An hour later, I said goodbye to Zhang Dingjun. I was walking down the street alone, and fan chili called in again: "is it finished? Has it been handed over to Zhang Dingjun? What's wrong with Zhang Dingjun? "

"The life chasing ghost chased you. Are you bothered?"

"What tone and attitude are you talking to me?" Fan pepper is angry.

"Ha, what tone and attitude do I speak to you? Who are you, my mother? Why should I be nice to you? "

"Ning Hao, are you crazy?"

"Yes, I'm crazy and mean. I'm just a bitch who lives to set off your nausea, your filth and your shameless death. All of them are fucking psychopaths. Do you like forcing people and instigating people so much? Do you have to lose your life if you don't force people? Can't live? You have to be unhappy? You have to have no orgasm? " The more I said, the more angry I was, and the last thing I should have said was, "you dead fan pepper, dead abnormal old witch, I tell you, it's not over..."

I cut off the phone. Fan chili called again. I cut off again. After repeated countless times, fan chili sent text messages instead.

"What the hell happened?"

"It's all right!"

"Give you five minutes to think it over, say it or not."

It's this threatening tone again. When I'm your pet? Ignore.

"Calm down and think clearly. Tell me I hate being unclear." This tone is relatively calm.

"Oh." This is my answer.

"At first, I admitted forcing you. Later, did I give you less? Don't take my tolerance as capital. " Again!

When I got home, I turned off my cell phone, rushed into the toilet and washed myself seven or eight times. My skin was damaged, and then I fell into bed and slept with my head covered. I prayed myself not to have nightmares. Finally, I had a particularly disgusting nightmare. I woke up in the middle of the night and was in a cold sweat. I couldn't sleep any more.

"Jiajia, why have you ignored me lately?" I met Liang Jia in the tea room. Liang Jia hasn't said a word to me for four days since the night when she stole the documents. She took the initiative to say hello to her. She treated her as me.

Ignore people again, forget it!

Bitterly left the tea room and met ice head-on.

"Here you are. President fan is beating gongs and drums to find you. Hurry up, or everyone will suffer." Bingbing took me out.

I scolded fan chili last night. Won't you take revenge on me? How is she going to report? Fire me? Or deduct the bonus? Frankly speaking, I don't regret scolding fan chili last night, but I don't think it's worth being fired because of this. If I don't scold enough, I have to scold a bloody dog at least.

Into fan Chili's office!

"Where did you go?" Fan chili didn't lift his head, so he yelled at me.

"Drink tea."

"Drink tea for more than ten minutes?" You know I've been there for more than ten minutes?

"Smoked a cigarette before drinking tea!"

"The Company expressly stipulates that you are not allowed to leave your post for more than ten minutes after drinking tea and smoking. How many minutes did you go?"

"President fan, you announced that I came in to argue with me about the skin of these chicken feathers... Small things?" Boring or not? The company has written regulations, but I haven't seen anyone really abide by them. I'm not a model employee. Why do you always catch me? Think I'm easy to bully? What kind of decline? Depend on you. If you want to fire, just let people die early and surpass life. Don't make so many small moves that people are worried.

"Recently, there are new product promotion activities of the subsidiary company. You go to the venue with me."

"What?" Not fire me? Or give me a hope first, and then a great disappointment? What a loss.

"Why, don't you like it?"

"No, I am..."

"If you just violate the rules, deduct 50. If you don't obey the arrangement, deduct 500. Choose whether you go or not. Get out and get out immediately."

Wow, fan chili looks like this. What happened last night really didn't happen? This is not like the usual revenge, kill and play with her? Is there some conspiracy brewing in the dark, ready to slowly kill me? Well, it's estimated that, ah... Whatever it is, it's good to be safe now. Anyway, living will die sooner or later. It's more straightforward to worry about coming over and jumping off a building.

"Come back..." just half way away, fan pepper roared.

"Why?" I shivered.

"Last night..." fan Chili's strange voice, "scolded me. It was fun."

"No." I denied, "did I scold you? I praised you last night. President fan, you have a bad memory. "

"Oh, so praise me." Fan pepper sneered, "how wonderful! I didn't hear it clearly last night. You praise it again."

"President fan, you are brilliant, intelligent, courageous and resourceful..."

"Isn't that great?"

"Oh, Mr. Fan, you are immortal and beautiful. You combine all the advantages of sinking fish and falling geese, fat and thin. She has a beautiful frame, a natural beauty, and a good figure who can sing and dance. Your temperament is unparalleled in the world. You are the only one in the past two thousand years and the next two thousand years. Your smile can bloom in spring, but also bring disaster to the country and the people. Laugh at the city and then the country. You have more advantages than the stars in the sky. You are the embodiment of God. The beauty of the world is only due to your selfless dedication and hard work. You shine the light of the whole earth with your personal flower like life, and you compose the brilliance of the whole universe with your personal beauty. You are the greatest and most valuable existence since the beginning of heaven and earth. You are... "

"Enough, get out, now..."

"No, I haven't finished yet!"

"Get out, now."

I left fan Chili's office with ashes

So I can be such a disgusting person, right... Shouldn't I hate fan chili?

In the afternoon, I took the elevator to the parking lot with fan chili. Fan chili directly took the co driver's seat. I can only be a driver.

According to fan Chili's instructions, drive into the parking lot of a large shopping mall, get off, and take the elevator directly from the parking lot to the top floor. The top floor is an open-air platform, which is very large. Many plants are planted around it to act as a barrier. In addition, there is a large coconut tree at each corner, which is a real sky garden. At the moment, a stage is being built in the middle of the platform, and the general framework has been completed. A group of workers in blue overalls are busy back and forth to do aftercare work.

"Who is the contractor?" Fan pepper roared.

The workers looked at us and no one answered.

Fan pepper roared again. A woman came slowly. She couldn't see her face clearly because of the refraction of the sun.

"I'm in charge of the project." A familiar voice.

"How did you build the stage? I said it was in the middle. Look at the free distance on both sides. Is it in the middle? Have you measured it with a ruler before taking it? And how can you be so efficient? The event will be held the day after tomorrow, and you will build the general structure. What about the chairs? What about lighting equipment and all kinds of equipment needed? Is everything in place? And... "Fan pepper said a lot at random.

"Mr. Fan, please trust our profession. We know when to do what. You can rest assured."

"Don't worry? Do you see how your workers work, slow and did not eat? "

I can see clearly that this woman is the beautiful woman who lives upstairs. She also recognized me. However, due to environmental factors, we just nodded politely. Fan chili said everything alone. He blindly picked bones in the eggs. After scolding here and there, almost nothing could enter her eyes. The whole place that looked good was scolded to be worthless, not even shit.

"Here, to build a flower arch, the best and brightest red roses should be used, and the ground should be carpeted and red. In addition, the stage must be increased by one third. The steps can't be built on the side, but on the front, one on the left and one on the right to increase the three-dimensional feeling. I'm not afraid of spending money and make it beautiful... "Fan chili pointed for a few minutes, and finally added," maybe that's all. I'll compensate the project price difference to your company, on the premise that it must be completed one by one according to my requirements, Otherwise, there's nothing to talk about. Do you understand? "

"I see." The beautiful neighbor nodded and wrote it down one by one.

"Ning Hao." Fan pepper suddenly looked at me, "you are in charge of supervising the work. You will start the company tomorrow morning and here in the afternoon."


"Ah, what? Are you deaf? "

"Oh, clear." I don't understand. What am I doing?

"Idle and absent-minded all day." Fan pepper snorted, looked around and walked to the toilet.

The beautiful neighbor looked at me and held out his hand to me

"Hello, happy cooperation. My name is Ma Xiaoying."

"My name is Ning Hao."

"Actually that day..."

"How did you get this toilet? Even without hand sanitizer, mops and brooms are stacked indiscriminately, and the ground is dirty and slippery. What's the matter? Who is responsible for the accident? " Fan chili came out of the toilet and scolded as he walked, "this problem is very serious, do you know? Then who, first deal with the toilet and immediately... "

It's more than five o'clock since she came down from the roof. Fan chili asked me to take her home!

When waiting for the red light, I took out the reward given by Zhang Dingjun and gave it to fan chili. In fact, I struggled and hesitated for a long time. I didn't dare to take this kind of ill gotten wealth. Anyway, I didn't need to give fan pepper. I was thinking about how to deal with it every day.

"What?" Fan pepper was surprised.

"Zhang Dingjun money."

"What can you do for me?"

"Not to you, to whom?"

"That's your business. This is your reward. The transaction between you and Zhang Dingjun has nothing to do with me."

"Anyway, I don't want to spend this money. I have to have nightmares in my next life."

Fan pepper stared at me, then pressed the window and threw the money out of the window without hesitation

"Are you sick?" I got out of the car and picked up the money. Although I didn't dare to ask for it, I still felt heartache when I threw it away.

"Money itself is no problem. The problem is the way money makes money. You feel uneasy about your conscience. In fact, you haven't fully accepted the rules of the world. I'll tell you one last time that you are willing to make a deal between the two sides. Whether you spend the money or not, the deal has been completed, and you have done bad things. Even if you don't spend the money, you can't have never done it. " Fan pepper then opened the door and got off, cut off a taxi and ran away.

This woman, run what run? Do you take a taxi instead of a BMW? You're right to say you're sick.

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