”

“Hey, although the price is a bit higher, it is worthwhile to make our gang’s resident defense much higher than others.” Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she learned the tone of the midnight book: “We are not bad for money now, in the future. As the gang’s resident level is upgraded, the tax revenue will far exceed the city maintenance cost.”

In this regard, everyone did not doubt, and the firework Yi was cold and continued to investigate.

After a while, Fireworks Yi Leng knew everything about the gang resident. She looked at everyone: “The resources needed to build a gang resident are more than we predicted before, and the resources needed to build a gang resident from a village to a town will also be. More, so we will work harder to collect materials in the next few days.”

“Fireworks, this is okay. Except for the vanguard, I have dropped 100,000 players as you ordered and will be here soon. With so many people helping, the resources needed by the village will not be a problem.” Othello Vowed to say.

Nodded, breaking the waves and riding the wind to look at Qin Xin: “Sister Qin, you can be the deputy city lord first. You can directly dispatch what you need to upgrade resources. In addition, the gang funds will be locked with the gang resident. The resident will be every day. It costs gold coins all the time, and without gold coins, construction will stagnate.”

While the fireworks Yi was cold talking about this, Po Lang Chengfeng could not help but said that she was sitting on the position of Vice City Lord Qinxin. She had to answer the matter at this point, and then nodded: “Okay, I will do it well, you guys work hard. Do the tasks and create as many recruitment orders as possible.”

Since it has been decided not to ask gangs such as the Wine Family to help defend the city, it is important to work hard to improve the gang’s resident defensive strength, and the recruitment order is undoubtedly the most direct and fastest method.

“Leave this to me for scheduling.” Fireworks said coldly, and then she looked around: “Sister Qin, you are now the deputy city lord. You can order the villagers and soldiers in this village to engage in production, mine ore, cut wood, Iron ore, etc., it’s easier than directly killing monsters, just send some soldiers to protect them.”

When the fireworks Yi Leng said these things, she was also familiar with the management of the gang resident. She has always been managing the logistics, and she quickly got used to it. She nodded: “Understand, leave it to me. Mining can be done nearby. I will arrange for them to do it, and I will ask the former village chief to help. After all, he has the highest reputation in the village, and it will be easier for him to come forward.”

“Hey, leave these things to you and we can rest assured.” Breaking the waves and riding the wind said, and then she looked at the fireworks and it was easy to be cold: “Fireworks, let’s go kill the Yanlong warrior now, and send some more people over to let the sunset pass. We fight against monsters, and other people can confidently output boldly, so the efficiency will increase a lot.”

“Sister Feng, Sister Fireworks arranged for me to do it a long time ago. Why do you need to worry about it?” June Feixue laughed.

Next, everyone did not say much, and began to get busy.

Sure enough, after Feixue transferred hundreds of ice cavalry in June, the efficiency of killing monsters increased by more than ten times, and the speed of the recruitment order was much faster. The time on the 3rd and 4th can also burst a lot. At that time, forming four powerful legions will not be a problem at all.

The reason why it is said that there are four legions is that there are four types of soldiers recruited in the recruitment order, namely, the Flame Dragon Knight, the Flame Dragon Archer, the Flame Dragon Mage, and the Flame Dragon Priest. The accusations are different for different arms, and naturally they belong to different types. Of the Corps.

Seeing that the efficiency of killing monsters has improved so much, the people like Breaking Waves and Chengfeng are excited, and they are more sure of successfully defending the monster siege, and they are more looking forward to the monster siege.

While killing the monsters, Bacchus Dukang and Fengxing found them: “Chengfeng girl, firework girl, I heard that you recently mobilized players on a large scale, is there any big action?”

Before breaking the waves and riding the wind, they replied, Bacchus Dukang continued: “Calculating the time, your heart of the city should be full. You should have built a gang resident, right? Where did you build the resident?”

“Hey, you don’t need to ask, we will know when we help resist the monster attack in the future.” Fengxing smiled, and he faintly looked forward to it: “The reward for monster attack is very generous. Just talk about the experience gained from monsters. It’s much faster than killing monsters. After all, so many monsters are gathered together, and the arrow tires, catapults, and various group attack skills are enveloped. That level is not rising.”

“Uncle Fengxing, Uncle Bacchus, this time I am afraid I will disappoint you, because we don’t plan to invite foreign aid.” Breaking the waves and riding the wind road, feeling the consternation of the two Fengxing, she laughed: “Because we have confidence. We can withstand the monster’s siege only by relying on our ethereal pavilion, so there is no need to bother you at all.”

“Chengfeng girl, although your Ethereal Pavilion is very strong, after all, the number of players is small, and monster siege is not that simple. You can’t just ask for foreign aid just because you want to enjoy the benefits of monster siege exclusively.” Du Kangdao, his tone was a lot more solemn.

“Yes, after all, the construction of the gang resident is a major event. If you fail to resist the monsters, it will be difficult to get a second city heart. This will also damage our China’s defensive power.” Feng Xing also persuaded.

“Uncle Bacchus, Uncle Fengxing, we are not the kind of short-sighted people. Since we said that, then we are ninety-nine percent sure of resisting the monster’s siege.” Po Lang Chengfeng said confidently, and she laughed. : “As for why I have such a great deal of confidence, hey, you and the elders will know in the future.”

Perhaps the two of Fengxing were worried about breaking the waves and riding the wind, but they let them down when they thought of the fireworks, and then they wondered why they had so much confidence.

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