Ninth Grade Jailer: He actually went on a blind date with the leader of the Demon Cult at the beginn

Chapter 489 I guarantee with my head that there is Duke Wu'an in the south of the Yangtze R

Cui Wuhui, who has long been trained to remain calm even when Taishan collapses in front of him, was aware of Wang Ziyan's little trick, but he did not say anything to expose it. The look of surprise in his eyes also turned for a moment, and then he continued. Observe the upward development of events.

In fact, if the courtiers of the Imperial College faction really brought down Li Zian, it would be a good thing for him...

Although old things are no longer brought up again and the past is gone with the smoke, there is indeed no way to mend the rift between him and Li Zian.

This gap will always exist.

Do you want him to apologize to a junior, admit his mistake, and then marry his granddaughter?

Then who has he become?

Does he still want his face?

Naturally, the ministers in the court would not know what Cui Wuhui was thinking.

Of course, it would be best if Cui Xiang doesn't end up.

Du Yan glanced at Wang Ziyan with disdain and said, Anyone can say big words, but where is the evidence? Sir Wang, if you want to impeach a duke, if there is no real evidence, wouldn't it be a joke? It will make the duke even colder. Heart!

As soon as this statement came out.

The generals lowered their heads and whispered.

As military generals, they have always been looked down upon by civilian officials.

Fortunately, most of them have been awarded the title of Lord, so that they can stand upright in front of civil servants.

And Du Yan's words also hit their hearts!


If you impeach a noble lord without any real evidence, what will happen?

If you can shamelessly impeach Duke Wu An for treason today, will you be able to catch these princes and fight them to death tomorrow?

In fact, speaking of it, Li Zian is also an alternative.

Obviously, his literary cultivation has reached the fourth level of true artistic conception, and he even wrote many war poems one after another, but in the hearts of the generals, Li Zian is not on the side of the civil servants, but more like one of their own!

Especially Uncle Zhennan, who had fought side by side with Li Nuo. He had witnessed with his own eyes that Li Nuo had grown from a small jailer to the famous Duke Wu'an in just one year!

The friendship between the two has not changed, but now that Li Nuo has been granted the title of hereditary duke, Zhennan Bo also deeply feels the gap. In addition, Li Nuo was also a busy person, so there was not much movement between them.

This is also the helplessness among adults.

Hahaha, Mr. Du's words are wrong. The Duke of Guo is very meticulous and all contacts are through the Princess of Nanguo. And I don't have clairvoyance or ears. This evidence is really hard to find. But...

Wang Ziyan's momentum was naturally not lost to Du Yan's. He laughed loudly and said quarrelsomely, However, the rebellion is related to the country and the country. It is better to believe it or not. It must be guarded against! Your Majesty only needs to send If someone goes to investigate, they will definitely be able to get to the bottom of it. I firmly believe that Mr. Wu An doesn’t want to suffer unjust injustice, right? With his strength, he will definitely agree.

Master Wang, you have a really good idea. Do you want to be the chief judge of the imperial envoy?

Du Yan said coldly.

Wang Ziyan shook his head.

They are all old foxes. Of course he will not be fooled easily. He smiled and said: No, no. Everyone knows that I came from the Imperial College, and my brother Wang Ziyun had an unpleasant experience with Mr. Li. Naturally, I want to avoid suspicion. . The selection of the imperial envoy will naturally be recommended by the cabinet through discussion, and the final decision will be made by His Majesty!

Su Fuyin was afraid that he would not get any benefits, so he immediately stepped forward and echoed: Your Majesty, I second the proposal!

Your Majesty, I also second the proposal!

I second the proposal!

I second the proposal!

Immediately afterwards, about one-third of the civil servants in the hall came out in unison.

Wang Ziyan couldn't help feeling proud.

There is a queen inside who dominates the six palaces, and a brother Yu Jiannan Dao outside who echoes her from a distance. As the official minister, he has a vague attitude of a talker in the Imperial College.


All officials from the Imperial College stood up to support him.


Li Zian, Li Zian, can you survive this moment?

Although he seemed to be trying to force the emperor into a palace by doing this, it was necessary to take this risk.

Because the emperor already has suspicions in his heart, and now there are so many people agreeing with him, the emperor will definitely agree.

As for the candidates for the imperial envoy sent to investigate the case...

It would definitely not be Lushan and their Imperial College faction.

Otherwise it would be unfair.

Your Majesty will definitely not be a big Yin.

Therefore, this candidate must be a neutral!

And the neutral faction...


This must be chosen at the court.

Then they can get the moon first by being near the water or the tower.

Before the imperial envoy went south, he firmly believed that as long as he had enough chips, he would be able to persuade the imperial envoy!

Although Jiangnan is not the headquarters of their Wang family, the Wang family's power in Jiangnan cannot be underestimated.

He is well versed in framing people.

Your Majesty! Duke Wu An went south for the sake of the country and the country. As the rear area, how can we hold back Duke Wu An? This must not be done!

Yes, Your Majesty, if you send an imperial envoy to investigate, what will Duke Wu An think? I am running for the court, but you send people to investigate me? In this case, Duke Wu An will definitely be disheartened. What else can he think about to calm down? Southern Xinjiang?”

Your Majesty, a minor official impeached Wang Ziyan, formed a clique for personal gain, avenged private enmity, framed and framed the prince, and wanted to murder the prince and grand master!

For a time, officials from the Lushan faction also stood up to defend Li Zian.


The ministers of the two major factions were quarreling with each other.

If he hadn't shown some concern for the Taiqing Palace, he would have been filled with quarrels and quarrels.

As for the generals, although they also wanted to say something nice for Li Zian, they became frightened when they saw the spit flying in the hall.


Debating is not their specialty.

It's better to shut up and avoid causing trouble.

Du Yan, you are also from the Imperial Academy, why do you have to collude with Li Zianhang?

Wang Ziyan, who returned to the team, looked directly at Du Yan and asked in a low voice.

He couldn't understand.

This Lao Du was obviously from their side, and he had a deep feud with Jian Yuyan from Lushan. The grievances had been involved for forty years, but why did he change his family in just one year?

Li Zian, what kind of magic did he use to bewitch Du Yan?

Du Yan was concise and to the point, directly quoting the words of the sage: If we have different paths, we don't want to work together!


Not enough words to speculate.

Wang Ziyan didn't bother to pay attention to him.

What does it mean that Tao is not the same?

His way is the right way, what is wrong with it?

Since he has to choose to become an enemy, he will no longer show mercy.

Emperor Jingtai ignored the quarreling ministers under the jade steps and cast his eyes on Cui Wuhui.

He was the emperor, so naturally he couldn't reveal his thoughts directly, so he said: Cui Aiqing, you are the prime minister, what do you think?

In fact, Emperor Jingtai also became a little wary.

Li Zian's power is indeed too great.

Of course, this is what he gave to others.

But Li Zian didn't seem to be grateful to him, and he didn't share the same heart with him!

On the surface, the monarch and his ministers appear to be in harmony, but in fact, they are already strangers.

Although Emperor Jingtai possessed part of the memory of King Qin after he seized the body of King Qin.

But as time went on, his fusion with the body of King Qin became more and more perfect.

As a result, the influence of King Qin on him became weaker and weaker. Now, he has almost completely gotten rid of the interference caused by King Qin.

Cui Wuhui saw that the emperor called his name, so naturally he could no longer sit back and watch the fight between tigers and tigers.

He walked out of the queue.

When everyone saw Cui Xiang making a move, they immediately stopped arguing and looked at Cui Xiang.

It can be said.

Now the two sides are evenly matched.

Then Cui Wugui's opinion is very important.

Which side Cui Wuhui stands on, then the balance of victory will tilt to which side.

Then Cui Wuhui said, neither sad nor happy, Your Majesty will decide everything.

The ministers curled their lips:...

I really can't see through this Prime Minister Cui anymore.

He was so powerful before, and he made all the decisions in the court, big and small.

But since Taishan returned, he seemed to be a different person.

Except for the initial national policy of pacifying southern Xinjiang, everything else has become indifferent.

Every time he went to court, he didn't express any opinions.

At every cabinet meeting, he remained silent.

Do I really want you to come up with an idea?

Emperor Jingtai narrowed his eyes.

As the chief minister of the cabinet, you still want to stay out of it?


Cui Wuhui naturally felt Emperor Jingtai's displeasure.

He sighed inwardly.

It seems that His Majesty wants him to take sides.

But at this moment, there was a sudden commotion outside the hall.

The commander of Ouchi's guards hurried in.

The sound of riding boots stepping on the ground was very harsh.

All the officials in the main hall looked at the commander of the guards.

The Palace of Taiqing cannot tolerate the impudence of the little guards!

And if the guard commander dared to break in like this, something big must have happened!

Could it be...

Did Li Zian really launch a rebellion in Jiangnan?

Everyone was suddenly startled, breathing rapidly, and their hearts were high.


The guard commander knelt on his knees, looking panicked.

No courtesy, military information is important, please tell me quickly.

Emperor Jingtai was also a little surprised.

He had never seen such a panicked look in the eyes of the guard commander.

Could it be that something big happened?

Shaoyang Pass fell?

Or is Li Zian really rebelling?

He couldn't think of anything else.

The commander of the guards hurriedly said: Your Majesty, one hundred thousand warriors of the Jia people crossed the Yangtze River estuary at night and penetrated into the hinterland of Jiangnan. They should have arrived at Yingtian Mansion by now! Yingtian Mansion is in danger, and Jiangnan is in danger!


One hundred thousand Jia warriors appeared in Yingtian Mansion?

How can this be!

The Sea Tribe doesn't covet the land much, and they have always been on the same page with the Central Plains.

How could they attack Jiangnan?

This is really bad.

The admiral of the navy and the governor of Jiangnan led the navy to go to sea to suppress bandits...

If the Jia people really succeed in landing, how can those crooked city guards in the south of the Yangtze River resist the six-armed Jia people who are ranked among the top three in the East China Sea in terms of combat effectiveness?

Moreover, even now it is too late to dispatch troops and generals!

Everyone took a deep breath of air-conditioning and looked extremely solemn.

If this Jiangnan area were to be crossed back and forth by the Hai Clan, I don’t know how much would be lost.

After all, Jiangnan has not been baptized by war for a long time!

What! Say it again!

Emperor Jingtai couldn't help but stood up.

When Taizu's army came to Jinling City, Jinling City surrendered without a fight, so it was renamed Yingtian Mansion.

Today, the Hai Clan's troops are overwhelming Jiangnan. Could this Yingtian Mansion with a criminal record surrender the whole city just like it did a hundred years ago?

The guard commander said bitterly: Your Majesty, it is absolutely true. Nearly one hundred thousand warriors of the Jia people sneaked into the mouth of the Yangtze River and went straight to Yingtian Mansion in the south of the Yangtze River. Calculating the time, they should have arrived at Yingtian Mansion, I am afraid that Yingtian Mansion has already...

Is there any memorial from Yingtian Mansion?

Emperor Jingtai looked back and forth at several cabinet ministers.


Emperor Jingtai thought deeply: How could the timing be such a coincidence? When the navy went to sea, the Yangtze River mouth was empty of troops, and the Hai Clan came in? These are 100,000 Jia Human Clan soldiers! It seems to have been planned for a long time! Please tell me, what is this? Are the Governor of Jiangnan and the Navy Admiral colluding with the Hai Clan?

Your Majesty, this is not important. The top priority is how to prevent chaos in Jiangnan, otherwise...

A minister said.

Your Majesty, isn't Duke Wu An at Yingtian Mansion? With him here, Yingtian Mansion should be fine, right?

One of the ministers said happily.

Lord Sun, what you said is wrong. Yingtian is not Chang'an, and there is no danger to defend it. Even if one hundred thousand Jia warriors stand and be killed by Wu An, they will have to fight from dawn to dusk.

Yes, Mr. Wu An is just one person. How many people can he kill with a sharp sword? There will always be a time when the power is exhausted. As long as some Jia people rush into Yingtian Mansion, then Yingtian Mansion will be finished.

Everyone started talking.

But they are all bearish.


The Minister of the Ministry of War, who had not spoken much, suddenly stood up and said, Mr. Wu An must have predicted the attack of the Hai Clan! Ying Tian Mansion must be safe and sound!

Master Zhang, you can't say this casually!

Someone immediately raised questions.

As the Minister of War, Zhang Qiushi did not speak for Li Nuo.

To be honest, he just has a good relationship with Princess Qingyang. He also taught Qingyang the art of war back then, so he is half of Qingyang's master.

It was precisely because of such a relationship that he lent the military sandbox to Qingyang.

As for Li Nuo...

To be honest, he didn't like Li Nuo very much.

Li Nuo was already married, but Qingyang fell in love with him, which made him quite unhappy.

He treated Qingyang as half his daughter, so he felt aggrieved for Qingyang.

But Qingyang liked Li Zian, so he had no choice but to force himself to accept Li Nuo.

He shouted loudly: You have just been saying that Duke Wu'an moved the villagers from the Xuanwu Lake area into Yingtian Mansion, causing Yingtian Mansion to complain, and some scholars even gathered to attack the government office, right?

I thought that Duke Wu An must have detected the Hai Clan's attack before he did this! Otherwise, why would he bother to move the villagers into the city and endure the ridicule of everyone?

Everyone was relieved.

The ministers who had used this matter to impeach Li Nuo became a little embarrassed.

Someone said unwillingly: But why doesn't Mr. Wu An announce it directly? Why does he have to be so secretive and make people misunderstand?

Zhang Qiushi yelled: Stupid pig! Once the people know about the Hai Clan's attack, wouldn't it cause panic? Do you bear this responsibility?

Then Duke Wu An should at least report to the court, right?

Foolish, what if the Hai Clan didn't attack? Didn't Duke Wu An lie about the military situation?

Zhang Qiushi then turned to the emperor and said firmly, Your Majesty, I thought that Duke Wu An must have made complete preparations, that's why he didn't report it to the court. We just waited, I believe that there will be good news!

Master Zhang, this matter is no small matter. If Mr. Wu An fails to guard it, who will be responsible for it?

Wang Ziyan said coldly.

Zhang Qiushi glanced at the official minister with disdain, and then said loudly to Emperor Jingtai: I guarantee it with the head on my neck. With Duke Wu'an in the south of the Yangtze River, there will be nothing wrong!

Although he looked down upon Li Zian's character, he was still very satisfied with Li Zian's ability to lead troops in battle.

Do you really think the Chang'an defense battle is that simple?

Just rely on Li Zian's brute force to hold on?

Big mistake!

He has reviewed it no less than a hundred times.

If he were the coach, he would not be able to resist 600,000 barbarian cavalry.

It can be said that the right time, the right place, the right people, and Li Zian took all three, and this was how he won the Chang'an defense battle!

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