"You just have to do me a little favor." Fan pepper looks like a city.

"Well... It's not good to go through the back door. I don't want to paint a disgraceful stroke in my life." The answers of Mo Ling's two corners not only show the position of not doing bad things, but also do not formally refuse her "good intentions". Ha ha, sometimes I find myself very smart to say.

"Who doesn't go through the back door all his life?" Fan chili sneered, "in our country, taking the back door is the foundation of survival. You don't admit it and you must admit it. How many people are sleepy and want to find the back door that can be taken. If you don't take the back door, it will be glorious. I think you can talk about glory on the day of starvation."

"Well, you're right, but I have hands and feet. As for starvation?"

"Have you ever heard a saying: you'd rather cry in a BMW than laugh behind a bicycle? I just asked you to do me a favor. I'll use my power to pull you in return. To put it bluntly, it's one of the transactions. You don't suffer, and I don't suffer. "

"That's someone else's point of view. It has nothing to do with me!" I don't know if I'll lose. I'll give you a free lunch and drop the pie.

"Ning Hao." Fan chili was a little angry. "Don't you think it's disrespectful to refuse without listening? Besides, I'm your boss and have the power to kill you. "

I sweat wildly. I threaten every move and press people with my power. How much do you respect me?

Although I am a small citizen, and although people are divided into 369 grades, my personality is not divided into high and low levels. Why don't you respect me?

"Do it or not?" Look, I've been silent for a long time, fan pepper asked.

"Tell me what you want to do first!"

"It's very simple. When I need you, you must come with me..." I found that there was a serious ambiguity in my words. Fan chili blushed a little, "I mean, I need you to help me deal with some things you can handle within your ability range, but it's not convenient for me to deal with myself, that's all."

I'm silent again. If it's really something that I can handle within my ability, but I refuse, fan chili may let me roll out tomorrow. But what if fan pepper sets it for me? Let me do something outrageous. Don't I die like that? It's really a dilemma. Why do you spread such a bad thing on my head?

"Do or don't do a word, it's cool for a man. Don't waste my time." Fan pepper is impatient.

"OK, but I have conditions."

"The conditions are quite reasonable."

"I can help you with things that do not violate conscience and morality, but at my convenience and can't force me."

"OK, that's it. This meal is on me." Fan chili picked up the consumption list and walked out of the door, but just two steps away, she turned back and showed a gloomy smile. "Ning Hao, I hope no third person knows what happened today. You'd better keep your mouth tight, otherwise... Pay for the consequences."

I nod!

After leaving Longcheng restaurant, I immediately dialed Jiang Liang.

"Done?" Asked Jiang ran.

"Jiang Liang, you stink two hundred and fifty. I was almost killed by you." I scolded when I opened my mouth.

"What did you do? Did the woman insult you? Shit, what a good thing... "

"Don't talk nonsense there. Do you know that your damn blind date is my boss." In fact, I'm not sure if fan chili has such good self conditions for blind dates. Who believes it? And she had a look of ignorance, not like pretending.


"No, I can't lie to you? You've been badly hurt anyway. "

"Brother, I didn't know she was your boss." Shit, this son of a bitch still feels wronged.

"You, if I'm fired tomorrow, you have to support me."

"Raise you? We don't break our backs. " Jiang Liang laughed, then found something wrong and quickly turned off the topic, "by the way, how old is your boss? Is it beautiful? "

"I don't know how old I am. There's no doubt that I'm beautiful. It's a waste if you don't come in person." There is no doubt that fan chili is beautiful in appearance. As for her heart, I can't give a pertinent evaluation, either good or bad, but she is absolutely strong in terms of single ability.

"Cut, you haven't seen a real beauty!" A tone of disdain.

I am speechless. Why is the gap between people so huge? Some people can't get girls, and some people can't cope with too many girls; Some people have their savings that they can't spend all their lives, and some people have food and clothing problems; Some people drive BMW and Ferrari, some people step on a rotten bike; Some people have houses everywhere, others can only sleep in bridges and caves; Some people find a job with indescribable benefits and complete social security and medical insurance. Some people find a job but can't even report work-related injuries. They work hard for months, but the boss ran away without paying his salary

I've been living with fear these days. I'm nervous when I see fan chili. It seems that the evil army meets the division of justice and can't hide. Paradoxically, on the one hand, I expect fan chili to ask me to do something, on the other hand, I am afraid that fan chili will let me do something invisible. Although I stated in advance that I would not do bad things, if it was not too bad and I didn't want to lose my job, coupled with fan Chili's coercion and inducement, I would inevitably fall in the end.

Don't think I'm unprincipled and throw me banana peel. I'm also a person. I can't help myself in the office.

"Hello." During the department meeting, Liang Jia touched me gently.

"Why?" I whispered.

Liang Jia shook her head slightly and dared not speak.

"Ning Hao, are you deaf?" Fan Chili's voice suddenly sounded behind me, "it's very good to be distracted in the meeting."

I kept sweating out.

Damn it, fan chili just decided my name. Liang Jia touched me because of this

"Tell me your opinion." Fan chili said as he walked back to his seat.

"Opinions? What opinion? " Frankly speaking, I didn't listen to a word of the meeting just now.

Fan chili looked at me very seriously, and my colleagues here also looked at me very seriously.

"This opinion..." I stood up and suddenly saw Liang Jia write four words "product promotion" in his notebook. I immediately realized, "I think the current new products can no longer be promoted in the traditional way. It's too old-fashioned, The customer's disgust is as disgusting as when we suddenly insert a breast enhancement and beauty advertisement in the fierce part of the TV series we usually chase. In the end, it is not only difficult to receive the expected market response, but also leads to a curse. The gain is not worth the loss, and it is the next policy to lose the wife and lose the army. "

"That makes sense." Fan pepper waved his hand and motioned me to go on.

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