Ding Shaoyang led Liang Jia into the cafe and sat down by the window.

I took a big turn, hid behind a car and kept an eye on it. I've calculated that as long as this guy shows a slight irregularity, I'll rush in and beat him all over the ground. The problem is, this guy is very disciplined, and I have to admit that he is quite a gentleman and has good eloquence. Otherwise, he won't make Liang Jia so happy

Forget it, go back to the room, out of sight is clean.

Going back, the more you think about it, the worse it is. At this time, fan chili called in.

"Is there any progress?"

"I don't know. Please don't annoy me!" After that, I didn't hesitate to hang up the phone. I didn't wake up until dozens of seconds. At the same time, I was aware of two very serious problems. First, I scolded fan chili. Second, I seem to be -- jealous.

Fan chili didn't call again, and I didn't have the courage to dial it, so it ended up.

Lying in bed for a while, someone knocked at the door. I thought it was Liang Jia. When I opened the door, I saw Zhang Dingjun with a dirty face.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"In a daze!" I welcomed Zhang Dingjun into the room.

"Oh, daze is an ideological movement that can develop brain power." You're too windy, aren't you?

"Ha ha, probably!"

Zhang Dingjun handed me a cigarette, lit it for me and motioned me to speak outside the balcony.

"Brother, what do you think of my brother?"

"Very good. As a leader, you can be considerate of your subordinates; As a friend, you value love, righteousness and generosity. " Shit, I can be so hypocritical.

"Well, will you help me when I'm in trouble?" Seeing my expression that I was not very happy, Zhang Dingjun immediately added, "don't worry, I won't treat you badly. You treat me as a friend, and I will never treat you as a passer-by. I can learn from the world."

I pretended to be deeply moved.

In fact, I know in my heart that the more a boss level figure digs his heart and lungs for you, the more cautious he should be. But looking back, it was doubted that he didn't show that he was moved to a mess. After all, it was a question in the Ming Dynasty. What's your identity and what's the identity of others? To make people believe, we must first play cards as usual, and then bury a Yin knife and slowly slaughter

"The factional struggle within Feiya must be heard by my brother."

"Probably know some."

"The real struggle is much more cruel than the legend. In order to deal with this unknown cruelty, all bosses are secretly cultivating their factional forces."

"And you?"

"Me?" Zhang Dingjun said with a disdainful smile, "training takes too much time. I prefer to absorb and win over."

"Is this called sitting back and enjoying success?"

"Ha ha, you can say so."

Grandma, what is the old fox trying to say? Further woo me?

"Brother, I always think you are a rare talent." Zhang Dingjun looked at me for several seconds with an unmodified strong eye, "ask you a question, do you know how talents are buried?"

I shook my head.

"Stand in the wrong line."

"Is that a genius?"

"Almost." Zhang Dingjun took a cigarette. "Our three bosses actually belong to a cooperative relationship, but this relationship is only formed when we encounter more powerful hostile forces than us combined. Once the strong enemy collapses, our relationship will collapse, and then another force will dig up."

"Mr. Zhang, I don't quite understand what you mean, and... I'm afraid I'm not a talent." I really don't understand what Zhang Dingjun is playing with. Do you believe me by telling me some secrets like this? I don't think so.

"Whether you say it or not doesn't count."

"Is it necessary to pass is certification?"

"Hehe, you are so funny."

"I really don't understand."

"Talent is not important. The decisive victory often lies in the details. I like gambling. I am willing to make long-term investment. As long as there is such a flash, I can make a profit." Zhang Dingjun patted me on the shoulder and said meaningfully, "brother, it's nothing more than seeking wealth. Power, money and beauty are all men's dreams. Some people have it, not because their head is easier than you and me, but because they are lucky, mean and vicious. What is truth in this world? The law of the jungle, survival of the fittest. What is bullying? If you are strong enough, you can walk sideways... "

After more than an hour of communication, I completely looked at Zhang Dingjun with new eyes. In fact, Zhang Dingjun is not as good as fan chili said. He is hidden. I don't know why he dug his heart and lungs in front of me. Or because I have an unusual relationship with fan chili. As he said, I am the only person in the creative department who dares to argue with fan chili.

Summing up the conversation for more than an hour, Zhang Dingjun probably means that no matter whether I'm undercover or not, as long as one of my identities is his undercover, he will give me great benefits. Money, power, beauty... Shit, can he afford it?

Zhang Dingjun just left with his front foot and Liang Jia came back with his back foot. It seems that he is in a good mood, but the more this is, the more unhappy I am.

"Ning Hao, have dinner tonight."


"What's the matter? Unhappy? "

"Yes?" I rolled my eyes. "Is that why you knocked on my door?"

"Yes, otherwise you think."

"Does the so-called" together "include others?" I hummed heavily, and then found something wrong. Why should I hum?

"Do you want to join?"

"Join, why don't I join?" If "together" includes Ding Shaoyang, won't I let Ding Shaoyang succeed? Shit, you have to attend anyway, and you have to open up, eat him hard, and find him some... Little trouble by the way.

"See you in the evening!" Liang Jia helped me close the door.

It's so boring, especially boring. When I lie in bed, I think about fan chili and Zhang Dingjun. These two big people make me dizzy. It's not further, it's not even worse to step back. Why the fuck am I involved in such a messy office dispute? Who provoked who?

After thinking about it, he decided to tell fan chili what he had just talked to Zhang Dingjun.

"Indeed, I underestimated Zhang Dingjun." After listening to my narration, fan chili said.

"What's next?"



"The first stage has won, and no action is needed for the time being." Fan pepper said and hung up.

It's almost time to wash yourself, put on the most handsome clothes and go out

Liang Jia really made an appointment with Ding Shaoyang. Fortunately, I attended. Ding Shaoyang obviously didn't know I would come, so his face showed some dissatisfaction. However, this guy's psychological quality was excellent. He soon recovered as usual. He still talked and laughed in the wind and was humorous. His ancestors didn't accumulate virtue and talked endlessly. Finally, he turned into a bunch of bright roses.

Don't destroy this guy at this moment?

When Ding Shaoyang handed Liang Jia flowers, I inadvertently knocked over a glass of boiling water and poured it directly into the petals

"What are you doing?" Ding Shaoyang pressed his anger.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to."

"You... It doesn't matter." To make a lie so real, actor.

After a few minutes, Zhang Shaoyang redoubled his old skills and turned into a well-made and high-end brocade box. Inside, there was a shining and incomparably bright necklace. It was worth a lot. It seems that this guy started the Jinyuan offensive at the expense of money. The purpose is to get Liang Jia. Wolf ambition.

"This...?" The woman saw the greed of gold, silver and jewelry fully displayed on Liang Jia's face.

"Do you like it?" Ding Shaoyang's voice was full of temptation. "As long as you like it, it belongs to you."

"Wait, handsome Ding, how much is this necklace? Is it expensive? " With that, I quickly took a mouthful of boiling water.

"Not expensive, eleven..."

Before Ding Shaoyang finished, I sprayed boiling water directly on his face.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Ding Shaoyang finally got angry, took off the gentleman's face and put on the devil's angry face, "looking for smoking, isn't it?"

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to. Hearing that such a beautiful chain is only eleven yuan, I just can't imagine it. I can't control my emotions, which makes you wronged... "I tried to resist a smile," by the way, where did you buy this chain? Do you have any more? I'm going to buy one for my pet. "

Ding Shaoyang was so angry that he couldn't attack Liang Jia's face and his face turned dark green. However, people with good psychological quality are different. It also takes only a few minutes to adjust their emotions and communicate with Liang Jia again. It seems that a series of embarrassments have not happened before. Liang Jia kept trampling on me under the table. I dodged and she chased me

After a while, Ding Shaoyang waved to the violinist in the restaurant and gave the violinist 100 yuan. Then he said a few words in the violinist's ear. The violinist nodded knowingly, brewing for a while, and then began to play a romantic prelude.

Shit, it's such a move.

After thinking about it, I immediately stood up, cleared my throat and began to sing according to the rhythm of the violin music - Dongfanghong, and I kept breaking my voice. I tried to sing as hard as I could. It immediately completely destroyed the atmosphere and attracted a lot of ridicule.

"Are you fucking finished?" Ding Shaoyang became angry again.

"No, I have a strange problem. I want to sing when I hear playing the violin. I'm sorry, it affects your elegance."

"Fart, you deliberately find fault."

"Handsome Ding, please pay attention to your words. I'm just singing, not farting."

"You... Have low quality and don't respect others." Ding Shaoyang pointed at my nose and scolded me, "cheap bitch."

"Dead hooligan, you fucking treat others with respect?" I decided not to pretend. I had been scolded by pointing at my nose. It was useless to pretend, but... I was surprised to say such words.

Ding Shaoyang looks at Liang Jia, but Liang Jia lowers his head and pretends to drink. He doesn't intend to pay attention to him at all.

"Xiao Liang..."

"Stop shouting!" I pulled Liang Jia up, quickly blocked it with my mouth and kissed Liang Jia

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