Ninth Grade Jailer: He actually went on a blind date with the leader of the Demon Cult at the beginn

Chapter 393: Li Nuo is talking nonsense. The great wizard may be from the same origin.

Chapter 393: Li Nuo is talking nonsense. The great wizard may be from the same origin!

What's the name of Emma's child? How old is it?

Yan Tieye asked, staring closely into Li Nuo's eyes.

His name is Zhang Jianshen. He is twenty-two years old and currently serves in the Hanlin Academy.

So, what is your intention in coming here today? Could it be that you want to use the life of Emma's child to manipulate me? This general will not accept this.

Yan Tieye immediately turned his back on his guests.

To be able to sit in the position of commander is not a fool.

Li Nuo replied: General Yan, as the commander of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, is loyal to the prairie. Who in the world knows this?

You Central Plains people really like to beat around the bush. If you have anything to say, please say it directly.

After Yan Tieye thought for a moment, he understood the implication of what the person in front of him was saying.

This is sowing discord!

The lord of the grassland is the Khan Ashina Tiemu elected by the seven major tribal alliances, not the barbarian marshal Akele Tiemu.

Li Nuo said: The Khan is young and the prince is in power, and there will be disaster in the grassland.

shut up!

Yan Tieye's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Li Nuo was naturally not afraid. He continued: The Central Plains Dynasty is a farming inheritance, which is completely different from the grassland grazing habits. It is inappropriate for the grassland people to occupy the Central Plains.

Yan Tieye half-squinted his eyes: As expected of a scholar, you are so eloquent. Are you a lobbyist sent by Emperor Dayin? He was so frightened that he moved the capital, so why do you have to sacrifice your life for Dayin?

No. I just can't bear to see the world being shrouded in gunpowder smoke. Having said this, I would like to ask the general to think deeply.

Li Nuo threw a letter to Yan Tieye, By the way, this is the letter your nephew asked me to bring to you.

Yan Tieye took it but did not open it.

Li Nuo waved his hand as he turned to leave: Xiao Bai will stay with the general. If the general changes his mind, let Xiao Bai take the lead. If the general is determined to carry out the killing to the end, then the general will deal with Xiao Bai on his own. .”


The eyes as big as beans were filled with grievances.

Of course, this is just Li Nuo's strategy of retreating in order to advance.

How could General Yan Tieye kill a little kid?

Xiaobai: You are the rat, and your whole family is the rat!

He is a treasure-hunting rat. Although he also has the word rat, this rat is not that rat!

Kangaroo is not a rat, panda is not a cat!


Looking at Li Nuo's disappearing back, Yan Tieye let go of the handle of the knife.

Not taking action with Li Nuo on the spot meant that his heart had been shaken.

On the grassland, it was right to be respected by strength, but deep down in his heart, he still felt that the little Khan was the master of the grassland.

This is why he was deeply influenced by Emma.

In the past, Emma would often tell him stories about the Central Plains dynasty, etiquette, honor and inferiority, cultural customs, etc.

Subtly, he also recognized the inherited culture of the Central Plains dynasty.

He sighed, withdrew his eyes, and silently returned to the camp.

He knew that this human race was clearly here to sow discord, but he said it openly and openly, which also directly touched his heart.

Where should he go?

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night for him...

As soon as Li Nuo returned to his hiding place, Qingyang couldn't wait to ask: How is it?

It's done.

Li Nuo had a smile on his face.

He agreed?

That's not true.

Then why are you so sure?

Yan Tieye didn't take action against me on the spot, which means he has doubts. So next, Emma's heroic spirit will appear in his mind from time to time. As long as he is given enough time, he will fall to our side.

Li Nuo is very confident.

He is still very confident in controlling people's hearts.

Zhang Jianshen looked at the two men playing riddles in confusion and asked: Um...what are you talking about? Why did Commander Tiger and Leopard Cavalry turn to our side?

Because of you, you are our trump card.

Li Nuo joked.

Zhang Jianshen said with an unhappy expression: Li Zian, please remember that we are a team, and I don't want you to hide anything from me!

Li Nuo sighed: I'm afraid if I tell you, you will lose control.

Hmph! I am a dignified Confucian student with a firm heart. You must be looking down on me too much!

Zhang Jianshen said dissatisfied.

Qingyang nodded and said: Zian, I also feel that this matter can no longer be hidden from Zhang Hanlin. It is unfair to him.

Zhang Jianshen raised his eyebrows and said with pride, Did you hear that? His Highness has spoken.

Okay, I said okay. Didn't I ask you to write a letter just now? The contents of the letter are all true.

Haha, what a big joke. How could it be true? How could a member of my dignified Zhang clan recognize a prairie barbarian as my uncle?

Zhang Jianshen wanted to laugh.

However, seeing that Li Nuo and the princess looked serious and didn't look like they were joking at all, his expression instantly froze.

He panicked.

Is it true?

Although he knew that his mother's status was very low and she was originally just a maid, he couldn't believe it if she said she was from the prairie!

Your Highness... is what Li Zian said true?

Zhang Jianshen's face turned pale, and the corners of his lips trembled slightly.

Qingyang sighed: Actually, your mother is from the grasslands, a girl from the 'Zhenyan' tribe. She loved the Central Plains culture since she was a child, so she took the 'Yan' character in the word 'Zhenyan' as her surname, and called her Yan Ai Ma, was abducted from the grassland to Chang'an by a caravan twenty-five years ago, and later worked as a maid in the Zhang Mansion... Her biological brother is the current commander of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, Zhenyan Tieye.

No, this is not true, I don't believe it! How can I still have barbarian blood in my body...

Zhang Jianshen looked distracted and muttered to himself.

How is this acceptable?

The view of cognition collapsed instantly...

Li Nuo sighed.

The reality is so cruel, I will show you the bloody wounds.

This blow was so severe!

But as long as Zhang Jianshen can come out, the future is limitless.

Li Nuo patted his shoulder and comforted him: In fact, the barbarians and the human race are from the same clan...


Zhang Jianshen raised his head blankly. He had been educated by Confucianism since he was a child. In his understanding, the northern barbarians were barbarians who drank hair and drank blood. They could even inherit their own little wives to their brothers and sons. Being so uneducated, barbarians How can you be worthy of being a human if you haven't transformed yet? How different are they from the beasts! They are Twolegs!

Princess Qingyang also had eyes wide open and was slightly curious.

The barbarians and the Central Plains are naturally at odds with each other. Before the great writer moved to Liangbi Mountain, the fighting was extremely fierce. In the Great Zhou Dynasty alone, millions of unarmed people were killed by the barbarian cavalry. How could these be from the same ancestry and origin? Woolen cloth?

Li Zian, are you lying deliberately to comfort Zhang Jianshen?

Qingyang glanced at the phoenix eyes, wanting to see how Li Zian could fulfill this lie!

The reason why Li Nuo said this is because he also learned about that mythical history.

Emperor Xuanyuan of the human race fought against Chi You of the Jiuli tribe.

This period of history is very similar to that of his previous life during the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors period.

He coughed and explained: Otherwise, how could your mother and father give birth to you?


Zhang Jianshen:...

Li Nuo said seriously: Hey, let me give you some popular science. With your example, it is enough to show one thing. There is no life value/isolation between barbarians and humans. Well, do you know what life value/isolation is? That's it. , ahem...

Li Nuo suddenly ran out of words.

Biology is a profound knowledge, but it seems that it cannot be popularized yet...


Demons and humans, it seems, can be...

Focus on the demon monk Qingque and King Yan!

Qingyang rolled his eyes, Li Zian started talking nonsense again. I wonder if the Confucian saints and heroes will expel this evildoer from the Confucian sect if they know about it!

Li Nuo said: In short, to see where a person is from, you have to look at his language, habits, and culture. You, Zhang Jianshen, are an authentic Central Plains person.

Under Li Nuo's slapstick, Zhang Jianshen gradually accepted this reality.

He smiled bitterly and said: No need to say it, I understand. What should we do next? Wait for my uncle, who I have never met, to make a decision? Isn't this putting all the bets on him?

Li Nuo nodded: The only solution for now is to wait. But...

If you have something to say, just say it and don't keep it secret.

Qingyang glared angrily.

Li Nuo confidently said: Yan Tieye may trust Akele*Tiemu, but Akele may not trust Yan Tiemu.

Princess Qingyang is not a novice who doesn't know anything. She also knows something about the barbarians. She frowned slightly and said doubtfully: The barbarian commander handed over the tiger and leopard cavalry to Commander Yan Tieye, and also cited him as Would the Guards distrust him?

Li Nuo curled his lips and said disdainfully: It's just for others to see. I just went to see Yan Tieye's 20,000 tigers and leopards riding three miles south of the Dajin tent. This shows that the barbarian commander is still a little wary of him.

Zhang Jianshen suddenly realized: Yes, according to our Central Plains warfare method, the general's bodyguards must surround the general's camp. It seems that the barbarian general is really guarding against my uncle.

Haha, you are so receptive, you even call me 'uncle'...

Li Nuo smiled.

But it's not that easy to sow discord. We can't get close to the barbarian commander.

The princess calmly pointed out the key points.

We can't, but someone can.


The Great Barbarian Shaman, this man is said to be the man closest to the gods.

Li Nuo sighed.

This great wizard was his breakthrough.

Qingyang questioned: The great wizard is unpredictable. Are you sure he went south with the army?


and you……

Think about it... Li Nuo analyzed, If the Great Wu Sa had not gone south, it would not have been so easy for the barbarians to crack the [Military Sandbox]. We will stand firm and wait for reinforcements until King Qin's army comes. You, the barbarians, can only hold on with hatred. Return.

After a pause, a glint flashed in Li Nuo's eyes: If he comes, then... I have a way to convince him.

The homework has been done enough.

This great barbarian wizard is a very interesting person...

Then just wait. I just hope that things don't get messed up in Chang'an.

Zhang Jianshen interrupted.

Du Yan still has two brushes. His Highness Qingyang should understand this.

At the Phoenix Banquet, these two people had a sandbox deduction battle, but they were their opponents.

Li Nuo glanced at Qingyang and then at Jinyang, who was still frowning in his sleep, feeling a little distressed.

Predict defeat before you predict victory.

Jinyang was the retreat arranged by him.

He reached out and touched Jinyang's little face, while his eyes stayed on her neck - [Bing Xinyu] was close to her chest.

This [Bing Xin Jade] contains Ji Xiyao's second-grade sword intention.

This is his retreat!

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