"What's the smell?" Fan pepper sniffed, "didn't you take a bath?"


"What's the smell?"

"Please, I have no clothes to change." You think you have so many clothes in the car.

"Buy it for you."

I fake a smile.

"I'm fair. I'll repay you for helping me."

"Forget it, it's not a big thing... Besides, I'm hungry now." I didn't have breakfast before I came here. In addition, I had a long play with all of them just now, which consumed a lot of physical strength. Now I feel a little soft when I walk.

"Then, please have breakfast?" Fan chili is in a good mood. I've been good since I won. "What do you want to eat?"

"Whatever, just bread."

Fan chili stared at me for a while and suddenly smiled charming. Her smile was at a loss.

Under the guidance of fan chili, he turned left and right and finally stopped in front of a Hong Kong restaurant. It's a pleasant restaurant overlooking the busy mountain, and I can't enjoy the leisurely scenery at the foot of the mountain. This is definitely a place for the rich to relax. Although it is a long way from the urban area, it can not find the same restaurant in the urban area. It is rare at any time.

When I walked in, there were not many customers in the restaurant, which was very quiet.

Sit down and order some authentic Hong Kong cakes and a soup. In fact, I want to eat. Fan chili doesn't bird me.

When the cakes were served, I tasted all of them. Frankly, they didn't taste very good, or I wasn't used to it. I always thought those big pancakes made in our countryside tasted better. Of course, I've never been picky about food, and I don't have the basic conditions to be picky about food.

Fan chili just ate some casually and sat opposite me reading magazines. The most unique feature of this restaurant is that there are bookshelves next to each table, providing all kinds of newspapers, books and periodicals of the day. The tables are separated by several screens. No one will disturb you. Anyway, it is very comfortable, and the whole space is floating with a fragrance. Later, I learned that a incense burner was lit in the corner.

After going to the toilet, fan chili didn't even change his sitting posture. It's already more than twelve o'clock. I don't intend to continue to spend time with fan chili, but the phone rang as soon as I wanted to talk. After listening to the phone, even I was stupid. There was only one voice in my mind, "Haozi, your father is dying".

"Ning Hao." Fan pepper shook the magazine in front of me, "are you crazy?"

I reacted, grabbed the car key on the table, ran out, took a few steps, found it wrong, and returned.

"Take me to the railway station." I robbed fan Chili's magazine and threw it away, pulling her out.

"Let go." Fan pepper shook me off. "You know, I'm not your driver."

"I don't want to talk nonsense to you. My father has an accident now. I must go home immediately." I found my fingers trembling, and because I was so anxious, I didn't mind yelling at fan pepper.

"Where is your house?"




"It will take you at least an hour to go to the railway station now. You can't get home until you buy a ticket and wait for the bus and the delay on the road. If you want to be fast, you can only drive my car." Fan chili always counts things as watertight.

"Thank you." I just wanted to run, but then I thought I didn't know the road, "I don't know the road."

"With navigation in the car, fool." Fan chili looked angry, "forget it, I'll go with you."

I was anxious and didn't consider whether it was appropriate or not. In short, I can get home as soon as possible.

Fan chili drove. I was not in a good condition to drive. Even when I got on the highway, my mind was still blank, and the voice seemed to echo in my ears for a long time. The caller was my mother, and her voice was also my mother's voice. She cried and told me the bad news.

I took out my cigarette and wanted to light it. I looked at fan chili and reluctantly put it away again.

"Smoke if you want. Don't look at me." Fan pepper snorted.

"Thank you!"

After smoking a cigarette, I finally calmed down and watched fan pepper open the window and cough. I was a little sorry.


"Stop smoking... Cough, cough..."

Taixing City has arrived. How familiar is this city in my hometown. Unfortunately, I'm not in the mood to take a look at it now.

Through the busy urban Avenue, the road gradually began to narrow, and the surrounding environment became more and more desolate. Finally... Came to a very distinctive rural dirt road. My hometown is really poor. Even this dirt road is not an official driveway. It is only built for tractors, pit by pit. Fan chili, a well-off city child, has never seen such a rotten rural road? So I was stupid at once!

"I drive."

"You...?" Fan pepper looked at me suspiciously, "will you?"

"I've walked this road countless times, but I drive a tractor."

After exchanging seats with fan chili, I took a deep breath, tried to calm myself, and then drove slowly. This bad road is really difficult to walk. The car chassis is low. I must be more careful.

"Ning Hao, what is your greatest wish?" Fan chili asked for no reason.

"I don't know... If I send it one day, I will definitely spend money to repair this damn road."

It took me half an hour to drive along a three kilometer rural road to the village health center.

There were many people standing in front of the clinic. When they saw a BMW driving in, they looked up curiously, pointed and talked. I didn't pay attention, so I pushed away the crowd and rushed in. The village health center is dozens of square meters. There is an injection room with a bed. I saw my father on the bed and my mother and sister sitting on a stool.


Mom stood up and hugged me and cried, but she stopped without crying. I looked back, fan chili had come in, and my mother watched fan chili. Fan chili looks different from ordinary people. Most of the rural areas are disheartened. Suddenly there is a fan chili. Everyone is stunned.

"Good aunt."

"Oh, hello."

"Mom, what happened to my father?" My father seemed to have no big problem. There was some blood in the corners of his mouth. He walked quietly as if he were asleep.

"Your father built a house for the next village and fell from the second floor..." my mother said that she didn't have half and began to cry again.

"And then? How long ago? "


"Morning? Don't you call me this morning? " I'm a little angry.

"I didn't know at that time. After falling down, your father was fine. He refused to let him go to the hospital. He insisted that it didn't matter. Just go home and lie down. But by noon, your father began to vomit blood..."

"Now? Where's the doctor? Why not take it to the hospital. "

"I was going to send it. The doctor contacted the car. I was going to use your uncle's tractor. The doctor said..."

"Now, we have a car." Fan pepper reminded me.

"Xiaoyun, go and call a man in to help carry it."

The old sister ran out at once!

After a while, a man came in to help lift my father into fan Chili's car. Mom and sister sit in the back row. Mom hugs dad and sister sits next to him. I drove faster this time. Fortunately, I was used to this section of the road just now, so there was no accident. When I got to the Municipal People's Hospital, I carried my father into the emergency room. When I carried him, my father woke up, vomited blood on my shoulder, and then fainted again

"Help, doctor..." it's not suitable to shout in the hospital, but there's no way. People's lives are at stake. Besides, it's my father.

Outside the emergency room, I looked at the floor in a daze. My mother and sister were sitting in the row chair. Everyone was worried.

"Ning Hao." Fan pepper called me.


"Are you going to... Wash it?" Fan chili pointed to my shoulder.

I didn't respond. This is my father's blood. Can you wash it?

Fan chili said nothing more and went out

People came and went in the corridor. Many people looked at us strangely. To be correct, they looked at me and the blood on my shoulder.

I don't know how long later, fan chili came back with more food, water and a box containing a blue shirt. Fan chili stuffed his shirt into my arms and handed the food and water to my sister.

"Leng what Leng, hurry to change."

"Haozi, go." Mom said, "mom is watching here."

In the toilet, I put on the shirt bought by fan chili and stood in front of the mirror with my own shirt. I'm a little hesitant. Did I throw it away? Or keep it? Finally decided to keep it.

Wash your face and go out.

Back in the emergency room, I saw the doctor talking with fan chili, while my mother and sister were weeping silently.

I have a bad feeling, fly over

"Doctor, how's my father?"

"I'll tell you later." Fan chili pulled me aside and said to the doctor, "prepare for the operation as soon as possible."

The doctor hurried away and I looked at fan pepper.

"Your father has severe internal bleeding and must have an operation immediately. The operation fee..." fan chili hesitated. "I'll pay for you first."

"How much?" My heart was twisted.

Fan chili didn't answer.

"How much?" I turned to my mother, "tell me."

"About three... Ten... Fifty thousand..."

"So much?"

My mother nodded and her eyes were very blank. Maybe she thought 350000 was an astronomical number!

"The operation cost includes many aspects of treatment, which should be reasonable." Fan chili answered, "don't worry about money. Go through the formalities first. Your father can't delay any more!"

In the process of going through the formalities, my mind was blank. I mechanically signed my name where I should sign according to fan Chili's reminder. Then I saw fan chili take out his bank card and directly paid me 350000. The 350000 yuan must be paid first. When you leave the hospital, you can get more and less compensation, but as long as you have no brain damage, you can't expect to take out the money in the hospital. Only compensation, not compensation

After completing the formalities, I made a deep bow to fan chili. I didn't say, "don't worry, I'll pay you back as soon as possible." This kind of unrealistic nonsense, because it hurts people, the money can be paid off, and the human relationship can not be paid off. Alas, I haven't owed much to others when I'm so old, but now I owe someone I can't owe the most.

Back outside the operating room, I sat on the row chair powerlessly.

Doctors and nurses went in and out, very busy. I looked at all this blankly, and the pain reached my heart and lungs. I really shouldn't let my father be so tired. I have to build a house for others in my fifties. I'm not a filial son, but an asshole. Pigs and dogs are not as good as... But I've tried my best. I've done my best.

"Ning Hao, drink some water." Fan pepper handed me a bottle of water.

"Thank you!"

"Face it positively, there is no barrier in life." Fan chili said a very warm word in a cold tone.

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