I woke up the next day and found myself lying in my bed.

I'm thirsty. I don't know who was so kind and put a glass of water on my bed cabinet. Maybe Chen Qianqian!

I propped up, put on my pillow and was ready to drink... Suddenly, I saw a pair of pink underwear next to my slippers, which seemed to be Chen Qianqian's, and then I touched a bra by the bed, which was the same color and style as my underwear, which was also Chen Qianqian's... the most important thing is that I finally saw a used condom package on the ground about half a meter to the left of my slippers.

I quickly opened the quilt... Shit, I'm wearing a pants fork.

Dead. What did you do last night?

I won't... What did I do to Chen Qianqian?

I try my best to remember, but I can't remember anything

Flustered, dressed, rushed to Chen Qianqian's room with his underwear, wanted to knock, but hesitated!

What do I want to do?

Rush in and ask Chen Qianqian?

Ask what? Ask her if we did that last night?

I'm sick. What's Chen Qianqian's answer? The girl has a thin skin. I asked her so directly. She must deny it.

A minute later, I casually left my underwear on the sofa and rushed into Jiang Liang's room. Jiang Liang doesn't like locking the door because he has kidney deficiency and often needs to go to the bathroom to solve the problem. He thinks locking the door is particularly troublesome. This is a fucking excuse. In fact, it's his personal bad habit, and he thinks it's not necessary to lock the door when two big men live together. So, there was an accident today... As soon as I opened the door, it happened that Tintin was changing clothes. In fact, I didn't see anything, because Tintin had put on more important things... I watched an underwear show at most

"Ah..." Tintin screamed, grabbed a sharp comb and rushed to me, "dead color Lang, I'll kill you."

"Who, who?" Jiang Liang was awakened by Ding Ding and jumped up.

What happens next second? I don't know. All I know is that I must run away and run away immediately. The question is, the house is so small that can you escape there? So I think it's more necessary to explain than to run away. Otherwise, according to Tintin's irritability, even if he didn't kill me, he would torture me and leave half of my life.

"Tintin, listen to me." As I ran along the sofa, I tried to explain, "I didn't mean to. I didn't know you were there, let alone you changed clothes. I was drunk last night..."

"I don't care whether you're drunk or not. If you peek at me changing clothes, I'll blind your dog."

"Hey, that's not what I said. I'm not peeking at all. It's peeking to hide outside the crack of the door..."

"You haven't closed the door for so long?"

"I turn it off, but it's not as fast as you. I have a hangover and have a slow reaction. Is that normal?"

"I don't care." Tintin was unreasonable, "don't run."

"Stupid people don't run."

Tired of running, I was on one side of the sofa and Dingding was on the other side of the sofa, panting and staring at each other.

"You have a seed. Don't run."

"If you don't run, you have no seed."

"That kind of man should kill him!" Jiang Liang came out, adding oil and vinegar, "wife, continue to chase and try to chase."

"Son of a bitch, you're a rotten brother." I scold.

"That's funny. It's generous of me not to chase you."

"Persuade your wife quickly."

"What's the advantage?"

"What do you want?" I think I can promise immediately.

"Make lunch."

"OK, I'll do it."

"Damn it, bargain with Miss Ben." Ding Ding gave Jiang Liang a slap and continued to chase me, "you're dead!"

"Lunch." I can't run. I can only shout.

Jiang Liang answered. While Tintin was running by, he hugged Tintin and said a few words in Tintin's ear. Tintin was immediately shocked, turned and ran back to the room and closed the door.

"It worked. What did you just say?" I never thought Jiang Liang could tame Ding Ding. I just thought Jiang Liang would be cleaned up like a little daughter-in-law by Ding Ding Ding. Except for that moment, Jiang Liang brightened my eyes and completely changed.

"Want to know?"

"Can you stop talking nonsense? Waste saliva. "

"Speak with your throat, breath and abdominal strength through our vocal cords..."

"What a mess."

"Oh, I told her that she was still wearing underwear and would suffer more if she caught up." When Ding Ding chased me, she really only wore underwear. "I asked her to go back and wear it before chasing. By the way, she changed the comb into a knife... A gentleman moves his mouth but doesn't do it..."

"Go to your gentleman and strangle you."

"Ah, cough... Wife, help..."

"Deserve to strangle you." Ding Ding appeared in time, but he didn't intend to save Jiang Liang, let alone continue to settle accounts with me. Instead, he sat beside us with great interest and looked at us, with an expression that killing and maiming had nothing to do with her.

Frankly, I couldn't touch Tintin, so I didn't dare pinch it again. Jiang Liang probably felt very surprised. He didn't roar any more, and the atmosphere became rigid until we all heard the sound of opening the door outside and saw Chen Qianqian come in with some meat and vegetables.

"What are you doing?" Chen Qianqian looked at Jiang Liang and me with confused eyes. We didn't respond. She immediately turned to ask Ding Ding, "what are they doing?"

"Fight." Tintin squeezed out two words coldly.

"Fight?" Chen Qianqian turned to me and Jiang Liang, "why fight?"

"Fight over who cooks."

"Ah..." Chen Qianqian screamed. Instead of being slandered by Tintin, we fought because of who was cooking. She was frightened when she saw her own underwear on the sofa. "I, I... My underwear...?" Chen Qianqian put down his things and quickly picked up two underwear and rushed back to his room.

I blushed and flustered

In addition, watching Tintin's ghostly smile at the moment, I was trembling and hair in my heart. Intuition tells me that Tintin must know something or have done something to me.

I was cooking. Jiang Liang and Ding Ding were watching TV in the living room. Chen Qianqian gave me a hand.

"Qianqian, I last night..."

"You threw up all over me last night."

"Sorry, actually, I was with you last night... I..."

"Oh, concentrate." Chen Qianqian suddenly screamed, "the food is going to paste!"

Hey, it's hard to summon up courage. Can you let me say it completely?

"Qian Qian, did I take you last night..."

"Why so long?" Tintin suddenly ran into the kitchen, "I'm hungry and thin. I haven't finished yet. It's a turtle. Are you?"

Dead Dingding, smelly Dingding, bad for me, I hate it!

"Not bad." At dinner, Ding Ding held a sparerib in his right hand and raised his thumb to me with his left hand. "I didn't expect you to look bad. Your cooking is OK."

"If you can't get out of the hall, you can usually enter the kitchen." Jiang Liang concluded.

"Are you praising people?"

"No." Jiang Liang and Ding Ding spoke in unison.

As I said earlier, in terms of eloquence, the dog men and women randomly choose one who is not an opponent, but such a love affair, sing one song and call one invincible in the world. It's just that people block Buddha and Buddha block people. I can't compete alone, so I choose to be silent, and I'm worried. Anyway, wine is not a good thing. Drinking too much is not a good thing. If I really took Chen Qianqian last night... I don't want to be responsible. I was already responsible for Chen Qianqian, but it's not such a responsibility. It's a bit messy, but it's such a reason. I promised her to take care of her at the beginning.

After dinner, I hesitated for a long time whether to go home, and finally decided not to go back for the time being. After drinking so much last night, I'm still dizzy. It's not suitable for driving. As for taking the bus, it's estimated that I won't get home until evening. Forget it, it's more practical to take a nap.

I don't know how long I slept and was woken up by the phone!


No one speaks!

"I'm sick. I'll hang up if I don't talk."

"Sorry, i... don't know what to say." Ma Xiaoying's voice.

"Oh, I'm sleeping. I drank too much last night and my head hurt a little, so I talked nonsense. What are you... Looking for me?"

"Did you drink last night?"

"What do you want from me?"

"I... are you free tonight? I'd like to... Treat you to dinner. "

"Oh, eat, go there? Is this your restaurant again? " I regret it when I say it. I didn't mean to satirize Ma Xiaoying. It's just a bad habit. I don't choose words.

"Sorry to interrupt!" Ma Xiaoying hung up.

What color are my intestines now? Cyan, regret green, want to commit suicide!

When I think about it, Ma qianer doesn't even like the same kind of smoke. When I think about it, I come to the conclusion that Ma qianer doesn't even like it. The fundamental problem now is that I put Chen Qianqian... Is this a portrayal of fate? I'm destined to be a stranger to Ma Xiaoying? Our lifelines cannot intersect. If so, I'd rather never meet

Hey, maybe now is also a better result.

But this is too fucking immoral. I can't do anything like the good opportunity mentioned by Jiang Liang, otherwise what about Chen Qianqian?

The more I think about it, the more angry I am. I can't wait to blow up the bar with a bag of explosives

Go to the bathroom and see Jiang Liang in the living room. This bastard is watching the replay of the Premier League last night.

"Where's Tintin?"


"Where's Qianqian?"

"I don't know."

I went to the bathroom and sat next to Jiang Liang.

"Something on your mind?" Jiang Liang said faintly and then roared, "shit, this kind of ball can also score. He dares to score when he slams into the street. Ah, I'm going to lose. I'm going to lose. Fuck my cousin... "

"You're just a rogue fan."

"Manchester United are losing!"

"You worry a fart, just lose a ball!"

"Cut, is this fun? If you don't worry, you won't be nervous. If you're not nervous, you won't have passion. If you don't have passion, you won't have meaning. If you don't have meaning, you can watch a fart ball? It's better to go back to the room... "Jiang Liang made a self Wei gesture," it's more enjoyable. "

"You're disgusting."

"You're not disgusting. Dare you say you haven't done it?"

"That's youth and ignorance."

"Just admit it."

"I'm too lazy to talk to you." I went back to my room unhappily.

When a person is bored or irritable, he will feel uncomfortable looking at anything. This emotional expression is very easy for outsiders to see. If this "outsider" is a good friend and someone who knows you well enough, he will find that it is different from you. Then the information given by their brain is that you are worried. If this "outsider" is your ordinary friend and doesn't know you well enough, he will certainly not make comparison, because he doesn't know you well and can't make comparison, he will only think that this is your uniqueness.

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