
178. Chapter 178 Friendship between men 178. Chapter 178 Friendship between men

Chapter 178 Friendship between Men

“I haven’t seen Obito for a while, and I don’t know how he is doing.” Nohara Rin showed a worried expression on her way home after training.

Ninja schools have never concealed the cruelty of the ninja world, and the dangers of going on missions or even going to the battlefield are clearly stated in the school.

But listening to the teacher talk about various sacrifices, dying in battle and having someone around you die in battle are two different things. Ever since she learned that Kakashi’s teammates died in the mission, Nohara Rin completely knew the cruelty of ninjas.

And Obito has a character that easily gets carried away. Nohara Rin is really worried that Obito will be injured during the mission because of this character.

“Obito, Kakashi, Akai, why are you together?” Nohara Lin suddenly saw several familiar figures.

“Woooooo.” Hearing Nohara Rin’s voice, Obito raised his head in surprise, but thinking of the bet, he could only make gestures and make sounds that normal people could not understand.

Even Nohara Rin, who knew Obito very well, was a little confused when she saw Obito’s behavior as if he was possessed by an evil spirit. She didn’t know what happened for a while.

“Kakashi, what’s wrong with Obito?” Nohara Lin had no choice but to look at the reliable Kakashi.

But Kakashi didn’t answer Nohara Rin, he just looked at Nohara Rin.

Nohara Lin looked at Kakashi who said nothing and felt even more strange. Could it be that Obito’s unreliability could be contagious to others.

Metkai’s next words answered Nohara Rin’s doubts.

“Haha, because they all lost to me in the running game, they can’t talk today.” Metkay gave himself a thumbs up and laughed.

Running a hundred laps requires a lot of endurance, not to mention that they had to come back in a hurry, so they were already quite tired, so in the end, it was Metkai who had stronger endurance and perseverance who finished first.

Nohara Lin didn’t know what to say. The punishment was that she couldn’t speak for a day. Are they kids who didn’t go to school? They were playing this kind of punishment game.

“Didn’t you become a trainee ninja? Aren’t you going to perform a mission? Why are you competing with Kakashi?” Nohara Lin’s big eyes were full of doubts.

“Yes, we just returned from the mission.” Metkai nodded and replied.

“Hmm…” Obito was so impatient. He really wanted to share with Nohara Rin the heroic performance of himself and Teacher Muzuki in the battle and Kakashi’s burdensome moments.

“Damn Kakashi, you actually targeted me!” Obito roared in his heart.

When Metkai challenged Kakashi and refused directly, he casually said that Kakashi would directly agree, which was a naked attack.

“Could it be that he had anticipated this situation and was worried that I would tell Xiaolin about his poor performance?” Obito’s mind turned and he suddenly thought.

“Despicable Kakashi, look at me exposing your affairs tomorrow!” Obito was ready to slander Kakashi tomorrow.

“It turns out that you and Kakashi still have a really good relationship. As soon as we come back, we will compete with him.” Nohara Lin said with a smile with a look of realization.

“No, because this guy is our teammate.” Obito looked at Nohara Lin’s smile and felt bad, and wanted to explain.

Obito could only hope that Metkay would explain, but Metkay’s next words almost made him stagger and almost fall.

“Of course, youth and friendship are the best match!” Metkai replied with a bright smile.

“The relationship between boys is so good.” Nohara Lin sighed.

At this moment, Obito hated himself for not knowing sign language, otherwise he would have told Nohara Rin everything through sign language at a speed that exceeded the seal.

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“By the way, no one was injured during your mission, right?” Nohara Lin asked with concern.

“That’s not true. Although the enemy is very strong, Teacher Muyue protected the three of us very well.” Metkai answered honestly.

“The three of us?” Nohara Lin suddenly discovered a question.


She asked with some uncertainty: “Besides Kai and Obito, who is the other teammate in your team?”

Obito breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Nohara Rin was quick in thinking, otherwise he would have misunderstood.

“Kakashi.” Metkai scratched his head and replied.

“Isn’t Kakashi already a chuunin? Why did he enter the class of trainee ninjas?” After being confirmed, Nohara Lin became even more confused.

Kakashi: …

Kakashi, who can’t speak now, can’t answer Nohara Rin’s question, but even if he can speak, Kakashi can’t answer. He was very confused after knowing that this was an intern class.

“This is the bond between me and my best friend!” Metkai said with passion.

“Although I don’t understand much, it’s great that everyone is together.” Nohara Lin said with a gentle smile.

Although the process was beyond her expectations, the result was still good. Although she was gone, Kakashi was still with Obito, and she believed that Kakashi would take good care of Obito.

“It’s not good at all.” Obito complained about Kakashi in his heart, and even blamed Kakashi for Nohara Lin’s failure to practice. Without Kakashi, it might have been him, Metkai and Nohara Lin. A group.

“Goodbye, I’m going home. You all seem quite tired, so go home and rest early.” Nohara Lin waved her hand and said goodbye with a smile.

Obito raised his hand, but finally put it down. If he lost, he would admit it. Today he would remain silent.

The next day, Mu Yue gathered her disciples at Training Ground No. 26.

Muyue’s set gathering time is eight in the morning, Kakashi and Metkai both arrived around 7:50, while Obito arrived at 8:10.

“Late again.” Kakashi said coldly.

“That’s because…” Obito wanted to explain unconvinced, but was interrupted by Mu Yue.

“Before we start training, let’s hold a summary meeting to summarize the battle of the last mission.” Mu Yue said.

“Kakashi was too aggressive and was controlled for more than ten minutes!” Obito quickly summarized for Kakashi.

“Obito, you don’t know how to fight at all. If I hadn’t reminded you, you would have fallen into the enemy’s trap.” Kakashi counterattacked quickly.

Snapped! Snapped!

Two crisp knocking sounds sounded, and Obito and Kakashi each covered their heads.

“I’m asking you to sum up yourselves, not for others.” Mu Yue put down her hand and smiled.

“It’s so fast, it’s impossible to dodge.” Kakashi couldn’t help but think after being knocked for the first time.

With Mu Yue’s strong suppression, Obito and Kakashi stopped slandering each other and thought carefully about their shortcomings.

“My strength and explosive power are not enough yet. I need more training to master the Eight Gate Dunjia as soon as possible.” Metkai was the first to speak.

The things that Metkai practiced were not as complicated as Kakashi and Obito. He only practiced physical skills, with the core being breathing techniques and eight-door armor.

There will be more later

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