
128. Chapter 128 Changes in the structure of the ninja world 128. Chapter 128 Changes in the structure of the ninja world

Chapter 128: Changes in the Situation of the Ninja World:

Hiruzen Sarutobi saw that all the jounin had arrived and began the meeting.

The third generation, Mito Kadeni, Koharu Koharu, and Shimura Danzo, the senior officials of Konoha, sat on the only four chairs, while the Jonin stood in front of them.

“Not long ago, the Iwagakure Village of the Land of Earth declared war on us.” Sarutobi Hiruzen said the reason for the emergency jounin meeting.

“Iwagakure is a ninja village at the same level as us.”

“Is it coveting the rich resources of our Fire Country?” Hiruzen

Sarutobi’s words caused some commotion among the Jonin in the conference room, and they began to discuss aloud. stand up.

After all, Iwagakure is not just a cat or a dog. Even if its overall strength is not as good as that of Konoha, it is still one of the five great ninja villages along with Konoha.

“Hmph, just Iwagakure actually dared to declare war on Konoha. It seems that they have forgotten that the five major ninja villages are also ranked high and low!” Danzo said with a cold snort.

Danzo continued: “The ninjas should be summoned immediately, and then declare war on the Earth Country Iwagakure Village, launch an attack quickly, and let them know that the No. 1 Ninja Village cannot be provoked!”

Of course, Danzo had nothing to say, since a war is about to begin , then spies must be indispensable, and his fundamental restrictions should be relaxed.

However, these words must not be said in the jounin meeting. He and the third generation must discuss it in the office.

“Declaring war on Iwagakure is necessary.” Hiruzen Sarutobi nodded and said.

War has been declared. If war is not declared, if you return to Konoha, you won’t have to hang out in the ninja world.

There are two main sources of money in Konoha, one is the funds given by the daimyo, and the other is the commission money from various noble and wealthy businessmen.

The client is not stupid. They must go to whichever ninja village is strong and trustworthy to issue the request.

If Konoha becomes timid at this time, then there will be much fewer commissioned tasks in Konoha, and correspondingly there will be more commissioned tasks in Iwagakure Village.

“It is inappropriate to summon ninjas to launch an attack. The current situation in the ninja world is unclear. Kumogakure Village had friction with Konoha not long ago. If Iwagakure declares war, I am afraid that there will be some wrong ideas.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen confirmed. Danzo’s idea of declaring war on Iwagakure, but rejected Danzo’s plan to gather troops for an attack.

The Kingdom of Earth is in the northwest of the Kingdom of Fire, and the Kingdom of Thunder is in the northeast of the Kingdom of Fire. If Iwagakure and Kumogakure attack Konoha together, they will be attacked from both sides.

If Konoha directly massed its ninja troops to press towards the Earth Kingdom, it would be very convenient for Kumogakure to block the way home for Konoha troops or directly drive straight into the Land of Fire.

Hearing what Sarutobi Hiruzen said, Mu Yue probably knew what Sarutobi Hiruzen was thinking.

Sarutobi Hiruzen’s meaning is very simple. Iwagakure Village must be attacked, but it must be fought steadily and no accidents can occur.

“Sandaime-sama, I think the first thing to do now is to inform the Kusanagi Village to pay attention to the situation in the Country of Grass. If any Iwagakure ninja enters the Country of Grass, report it immediately.” Nara Shikaku thought for a while and said.

There are two quickest ways for Iwagakure ninjas to enter the Land of Fire. One is to enter the Land of Fire through the Land of Rain, and the other is to pass through the Land of Grass.

It is not impossible to take a long detour from other places, but it is basically impossible in the case of war. The long detour has to go from the Kingdom of Birds to the Kingdom of Wind, then to the Kingdom of Sichuan, and finally to the Kingdom of Fire.

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Not only was the journey long, but it also had to pass through the Kingdom of Wind, one of the five major kingdoms. Sand Hidden Village saw a group of Iwagakure ninjas entering the Kingdom of Wind, and they couldn’t help but think that there was another intruder.

The strength of the Rain Hidden Village in the Country of Rain is much stronger than that of the Grass Ninja Village in the Country of Grass. Nara Shikaku judged that the Iwagakure Ninjas should choose the Country of Grass as a breakthrough.

Another aspect is that the Kingdom of Grass is the younger brother of the Kingdom of Fire, but the Kingdom of Rain is not. Konoha can control the Grass Ninja Village, but cannot control the Rain Hidden Village.

“Then strengthen the strength at the border to prevent the Iwagakure ninja from launching a breakthrough attack on the defense line and avoid fighting on the mainland.” Nara Shikaku continued.


The impact of war is huge, so we must try to avoid the flames of war from burning into the Land of Fire.

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded slightly, Nara Shikaku’s plan was very suitable for him.

However, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not end the meeting immediately, but continued.

After a lot of time and still no better suggestions than Nara Shikaku, Sarutobi Hiruzen ended the jounin meeting. He ordered a few jounin to lead the team to support the border. After that, the meeting was officially dissolved, and the jonins he knew joined together. leave.

“Minato, who is this?” A ninja who looked fatter and had a simple smile on his face came over to chat with Minato, and then spotted Mu Yue.

“This is my friend Hanyu Mugeki, a newly promoted jounin.” Minato introduced with a smile.

“Mu Yue, this is senior Qiu Daotong, a very reliable senior.” Immediately, Minato introduced Qiu Daotong to Mu Yue.

“Haha, it’s true that I’m a few years older than you, but Minato, your reliability is better than mine.” Akimichi Dontou said with a laugh.

He had performed missions with Minato, and Minato’s strength was not that of an ordinary jounin.

“Senior Tangdong.” Mu Yue greeted with a gentle smile.

“Hey.” Qiu Daodong looked at Mu Yue’s gentle smile, and then looked at Minato, who had the same warm smile, blond hair and blue eyes.

“Minato, this friend of yours looks a bit like me. Could it be that he is a relative of yours?” Akimichi Toto asked.

“Minato, look, I’ll just say it’s very similar.” After hearing Akimichi Dontou’s words, Kushina immediately jumped out and said.

She had always felt that the two of them were quite similar, not in appearance, but in spirit.

“No, just simple friends.” Minato smiled helplessly and explained.

With Minato’s assistance, Mu Yue got to know many jounin.

Mu Yue found that Minato seemed to be quite familiar with those secret family ninjas. Akimichi, Inuzuka, Nara, Aburame and other family ninjas all knew some.

Although the overall strength of these secret arts families is not as good as the top ninja clan like Uchiha, they are also the backbone of Konoha, and together they are a very strong force.

After the meeting, Mu Yue quickly rushed to the Southern Forest to check on the disciples’ cultivation progress.

Each of his disciples gave an appraisal.

In the end, it was discovered that except for Obito who had changed from fifteen to sixteen, Shisui and Metkai had not changed yet. Shisui was fifteen and Metkai was still nineteen.

However, it’s hard to say whether Obito’s progress is due to cooking, because based on Metkai’s experience, the ultimate in the previous step can reach nineteen proficiency levels.

This can be easily solved. Let Shisui eat hot food together tomorrow to see if it works.

“Hey, Shisui, it’s a bit spicy, but it still tastes delicious.” Obito comforted Shisui, the smile on his face couldn’t stop.

Today’s card number is 7k, I will have time to make up for it later.

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