"Let's go. It's nothing to look at." Liang Jia urged me to leave. Beautiful women don't like violent sports.

"Wait a minute!"

"No." Liang Jiajian decided to shake his head.

"Wait a minute, soon."

"Either you play or leave, but with your physique, most of you get beaten."

"Ha ha, am I?" Liang Jiashi underestimated me. I was also the absolute main force of the school judo team and won many awards. If I continue to practice, I may win the Olympic gold medal.

"If you have the courage, try it."

"Just go."

"Come on, I'm waiting to see a good play."

My fighting spirit was completely inspired by Liang Jia, and then I pulled Liang Jia to find a place where I could get a judo suit.

"Hey, can you do it? No, don't hold on. " Change judo clothes, but Liang Jia flinches.

"Men can fail, but they can't."

"But... You almost."

"Don't worry, I'm back." I can't handle the sea, can't people?

Squeeze back to the original position. The rough guys in the Security Department of our company have decided the outcome. I took the opportunity to play.

"Brother." The winning security guard was stunned for a moment, and then disdained, "are you in the wrong place?"

Shit, discrimination, right? Although I'm thin as a whole, I'm at least one meter seven or eight. You're a few centimeters taller and ten or twenty kilograms fatter than me. Don't forget that this sport depends on technology. Dogs look down on people. It seems that we must teach this bastard a lesson so that he can understand that one mountain is higher than another.

"Oh, then make a mistake!" I quickly put on a posture, "just put your horse here."

It took me only 30 seconds to throw the security department, a low-key clown, to the ground to find his teeth. Therefore, the scene was silent. Until the referee raised my hand to show victory, there were bursts of deafening applause, screams and whistles. At this wonderful moment, all the beauties looked at me with adoration on their faces. Besides being greatly satisfied with their vanity, they also earned dumping favor. Cool.

I winked at Liang Jia quietly. The girl was completely stupid. She stood in place without clapping or shouting.

I was about to leave, but I was stopped by another man who was not strange. He was the head of the Security Department of our company. Does he want to end up? Or... What a shame?

"Are you from the creative department?" The Minister of security was also quite polite.

"Hey, easy to say."

"Have you ever practiced?"

"I did practice." I'm very frank. Who dares to kill the second without practicing?

"Just a minute? Modest? "

"Modesty is the basic of life. Being strong is used to solve the battle, not to abuse the opponent."

"That makes sense." The security minister smiled dryly, "are you interested in a game?"

Is it an invitation or a challenge?

From the perspective of politeness, it can basically be listed as an invitation, but I clearly saw a hint of contempt in his eyes. At this time, the audience seemed to understand what was going on. They shouted and applauded one after another to encourage me to accept the challenge of. Shit, these boring guys don't want to have some fun.

"Dare not?" Look at my hesitation, the security minister asked.

"Joke, why don't I dare?"


"Follow the crowd's requirements!" I said these four words very loudly, so the scene was a sensation.

Everyone put on a good posture, and the fire burned as soon as it was lit, so the scene returned to a silent state.

With the referee's right hand shaking, the security captain attacked me first. His action was fierce and fast, which was many times better than that bastard just now. I obviously felt the pressure, staggered more than half a meter quickly, bounced back quickly with my waist strength, took advantage of the situation, carried the right arm of the Minister of security down, and kicked his center of gravity at the same time. Unfortunately, the Minister of security's footwall was very stable.

Xu Huang tried a few moves, and I gradually had a bottom in my heart. The Minister of security is strong and weak, so I fight with him blindly. Sometimes I break up as soon as I touch him. When I am caught, I break free immediately, consume him in this way, and look for a favorable opportunity for myself at the same time. Although this strategy is not very honorable, but the ancestors said: War is not tired of fraud, becoming a king and defeating an enemy.

After five or six minutes of fighting, some impatient spectators shouted: attack, attack.

I know if it goes on like this, I will lose my reputation and be despised to death by the audience. But the right time hasn't appeared. I don't dare to attack rashly. The master's moves are very poor and lost.

It took a few more minutes, and the audience was even more impatient. Just now it was only part of the shout, and now it is a collective shout: attack, attack.

Grandma, did I have stage fright?

I encourage myself in my heart. Since the Minister of security is watertight, I will help him create flaws, go the opposite way, die and survive. The so-called opportunities always coexist with dangers.

At the moment when the security minister was annoyed, I flashed from his right side, stepped in the middle of his crotch, and waved my arms to his chest. The Minister of security had an unstable center of gravity and fell back, but he was very cunning. He quickly supported me with a back hand, hooked my waist with his right foot, and successfully supported my body with a bullet, but I fell to the ground

Seeing that I was about to land, my potential was stimulated. I patted the ground with one hand and bounced up in a perfect posture.

Immediately, the scene was full of thunder and all kinds of screams.

The security minister was completely stupid and temporarily absent-minded. I took the opportunity to quickly run close to him and made him think I wanted to catch his right lapel. In my judgment, the Minister of security will stagger one step to avoid, and then hook my foot. Sure enough, in the end, I made the move exactly as I expected. The Minister of security thought this was his opportunity. In fact, the opportunity belonged to me

Just as the security minister turned sideways and staggered half his steps, I suddenly grabbed his right arm, then quickly twisted my hands and turned my back, lifted him half with his forward leaning force, pushed him along with the trend, combined hardness and softness, and hit him with strength. A clever horizontal fall threw him several meters.

The scene was surprised and silent again. Maybe they thought I would lose, but I won magically in the end.

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