Driving to the Huancheng hospital, the mobile phone suddenly rang and Huang Xiaoshu called. Huang Xiaoshu told me that the blue cat headquarters was surrounded by a group of guys who were not good at first sight. There were about 70 or 80 people. They shouted and scolded one by one. They didn't let anyone in and out of the headquarters and reported to the police. They withdrew before the police came, and they continued to surround as soon as the police left.

"I'll come back now." I hung up the phone, braked, turned to Lianchang, "it seems that I can only send you here."

"I can go with you."

"You hear me?"

"The car is so big."

"You haven't officially worked yet, and this kind of thing..."

"It doesn't matter."

"Very competent." I smiled with satisfaction and turned to the direction of blue cat headquarters.

I was vaguely worried. This fact was unexpected. I knew that Ma Wenfeng did it, but I didn't think he dared to engage in the blue cat headquarters openly, and I didn't think he came so quickly. The negotiations broke down in the morning and took immediate action in the afternoon.

I drove back to the periphery of the blue cat headquarters. Sure enough, dozens of people surrounded the door. The car couldn't drive in at all. I honked the horn. Those people looked back at me, but were indifferent and let me press. I had no choice but to back out and park the car on the road outside. I planned to enter the headquarters from the side door. The problem was that the side door was also guarded. There were six people in all, dressed in rotten clothes. They greeted me before I went there.

"Blue cat doesn't receive anyone today. Please go back!" One of them should be the leading rotten boy said to me.

"It's pulling you, blue cat, yours?"

"Brother, I give you face. I hope you understand." He looked impatient.

"Rely on you dozens of people, don't you?" I stared at him.


"Believe it or not, I'll call hundreds of people to give you a long memory?"


"Go away." I pushed him away and the rotten boy pushed me back. I shouted, "practice often."

Lian often jumped out from behind me, pulled the rotten boy's collar and threw it out. It was as if it was not a big living man, but a little hen. This hand immediately deterred the other rotten boys and me. I can't think that Lian Chang is so strong. I've also practiced, but I must admit that the distance between me and Lian Chang is the distance between eggs and stones.

After entering the headquarters, I saw a large number of employees lying by the window looking out.

"What are you looking at? Go back to work." Seeing that the effect was not good, I roared, "Huang Xiaoshu, what are you doing? Take the lead, don't you? Get back to work. "

Those employees continued to watch, and I couldn't help watching. It turned out that dozens of people downstairs retreated quickly and ran out in less than a minute. After a while, two police cars came in and six policemen got off the bus. I just called the police on my way back, so I need to go down and lie down.

"Who called the police?" Asked one of the policemen.


"What's the matter?"

"Someone made trouble, rotten boy, dozens of people, surrounded the door."

"Where are the people?"

"Just left, it should still be outside. We just called the police once. They ran as soon as you came."

"There are no rotten children outside. Only two dead tourist buses are being repaired."

"Do you think those outside are tourists?" There were indeed two tourist buses on the road outside. I felt strange at that time. I didn't want to understand the secret relationship until the guys withdrew and the police came in. "Those two buses are used to hide people's eyes and ears. As soon as you leave, they will come in again."

"Have you offended anyone lately?"

"No." I deny, "we didn't offend anyone."

"Don't offend anyone. What are you afraid of?"

"Joke, are you afraid of me?"

"Just don't be afraid. If you have something, call the police at the first time. Don't waste the police force if you have nothing."

"Hey, don't go, you can..." fuck, the police really left and wronged me for wasting police force. I want to ask if I have to kill people. At that time, the police won't call it wasting police force? Shit.

The police didn't walk for a few minutes, and the rotten boys poured in again!

"It's him. Catch him." One of the rotten boys suddenly shouted.

I glanced at the guy who had just been thrown out by Lian Chang. He pointed at me and a group of rotten boys rushed over. Lian Chang immediately took me to the office building. For a moment, the whole blue cat headquarters was in chaos. More than 20 of the gang chased us, and the rest continued to block the door. The employees of the headquarters, seeing this situation, find places to hide one by one.

We ran very fast, but those guys were not slow. We were caught up as soon as we ran into the stairs.

"You run first." Practice speaking at a fast speed, "run to a safe place."

Nonsense, I need to know where it's safe.

Lian Chang roared, stopped, turned around, kicked out with one foot, and immediately kicked one rotten boy who rushed up first, and then hit another rotten boy on the shoulder. The rotten boy flew out for several meters and fell on the steps, wailing loudly. It was not sad. However, such a strong practice was not enough to frighten the numerous rotten boys, injured two, the rest were still fierce and rushed forward, and some of the dozens of people blocked at the door rushed to help.

"Lian Chang, go, you can't stand it." One dozen, martial arts figures.

Lian Chang took out a rotten collar and spun it out. He immediately smashed a large area. Then he quickly caught up with me and sprinted to the upper level with me. We are very fast. Unfortunately, corridor is open and there is no door. No matter how fast we run, we can't escape. Unless we climb up top floor and jump down, there is a new road behind us. If we don't fall dead, we may get rid of the a group of the chasing soldiers behind us.

"Where is the safest place? There are doors, iron doors. " Practice often asks.

"Finance room!"

"What floor is it?"

"Second floor." Shit, we're on the third floor now. Why didn't I think of it just now?


Lianchang took the lead and ran back. At this time, three rotten children rushed up. Lianchang kicked one of them on the chest. The rotten child rolled downstairs and immediately mixed the other two down. I took the opportunity to step on the back of one of them and jump down, and then ran to the finance room. The things managed by the finance office are sensitive, so I installed the iron gate. I once visited the finance office and was slightly impressed.

Ran into the finance room, Lian Changfei quickly closed the door tightly, and then moved a large desk to block it. As soon as it was blocked, it began to smash the door. The smashing was extremely violent. The whole house was shaking, but they couldn't open it for a while and a half. I can breathe a sigh of relief. When I entered the manager's office, I saw a woman looking for something. This woman is yuan Bingran, the financial manager, and Ding Ling's immediate boss. What she turned over was... The drawer of Ding Ling's desk.

"What are you doing?"

"No... no..." yuan Bingran was very flustered.

"Find a place to stay." I don't have time to argue with her now. I'll judge her slowly after this battle.

"Yes, yes..." yuan Bingran was more flustered because he heard the sound of scolding and smashing the door outside.

"Temporarily safe." Lian Chang came in, "but such a blockage is a dead end."


"It's no use calling the police."

What should I do? Did I pull people to fight with the rotten boy? Then I have to have someone, too? No matter whether it's useful or not, you must call the police. It's useless to report to the local government. I'm looking for Ding Ding. I was about to make a phone call and let factory director Su's number be busy

"Mr. Ning, I'm bringing someone here. Hold on." Connect, Director Su said.


"I brought the workers here. Hundreds of people can arrive in about five minutes."

"You're crazy. Who asked you to bring someone here? What about fighting? "

"Secretary Huang, she called me and said you let dozens of people chase you."

"Chase a fart, she's crazy." I hung up the phone and called Huang Xiaoshu. As soon as I got through, I scolded, "Huang Xiaoshu, are you crazy? What if the two sides fight? Are you in charge? If you kill someone, you will go to jail. Don't you understand the seriousness of this kind of thing? "

"I, I just..."

"Forget it, that's it." Hang up Huang Xiaoshu. I immediately called Director Su again. Unfortunately, I couldn't get through. There's something wrong with me. I just wanted to call and scold Huang Xiaoshu. I didn't even have time to tell factory director Su to take people back first. Now, the two gang will fight once they meet. If they don't get it right and cause human life, hum, I'll wash my ass and wait for squatting!

Suddenly, the door smashing stopped. The voice outside was boiling and the quarrel was fierce. Factory director Su should have brought people here!

I asked Lian Chang to open the door and rush out.

The downstairs was in chaos, and the uniformed workers in the production base poured in several times more than the rotten ones. Although the workers didn't carry any weapons in their hands, the momentum alone was enough to scare people soft. They shouted and scolded one by one. Those in front of them even moved with the rotten ones. The rotten ones were finally trapped in the open space in the middle.

I screamed bad. I was afraid that a small conflict would turn into a big struggle, so I couldn't wait to rush downstairs, but I was still a step slow. When I rushed down, the two groups had already fought. It was a mess. People stacked people and stepped on people. There was no move and no discipline. I just waved my fist and raised my legs and stepped on them. When I saw that the factory director was unable to help me out, I finally wanted to be stopped by three workers

"Old Su, what the fuck are you doing?" I went up, angry and flustered.

"I was kicked and my stomach hurt." Factory director Su's face twitched as he spoke.

"Why is it fighting?"

"A dead long hair kicked me, and the workers couldn't persuade me immediately!"

"You're sick. You go ahead?"

"My boss." Factory director Su looked wronged, "I have to persuade you to fight!"

"You shouldn't bring people if you persuade people to fight." I suddenly remembered something, "are all the people from the base here?"

"There are only a few security guards left. What's the matter?"

"You're nervous." I yelled at Lian Chang, "Lian Chang, go to the base immediately." I threw the car key to Lian Chang, and then quickly said to Director Su, "take half the people back and go at once."

Director Su looked puzzled.

"Lure the tiger away from the mountain, hurry... Go, still want to." I almost couldn't resist kicking Director Su's ass. I was afraid, really afraid. There must be no trouble in the production base. The headquarters can make any mess. If the production base makes a mess, it will be over.

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