Ninth in The World

Vol 3 Chapter 1226: Chi Yao's big loss

Di Jiu's eyes flashed dignifiedly, and the seventh wave of Dao Shi wave was smashed by Tao Yudie's light curtain, the knife was in a sudden. Di Jiu decided to show four long-time arrows while offering time and space long arrows.

Faced with Chi Yao's avatar, he was simply not qualified to hide any killing moves. This time is not the time to escape. At this moment, his divine channel rhythm is crushed by the yellow light curtain of the jade dish. There is no better countermeasure except for the four machines. However, since four machines have been used, simply use the time and space arrows to collect interest.

In addition to this, Di Jiu felt that Di Jinxi had an unusual relationship with him, so he would not go even if he could walk.

Just as the four pieces were about to be rolled up, Di Jiu was surprised to find that Chi Yao's avatar had a slight meal. Not only that, but the light curtain magical power that wrapped him also dimmed. The divine light curtain magical power dimmed, and the killing power quickly dissipated a lot, Di Jiu was all loose.

Is this a evil? Immediately, Di Jiu saw Chi Yao's eyes clearly confused, and seemed to be unconsciously thinking about something extremely important.

If Di Jiu couldn't grasp this opportunity, then he also arbitrarily died in the vast void for so many years.

Almost at the moment when Chi Yao's doppelganger was somewhat at a loss, the Tiansao knife in Di Jiu's hand rolled a curtain of my knife, and he did not hesitate to show a machine for years.

When the flowers bloom and fall, there is no end in life!

A blade of curtain rolled up in the void, and then turned into an endless piece of blade curtain. Di Jiu's one machine in these years is not the same scene every time it is cast. The last time he seriously injured Chi Yao's avatar, it was a complete knife curtain, and this time the complete knife curtain turned into infinite knife flowers.

This is the magic of artistic conception, including the passage of time, the transformation of time and space ...

Under this artistic conception, he only hates the shortness of life. The short life is full of bitterness and bitterness. There is no sweetness to memorize.

Chi Yao ’s avatar stared at the endlessly falling sword flowers, and he saw countless spring, summer, autumn and winter passing by in his eyes. He saw the flower blooming, and thanked it again. No matter how many times it bloomed and how many times it bloomed, there was a reincarnation for people to see clearly.

But his years seem to be the same from the beginning to the present. They are a kind of sorrow and sorrow that can't even be thought of. It seems that this kind of sorrow and sorrow from the depths of the soul are endless and endless. All the goodness was cut off by a kind of Dao Yun, so that he could not catch it anyway.

The murderous intention of death invaded, Chi Yao's doppelgrant struck a spirit, his eyes turned clear and bright at this moment.

Memories are like meteors passing through the deepest part of his consciousness. Obviously, he can rely on the jade dish to roll back to the light curtain again, at least so that he does n’t need to be injured too much, but Chi Yao ’s avatar has a hint of relief, he did n’t take it back. Jade dish.

"Boom!" A burst of blood bursts, a machine in years is like an endless engulfing time and space, engulfing all the vitality of Chiya's avatar.

Click Click ... Click! The sound of broken bones kept coming, and Chi Yao ’s avatar knelt down. Di Jiu did n’t continue his hands. He knew that Chi Yao ’s avatar was over.

"My name is Xuanhe, from Dayu Universe ... Daoyou, please see me for the sake of not fighting back. In the future, I will see my monk in Universe Universe, help one or two ..." The tone of the kneeling on the ground calmed down, carrying A relief.

Dayu universe? Di Jiu was also sad for the avatar in front of him. At that time, the cosmic Tao of the Dayu universe was all taken out for auction. It is strange that the Dayu universe can exist. Even if it exists, I am afraid it is an empty shell. There is no strong man in a universe. Think about the five-element universe?

Di Jiu didn't mention this matter, just asked, "According to my understanding, this avatar of yours should be two souls. Is there another one?"

"He already took advantage of that breath to solve himself. There is a reincarnation path here, maybe he can go to reincarnation ..." Xuanhe said that his body gradually became blurred.

Di Jiu didn't hesitate to grab the jade dish. This jade dish is really nothing but a treasure.

At the same time that Xuanhe fell, the jade dish was wrapped in two ways, and the horrible breath would tear this void away.

Where would Di Jiu let this jade dish escape? In less than half the time, he came up with hundreds of millions of rules. This endless law wraps up the jade plate one after another, and at the same time confines the two principles that wrap the jade plate.

If you have never seen Chi Yao ’s Dao Dao, Di Jiu ’s line is stronger, and the new line he has developed is unable to lock these two lines. It cannot prevent Yudie ’s escape.

But Di Jiu had already seen Chi Yao's Dao Dao, and he stripped it with Ning Cheng. Although it was difficult at the moment, he still locked this jade dish that was about to escape.

If Chi Yao knew that the way he had integrated into Di Jiu not only did not turn Di Jiu into one of his avatars, but caused him to lose so much, it is estimated that he would feel so intestinal pain.


Di Jiu killed Chi Yao's avatar and locked the jade dish, while Chi Yao's mouth was a blood arrow squirting out. Ningcheng's Seven Bridges completely trapped Chi Yao's body, and the Seven Bridges' rhythms piled up one after another. At this moment, Chi Yao seemed to be struggling under the eighteenth floor of hell.

This is not the end. Even if Chi Yao was injured, Ning Cheng could not lock Chi Yao with the Seven Bridges. One seems to come from ancient times, and even the reincarnation of Daoyun when the vastness is not completed has slammed down.

Originally immense and immense Qi Qiao Dao Yun, under the superposition of this reincarnation Dao Yun, completely formed a brand-new vast reincarnation realm. The rhythm of Dao Yun is rolling like a sea of ​​smoke.

Chi Yao felt that time and space were rapidly receding. While the time and space were rewinding, everything germinated and grown in this new vast circle of samsara.

Must never continue to care about several of his avatars, not even Yudie. If he continues to care, he may really want to overturn the boat in the gutter today.

At this moment, Chi Yao felt a little regret in his heart. He knew what shortcomings his avatar had, but he thought that such shortcomings were almost negligible. Because so many factors cannot exist at the same time, even if they exist at the same time, he has the ability to control. When he is in full control of the vastness, all the avatars are floating clouds, and he will directly abandon himself.

And today, these factors not only exist at the same time, he has no ability to control. Because Ye Mo and Ning Cheng are so terrible, this is the most powerful fortune-teller he has ever seen in his life. Not only that, this powerful fortune is not one, but two.

Is not right, not two, but three. The third one was locking his two avatars, and was holding back his third avatar. You should know that his most important avatars are not the two locked by Di Jiu, but the avatars of the five elements of the universe. This avatar is related to his control of the reincarnation of Heavenly Dao. If this avatar is destroyed, UU reading can step into the fourth step, there are really some doubts.

Chi Yao erupted with a roar, and the fast-paced time and space rhythm slowed down, and time and space slowly stood still. Ning Cheng felt the shaking of the Seven Bridges. At this moment, Ning Cheng would care about the loss. He burned his blood without hesitation.

Ye Mo also began to burn his blood to suppress the Chi Yao in the Seven Bridges with the reincarnation of Daoyun. The rules of this side of the world began to shatter, and the huge black holes in the boundary were torn apart, and the space was turned upside down, but this Whether it was Ning Cheng or Ye Mo, or Chi Yao who was suppressed by Qiqiao, he did not care at all.

The flow of Tao Yun around Chi Yao is getting more and more majestic. No matter how Ning Cheng and Ye Mo superimposed the suppression of Dao Yun, the Seven Bridges that trapped Chi Yao are still bursting out of Dao, and the reincarnation space is also shattered. Slag.

Chi Yao turned into an invisible light and shadow and disappeared into the vast void.

Ningcheng wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, looking at the direction of Chi Yao disappearing, and said after a while, "This king is so powerful, in this case, I can tear my seven bridge away."

Ye Mo also sighed, "It's really powerful, the key is that someone should have just manipulated his avatar just now, otherwise the two of us can't suppress this person at all, let alone let this person be seriously injured and escape."

Ningcheng also nodded, "That guy who suppresses Chi Yao's doppelganger is absolutely amazing, I don't know who it is.".

"In the future, he will definitely make the Holy City, and now we will quickly get this pair of Yin and Yang channels of the universe. Chi Yao wants these two channels in a frantic manner, which shows that these two channels must be extraordinary." Ye Mo said.

(Today's update is here, good night friends!)

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