
141. Chapter 141 A Heartfelt Gift (4k) 141. Chapter 141 A Heartfelt Gift (4k)

Chapter 141 A Heartfelt Gift (4k)

“Today’s practice is over. It’s already very late. Let’s go back.” Mu Yue said warmly.

By this time it was already seven o’clock in the evening and it was already dark.

“Well, goodbye, Teacher Muyue.” Obito said goodbye to Muyue with an excited look on his face.

“Goodbye, Teacher Muyue.” Zhishui also said goodbye to Muyue.

“Zhisui, I won’t go back with you today. Xiaolin and I have something to do. You can go back alone.” Obito and Zhisui said.

Since he wanted to give Shisui a surprise, he definitely wouldn’t go back together.

“Well, then I’ll go back alone.” Zhisui nodded, his expression not changing much.

After finally saying goodbye to everyone, Shisui walked home alone.

The moon on October 19th was also very round. Under the moonlight, Shisui’s shadow became longer and longer, juxtaposed with the trees nearby, and it seemed that he was not alone.

“Same as usual…” Shisui recalled today’s day and found that it was no different from usual.

If you think about it, is the day you are born really that special and worthy of celebration?

For ninjas, the days of practicing a powerful ninjutsu are more memorable.

After walking out of the southern forest, Shisui gradually entered the main city, and there were gradually more people around him.

Although it is a time of war, the parties involved in the war have not exerted their strength yet. Konoha has not been affected too much. The main city is still prosperous. Although it is night, there are still a large number of people on the streets and various shops. The lights are bright.

“Be obedient and don’t cry. Mommy will buy you toys for your birthday.”

The child who was crying for no apparent reason quickly smiled again after being comforted by his mother.

“Dad, I want to eat that!”

“No, I just finished eating.”

“But I just want to eat.”

“I can only eat one.”

A child saw fried food on the street with an attractive aroma. I couldn’t help but make a request to my parents.

Some parents can’t stand the pleading of their children’s innocent little faces, while others can use various techniques to make their children give up on their own initiative.

“This is too expensive. Our family is too poor to afford it.”

“If you eat this tonight, you will be captured by the legendary Uchiha Madara.”

Hearing this sentence, Shisui felt a little subtle. It turned out that his ancestor was enough Has it stopped a child crying at night?

Curious why so many children wanted to eat it, Shisui bought a croquette and tasted it.

To be honest, when Shisui took the first bite, he just felt it was ordinary. It was completely different from the tempura made by Mu Yue.

With the mentality of not wasting food, Shisui ate them all.

As Shisui gradually approached the Uchiha clan, the environment became deserted again.

When he was almost home, Shisui felt a sense of relief that the day was finally over.

Although he knew that Mu Yue would not help him celebrate his birthday, because Mu Yue had no idea when his birthday was, and he never told Mu Yue.

But he still couldn’t help but feel a sense of expectation in his heart. The mysterious and powerful Teacher Mu Yue knew his birthday even without him telling him.

To be honest, Shisui hated himself for having such thoughts. He thought that if it was Obito, he would directly tell Muyue that my birthday is coming soon with a happy face.

Since you haven’t told the other party, why should you have expectations? Isn’t this expecting something impossible to happen?

“Shisui, you must learn from your grandfather Uchiha Mirror and become a strong-willed and brave ninja who inherits the power of fire.”

Shisui remembered what his uncle had said to him. His thoughts just now were obviously not strong. Although he is currently just a six-year-old child without a father or mother.

“Don’t think too much, build up your strength first, and then practice the breathing method for two hours later.” Zhishui thought in his mind.

In the world of ninjas, strength speaks for itself. No matter how many ideas you have, it’s meaningless without strength.

Shisui skillfully walked to his home, which looked dark from the outside.

After all, there is no one at home, so it would be strange if the lights were turned on.

Although it was pitch dark, it was his own home after all. As soon as he walked in, before turning on the lights, Shisui keenly noticed that something was wrong, that something was extra.

He quietly took out the kunai from his ninja bag, changed his breathing rhythm, and narrowed his eyes slightly to observe the surroundings.

Suddenly, the lights were turned on, and the dazzling white light of the electric lamp brightened the originally dark room.

“Shisui, happy birthday!”

Shisui, who was holding a kunai and preparing to fight, was dumbfounded when he saw the sudden appearance of Mugetsu Obito and his group. The kunai fell to the ground with a bang.

“Shisui, happy birthday.” Mu Yue congratulated warmly.

“Sorry, I originally wanted to give you a surprise, but it seems to be more of a surprise.” Mu Yue showed an apologetic expression.

“Hehe, it turns out that Shisui also has such an expression on you.” Obito looked at Shisui with his eyes widened and his face confused, and chuckled. That means he didn’t have a camera, otherwise he would have to take a souvenir photo.

“Shisui, happy birthday, your youth is constantly advancing.” Metkai celebrated with a thumbs up for Shisui.

Zhisui glanced at his home, looking at the joyful decorations everywhere, feeling indescribable joy in his heart.

How disappointed he was along the way, how happy Shisui is now.

“Teacher Muyue, how did you know that today is my birthday?” Zhishui asked with the corners of his mouth rising uncontrollably.

Although he was very excited, Zhisui was really curious about how Mu Yue knew his birthday. It was impossible for him to ask his uncle.

“I don’t know, Teacher Muyue told us.” Obito replied.

“This is the wisdom of adults.” Mu Yue said with a mysterious face.

He is Shisui’s class teacher. This kind of thing is too simple. Just take a look at Shisui’s information.

At this moment, Shisui had a lot of things he wanted to say to Mu Yue, but when it came to his lips, he didn’t know where to start.

He really didn’t expect that the fantasy he had hidden deep in his heart would actually come true. If he hadn’t met a child celebrating his birthday on the way home, Shisui himself might not have noticed that he still had such a fantasy. .

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Mu Yue really miraculously knew his birthday, and then brought Obito and the others to give him a huge surprise at night.

“I…” Zhishui’s mind was a little confused.

“Thank you, thank you, Teacher Muyue, and everyone.” In the end, the thousands of words in Zhishui’s heart turned into a single thank you.


He was really grateful. Even if Mu Yue didn’t spend so much time decorating the room to surprise him, he would be very satisfied and excited just by saying happy birthday.

Because he had never told Mu Yue about his birthday in the first place, and had not planned to trouble Mu Yue to celebrate his birthday, it could be said that everything was an unexpected surprise.

“Look at the cake. We picked this together. Although it’s not as big as the one we bought together for Teacher Mu Yue, it’s still good.” Obito opened the lid on the cake.

“Shisui, this is my birthday gift to you. We will work together to become a powerful ninja in the future.” Metkai gave Shisui a green tights of the same style.

“Akai, thank you for your gift, I’m very happy.” Shisui thanked him.

He decided to store this piece of clothing and wear it himself, as it would feel strange.

“This is the kunai I won first in the Junior Ninjutsu Competition last time. I’m in a hurry and can’t think of anything to give as a gift, so I’ll give this to you.”

Obito handed the silver kunai he won before to Shisui. , with a trace of reluctance in his eyes.

The time was too short, and he couldn’t think of anything to give as a gift. The only good thing he had on him was the silver kunai that ranked first in the competition.

“Obito, thank you for the gift, but since it is so commemorative, why not change it to an ordinary kunai and keep this one for yourself,” Shisui said.

He was very happy that Obito could take out something he cherished so much as a gift, and having that kind of intention was enough.

“No, how can I get back the gift I gave you? Just accept it, Shisui. I won’t take it back anyway.” Obito resolutely stuffed it into Shisui’s hand.

Seeing that Obito was so determined, Shisui didn’t refuse and accepted Obito’s kindness.

He planned to go there and win first place when the youth ninjutsu competition started, and when Obito had his birthday, he also gave Obito a silver kunai that ranked first.

Nohara Rin’s gift was her handicraft, which seemed a bit rushed due to the time factor, but Shisui also saw her intention and nodded in thanks.

“Thank you all so much.” Shisui took a deep breath and said.

This surprise was really unexpected and he was so happy.

“Zhisui, you haven’t even seen my gift yet, so don’t be in a hurry to thank me.” Mu Yue said with a smile.

Mu Yue handed a rectangular gift box to Zhi Shui and said, “Open it now. I hope you like it.”

Zhi Shui nodded and opened the gift without hesitation as Mu Yue said. He was very curious about Mu Yue. What gift will Yue give him?

After opening it, Shisui didn’t know what to call this gift for a while.

If you say it is a kunai, it is much longer than an ordinary kunai. An ordinary kunai is usually eighteen or twenty centimeters. Shisui’s gift from Mugetsu must be thirty centimeters, and it is not long enough if it is a knife. , it’s okay to call the short blade directly.

In addition, the appearance of the short blade is relatively ordinary, and it is not as refined as Obito’s silver kunai.

Suddenly Zhisui noticed Muyue’s hands.

At this time, Mu Yue’s hands were not wrapped with bandages. There were many scars on her originally fair and slender hands, and it looked like she had gone through a lot of hardships.

Looking at Mu Yue’s injured hands, and then thinking back to Mu Yue’s previous statement that he was learning to make ninja tools, and then looking at the unrefined short blade in his hand, Shisui understood everything instantly.

Muyue’s learning to forge ninja tools was not at all the need of a strong person like he thought, let alone Obito’s nonsensical ninja tool shop, but to make a ninja tool for him.

At this moment, the originally inconspicuous short blade instantly became the best ninja tool in the ninja world in Shisui’s eyes, defeating the first silver kunai in the youth ninjutsu competition by a hundred streets.

Really, Zhisui didn’t expect Muyue to be able to do this for him.

Even when his uncle celebrated his birthday, he would at most buy something as a gift, instead of learning how to forge ninja tools and make one himself.

You must know that Mu Yue is very busy, and her teaching time alone is as much as their practice time.

“Haha, even though this short blade doesn’t look good, it’s actually quite practical. When forging it, I asked the boss to mix in a little bit of chakra metal. The performance of conducting chakra will be better than ordinary weapons.” Mu Yue smiled. said.

It’s not that only chakra metal weapons can conduct chakra, it’s just that chakra metal has better conductivity, and weapons made of pure chakra metal have the effect of extending the edge.

Mu Yue wanted to use more chakra metal to make weapons. On the one hand, there were not that many ninja shops due to the sudden demand, and he couldn’t afford the price.

“But forging materials are really expensive. The materials alone cost hundreds of thousands of taels. There won’t be too expensive ingredients for your lunch and dinner.” Mu Yue said in a joking tone.

“Hundreds of thousands of taels!” Metkai looked at the short blade in Shisui’s hand in shock. He didn’t expect that this humble-looking thing would cost so much.

“No, I think this weapon looks very good. I like it very much. I like it very much.” Zhisui held the short blade in his hands and looked at it carefully. He found that the words “Zhi Shui” were engraved on both sides of the short blade.

At this time, Zhishui was really grateful beyond measure, and he felt a little bit unworthy of Mu Yue to do this.

Had he and Mu Yue known each other for a long time? In fact, it wasn’t long, not even a year.

He is not Mu Yue’s only disciple, just the first.

However, Mu Yue actually gave him such a big surprise without telling Mu Yue his birthday.

Mu Yue had to learn to forge ninja tools in order to prepare a gift for him during her busy schedule, and she even hurt her hand by doing it too hastily.

Whether it is the details of the ninja tool or the materials added to the ninja tool, Shisui can feel Muyue’s importance and affection for him.

At this moment, he somewhat understood the children who were begging their parents to buy snacks and toys.

In Mu Yue, Shisui experienced a feeling he had never experienced before.

What kind of feeling is that? It takes the initiative to answer your questions when you encounter difficulties, thinks about you at all times, and can give you your most anticipated expectations when you are disappointed… There is

a little mist in Shisui’s eyes. , this is an existence that rarely appears in him, because he is Uchiha Shisui who is strong and brave and wants to inherit the will of fire.

He put the short blade close to his body, looked at Mu Yue’s injured hands, and said:

“Teacher Mu Yue, thank you for your hard work. You have done so much for me, I…”

Zhishui said that he no longer knew what to say. , faced with such attention from Mu Yue, what can he come up with?

At this time, Mu Yue’s hand covered Zhi Shui’s head, showing a warm smile and saying:

“Zhishui, you have to understand that I am your teacher and you are my disciple. This is enough.”

Mu Yue heard that With these words, Zhisui could no longer control himself. He hugged Mu Yue and shed tears of joy.

“Teacher Muyue, I will definitely respond to your expectations.” Zhisui’s emotions completely exploded.

The three disciples watching from the side were also very touched.

“What kind of birthday gift will Teacher Muyue give me then?” Obito couldn’t help but think.

“Teacher Muyue is really a good teacher.” Nohara Lin thought in her heart.

“What a scene of youth.” Metkai thought with a thumbs up.

Seeing the message that popped up from the system, Mu Yue’s smile became even warmer.

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