"Jiajia, has something big happened these days?"

"Me?" Liang Jia doesn't seem to understand what I mean, "I'm fine."

"I mean the company."

"Oh, President Ding had a quarrel with President fan yesterday, and the whole company spread. It seems to be about a business?"

"What business?"

"Our company competed with other companies and was completely defeated!"

"Isn't that normal? No one can win all the time. "

"It's different."

"Fart is different. Do you think Feiya is Jesus?"

"However, this business lasted eight years, and Feiya was doing it."

"Ah?" It seems a little complicated, "what do you say by the grapevine?"

"There are rumors that President Zhang did it, and there are also rumors that President fan deliberately screwed up the business. Almost all versions are of this type. They are roughly the same, but there are differences in details." Liang Jia suddenly sighed, changed the topic and said, "where have you been these days? When I send you a message, I always say "busy, busy what?"


"Say it."

"It's all a secret."

"Forget it, I don't know." Liang Jia pouted.

In the afternoon, President Ding, one of the four bosses, stormed into fan Chili's office angrily. A few minutes later, a quarrel broke out. Due to the good sound insulation effect of fan Chili's office, we can't hear what they are arguing about. However, we can judge who loses and who wins, because President Ding was very embarrassed when he left, accompanied by the roar of fan chili. In addition

"Get out, get out now." A document flew out of fan Chili's office and hit president ding on the back.

The war in the office is a war without fire and smoke, but the war in the office is also fierce and cruel, with corpses everywhere. The blade cuts across a large number of people and is often implicated. The light ones hurt the skin and the heavy ones hurt the bones. But all this seems to have little to do with a small employee like me. From the standpoint of a small employee, as long as I can get the food and pay on time every month, who wins and who loses and who is in power is none of my business?

In recent days, the atmosphere in the office has been hidden, reminiscent of the eve of the storm. Due to the same big office as fan chili, you can see that fan chili runs to the upper level twice a day and participates in the core meeting. A similar situation is unprecedented. In the past, the core meeting was held only once a month. There are no special circumstances and will not break the Convention. In other words, there are extraordinary circumstances to happen.

Whether the storm comes or not, it doesn't seem to affect Feiya's tradition of organizing a group tour every quarter. Unless you are too ill to leave your bed, all members of Feiya, from the boss to the cleaner, must participate in this three-day traditional entertainment.

"Which team did you report to? With or without relatives? " I met Baiyang while smoking on the fire stairs. He asked me.

"Haven't thought about it yet!" In this year's policy change, the company chartered to carry an adult relative and paid all the expenses. In addition, according to tradition, everyone is divided into four teams, and the four bosses each take one team to attack four cities respectively. The proposed cities this year are Hangzhou, Ningbo, Jinhua and Huzhou.

"Still need to consider?" Baiyang smiled, "take a girl directly. You can't miss the opportunity. You don't come again. Do you think it happens every day with public funds?"

"Who the fuck wants to bring a girl..."

"If you want to fart, you have to cooperate with practical action."

"Lao Bai, do I have to have an action goal first?"

"Liang Jia...?"


"Sympathize with each other." Looking at my disdain, Baiyang added, "we've already said goodbye!"

This son of a bitch who wants to change at different times. Bye now? It's really childish. Thanks to Huang Xiaoshu who sacrificed herself to complete him, it's reasonable that Baiyang should go away. After all, Baiyang has a higher position and longer service life than Huang Xiaoshu. Anyway, it's still the sentence: he's blind. As for why fan chili should give them a choice, only God knows.

"Jiajia, are you going to report to that regiment?" When I got off work, I asked Liang Jia.

"I'm general fan's secretary. What do you say?" Liang Jia asked.

"Who knows you."

"Is that unknown?"

"You look like a spy. I didn't expect you to be loyal."

"Who's the spy?" A flash of panic flashed across Liang Jia's face.

"Ha ha, I'm kidding." It's not a spy. What's your panic?

"If you talk nonsense again, I'll beat you to death." Before I promised, Liang Jia immediately opened the topic, "I'm going to take my cousin."

"Ah?" With that aggressive chick?

"She has time."

In fact, I also want to bring relatives, but my relatives are not around. With friends, not many are better than classmates. Take Jiang ran? Forget it, that guy has a lot of programs and is busy! Besides, I can't bring a man down, so that others won't think we're broken. Finally... Chen Qianqian? Chen Qianqian has just experienced a great tragedy in life. It's good to go out and relax, but Chen Qianqian just doesn't have time.

"Here I am!"

"Oh." He has walked to the bus stop.

"See you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow!"

"Ning Hao." Just a few steps away, Liang Jia shouted in the back, then ran over and quickly took out a stack of banknotes from his bag. "This money is the rest of the last meal. I'll give it back to you."

Walking and stopping in the street, suddenly a white BMW stopped in front of me.

Shit, it's fan chili again. It's like a ghost

"Get in the car, now."

Having no choice but to get on the bus, fan chili kept silent and ran around the city in his car.

At dinner time, fan chili took me to an Italian restaurant.

"Get out of the car, now."

Is fan chili crazy? Do you have to have dinner with someone who hates each other? Never mind her. Anyway, I'm poor and don't eat for nothing.

Fan pepper finished ordering food, then drank a mouthful of water and looked at me.


"Do you want a promotion and a raise?" Why is that again?

"My position has long been made clear. I don't want to say it again." It's thunder but no rain. I didn't get promoted and my salary was not increased. Instead, I was assigned to do a lot of things outside the scope of work. Shit. Oh, yes, I don't know whether the business commission is calculated, but it's too illusory. I don't know until I get paid.

"I'll call your account for a lot of business commission. In addition, I can tell you frankly that if it wasn't for your poor business commission, I wouldn't go to the club that day. I don't need to see the disgusting president LAN." Fan pepper gnashed his teeth. "It's a great shame to use the director for such a small matter."

"Please, I didn't ask you to go."

Fan pepper stared, and his evil spirit immediately covered his whole body.

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