I hesitate, even fear. The bedroom is a sensitive place. Many comedies and tragedies are staged in the bedroom every day. Men and women love each other, fish and water mix, or ignore each other, silent and tears... For better or worse, the key is that fan chili is different from those women I know. I dare not make a mistake. I can't afford to make it except because this woman starts a storm, In addition... I'm not narcissistic to that extent. According to the signs of the past, it's usually the opposite sadness.

"Leng what Leng? Afraid I'll eat you or afraid I'll insult you? " Fan pepper shouted at me, "come in, immediately."

Fan Chili's bedroom is luxurious, beautiful, or... Special. A large space, with a modern screen with blue and white stripes on the left of the center, divides the whole space into two. In the study on the left, there is a large bookshelf, a set of exquisite tables and chairs and computers; On the right is a big round bed with a huge white wardrobe beside it. Alas, fan chili can think of such an alternative design... However, the bed looks really comfortable. It's large enough. Even if you can't get a 108 style on it, can you make do with at least 69 style?

"What are you doing?" Fan pepper looked at me with puzzled eyes, because I went to the bedside and was ready to sit down.

"Ah?" I was stiff. "I didn't do anything."

"I told you to repair the computer, not the bed."

See, you have to keep your mind pure at all times!

Fan Chili's computer is a suit machine, a big brand... I checked it several times and found no problem.

"Mr. Fan, your computer is normal."


"In what way is it abnormal?"

"I don't know. It's abnormal anyway."

I can't laugh or cry. I'd like to fix it, but I need something to fix it, right? This computer is healthier than me. There are several loopholes and several bad plug-ins. You can scan it and hit it, and it's basically done.


"It's over!"

Fan pepper tried it and showed his dissatisfaction.

"No problem?"

"Opening web pages is slow." Fan pepper opened a web page, "look, it takes several seconds."

"Mr. Fan, that's the speed." Fan chili didn't mean to make things difficult for me? In the past, I was scolded. Is it really a change?

"Slower than the company."

"Head office fan, the company uses optical fiber and your home broadband."

"I don't care." Fan Chili's overbearing tone, "in short, it must be as fast as the company."

"You can report."

"You fix it again."

I see. Fan chili deliberately asked me to do the work I didn't need to do to kill me.

"Repair, what are you doing?"

"Oh, I'll help you reinstall the system." I can't bear it. Anyway, the computer has a backup. It won't take much time to restore it.

I'm working on the computer. Fan pepper is watching. He doesn't speak, but watches. It's not the computer, but me. After reading on the left, I run to the right and continue to look. After reading on the right, I turn to the front endlessly. I'm restless and embarrassed. I'm worried. I don't know whether fan chili intends to seek my money or kill me. No, for safety's sake, sneaking is the best policy.

"It's done." Half an hour later, I said.

"Oh, let's keep drinking..."

"Mr. Fan, it's late. I think I still..."

"You can sleep here tonight." Fan chili realized his mistake and coughed gently. "I mean, there's a guest room outside. Oh, the guest room door is broken. You can fix it by the way."

"President fan." I couldn't help it. "You did it on purpose, didn't you?"

"What?" Fan La didn't understand, "what did I do on purpose?"

"The kitchen light is not broken, the computer is no problem, and the guest room door is probably nonsense." I hardened my head and continued, "is it because I scolded you? You feel angry and shameless, so you find some trivial things to kill and revenge me? Mr. Fan, if I'm wrong, I'm sorry. Your adult has spared me a lot. I really want to go home. I have to go home early tomorrow morning... "

"Do you think I'm taking revenge on you?" Fan chili became angry and gnashed his teeth. "Am I so stingy?"

"That's not what I mean."

"Come with me."

Shit, you don't want to kill people, do you?

"Take your crap... I didn't let you take that... Put the cigarette down, put it down." Fan pepper went to the gate quickly, entered the password and opened the door, "get out, now."

This dead woman, turn her face when she says!

"President Ning, the person arranged by President fan has arrived. Do you want to invite her in?" In the morning, Huang Xiaoshu asked me for instructions with an inside line.

"Come on, please."

For a moment, a graceful young woman came in, wearing a very simple professional dress with light purple color, but such a simple dress is noble and charming, sexy and mysterious, which can deeply attract people's eyes. A beautiful face does not apply vulgar powder, and the hair is set up as usual. It is dressed in line with age, shape and temperament, giving people a fresh, capable and bright visual sense. This young woman... It was Ji Ruolan who met in the conference room on the sixth floor of Feiya that day.

"Hello, Miss Ji." I coughed to hide my gaffe. My eyes were too naked just now.

"Better always." She behaved naturally as if nothing had happened.

"Sit down."

Ji Ruolan sat down gracefully.

"Drink water?" I'm going to pour water into the water dispenser.



"I arrived half an hour before work and have seen the whole company." Very dedicated.

"What did you get?"

"No harvest for the time being." Ji Ruolan hesitated a little, "Mr. Ning, you don't look very good."

"Oh, I didn't sleep much last night." Speaking of last night, I wanted to be cheap. Fan chili lived in that ghost place and waited for half a day. He couldn't wait for a taxi. He walked several kilometers to the main road outside to grab one. It was almost three o'clock when he returned to the dormitory and slept for less than three hours. How good can I look? Moreover, I've been thinking about a problem. It seems that I misunderstood fan chili. She didn't fool me because... The expression of fan chili reflected on the floor when I left... How to say? It's like a treacherous plan, and it's like regret. Anyway, it's unpredictable.

"Rich nightlife?"

"Do you think I look like a man with a rich nightlife?"

Ji Ruolan smiles gracefully. This elegance has nothing to do with tenderness. It's maturity.

"Well, let's get down to business. Mr. Fan asked you to be your deputy. You are an experienced management. In fact, you should... Let me be direct. There are two important vacancies in blue cat, which need you to take over temporarily."

"No problem!"

"Cheery, I like cheery people." I've seriously considered it. It's not wise for Huang Xiaoshu to give consideration to the comprehensive department at the same time. Huang Xiaoshu's own work has been busy enough. I came back at more than three o'clock last night and saw that her room was lit. It's easy to kill people if I go on like this. "Then, the two departments will be under your direct jurisdiction in the future. One is the procurement department and the other is the comprehensive department."


"That's it!" I don't care about the handover. Huang Xiaoshu will get it done. I have to hurry up and get back to sleep.

After sleeping for more than an hour, I was woken up by factory director su.

"Ning Zong, do you really want to do it?" Director Su said in a very depressed tone.

"Didn't you agree yesterday? Just do what I say. " I was a little angry and disturbed my sleep.

"Is it too fake?"

"You don't have to think about it." I'll hang up.

In the afternoon, Huang Xiaoshu reported an unexpected bad news to me. The production base went on a collective strike from top to bottom, and factory director Su disappeared. Now there are many headless and disorderly people there. A large number of workers gathered outside the open space of the office building of the production base, waiting for senior officials from the headquarters to explain. Hehe, the biggest official in the headquarters is me, but I don't intend to go there, at least not today.

"President Ning...?"

"Huang Xiaoshu, did you go to bed late last night?"

"It's a little late, production..."

"Women should not often stay up late. Staying up late hurts their skin. I know you are working for the company with all your heart, so I decided to give you a set of skin care products." I know that Huang Xiaoshu is going to report the latest situation of the production base. Her expression is the best proof that ants on the hot pot.

"No, Mr. Ning, now..."

"Calm down, calm down." I smiled. "You haven't answered yet. Do you want skin care products? I don't often give people things, especially skin care products. " Khan, did I buy it for Chen Qianqian? Is it a gift?

"I don't need skin care products."

"Oh, what a pity, then... You should be very busy. I won't take up your time today!"

Huang Xiaoshu left my office with a depressed face.

Yes, I caused the strike. Factory director Su was not missing, but his position was removed. This is my second step plan. The destructive effect of mixing up the production base must be more obvious than that of mixing up the headquarters.

"Mr. Ning, are you going to ignore it? Let things get worse? " Before work, Huang Xiaoshu came again!

"Huang Xiaoshu." I smiled, "you don't seem to believe me!"

"No, I just..."

"I know. You are a good secretary." I smiled and handed a piece of paper to Huang Xiaoshu. "I'll handle it now. Take this order and ask Mr. Ji to go to the production base together, read it out according to the content on the order book, and come back immediately after reading it out. There are other things for you to do."

Huang Xiaoshu looked at the order book and hardly cried.

Because my order is not to solve problems, let alone appease people's hearts, but to add vinegar and fan the flames. The above clearly lists the three major crimes of factory director Su during his term of office, such as dereliction of duty, fraud and gang building. Three charges were imposed on factory director su. I expelled him from the blue cat, and those who refused to accept the charges were dismissed.

Forty minutes later, Huang Xiaoshu and Ji Ruolan returned and walked into my office together.

"Oh, Huang Xiaoshu, has it been done yet?" I'm very happy. I'm not pretending. I'm really happy. I just won tens of thousands of happy beans against the landlord. I lost miserably a while ago. I'm finally proud.

"After listening to the order, more than half of the workers scolded and left, and the leaders of all departments and workshops stayed." Huang Xiaoshu flat mouth, "they asked to see you."


"No, they asked me to convey a word: if factory director Su doesn't come back, there will be an endless strike."

"Oh, very backbone." I'm also worried that factory director Su can't do well. It seems that my worry is superfluous. In fact, factory director Su is so popular among grass-roots workers.

"President Ning..."

"Miss Ji, oh, Mr. Ji, you came here at the beginning of today. I'll invite you to dinner and wash the dust for you."

"Thank you." Ji Ruolan gave a stiff smile. I know that she must think I'm a stupid, worthless, mediocre and incompetent boss who just eats, drinks and doesn't want to build.

"Huang Xiaoshu, go and book a table and call Ding Ling by the way."

Huang Xiaoshu went out very depressed

The joy in my heart.

I feel a little abnormal. Huang Xiaoshu is so nervous that I can still be happy.

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