"And..." I immediately added, "the light on the left."

Fan pepper still stared.

"In addition, the license plate is also crooked... OK, OK, smashed a lot of places."

"Get in the car, now!" Fan pepper closed his eyes and took a nap.

I got in the car.

This dead pervert is not generally generous. He not only doesn't blame, but also keeps driving! If every rich person is like her, will there be so many people in the world who can't eat? Will there be so many people who can't marry a daughter-in-law? Will there be so many people who can't afford children? Will there be so many people who can't afford to read? Will there be so many people who can't get sick? There will be so many people... Stop and continue to write. I can write dozens or even hundreds of articles, but this is not what this article wants to express.

"Stop." Fan pepper suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the surrounding environment, "where are you going?"

"The company!"

"You go back to work overtime?" Fan chili pointed to a big road on the right, "take me home."

The more I drive, the more desolate it becomes. I'm in the suburbs. I haven't reached fan Chili's house yet. How can I go back later? Thinking of this problem, I immediately stepped on the brake.

"What are you doing?" Fan chili originally narrowed her eyes. When I stepped on the brake, she suddenly opened her eyes and stared angrily.

"Do you live in the suburbs?"

"Has anything to do with you?"

"No, how can I come back later?"

"Wait a minute. Keep going." Fan pepper finished and closed his eyes.

Continue to drive forward. I especially want to smoke during this period, but I think about it and resist it. I don't want to be beaten.

"Fool, drive too far!" Fan pepper opened his eyes again, looked at the surrounding environment, and then scolded.

"You sleep fart. I don't know where you live."

"Drive back."

After driving back for a few minutes, I stopped in a garden where I could see the luxury even at night.

Fan chili got out of the car at the garden gate and went straight to the garden.

"Hey, what do you mean? What shall I do if you go? It's always like this. You'll have a heart attack if you say something? " I yelled at fan Chili's back. I can't stand this dead Pervert's unique strange character in the world. I'll take care of you when I like it. When I don't like it, birds don't bird you. I still walk with great authority and evil spirit. Shit.

"Roar what roar? I hate people yelling at me. " Don't you know that there is a saying: don't do to others what you don't want?

"I'm such a qualified person that I think I'm willing to roar?"

"You won't drive back?"

"Drive back?"

"You can walk if you like, whatever you want."

"Nonsense!" After thinking about it, I said, "do you really want to drive back?"

Fan chili didn't answer and went directly into the garden.

Shit, did you really let me drive back? Aren't you afraid I'll never come back? Buy this BMW at a low price and run away? Depressed, what do you think? I Ning Hao is such a despicable person?

Driving back, I could finally smoke. I almost didn't suffocate just now.

Just lit and smoked a few, fan pepper sent a message to my mobile phone: pick me up at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning and deduct the bonus if I'm late. Get the car repaired by tomorrow, or you'll die miserably.

My message back: I have no money.

Fan chili replied: there is a warranty card on the car. There is an address on the card. There is no money. Stop bothering me, get out, now.

After the car was repaired, I began to worry. There was no formal parking lot in the dilapidated community where I lived. Did I just stop by the side of the road? Is it safe? I'd like to stop at the repair place, but people don't want to repair this little problem, which has been solved in half an hour.

I was worried. I saw a short haired beauty in a white dress cutting off a taxi through the windshield. But the two taxis passed by didn't take her. I didn't know if there were passengers inside. Otherwise, how could no one want to take a big beauty? In my mind, I was having some colorful... Communication with the white beauty. I slowed down and asked her if she wanted a ride.

See, how helpful I am?

I'm just kidding. I didn't expect that the beauty in white dared to wave me to stop.

Now the girl is a little too bold. Doesn't she know that her beauty will have a certain impact on a man with such poor control? If I can't control myself

I drove slowly past her, and then she looked disappointed.

Stop? Or not?

After driving twenty or thirty meters, I pulled over.

"Excuse me, can you give me a ride?" The beauty in white flew over and asked.

"Yes, but it's not a good thing to trust others easily." At this time, I saw her face clearly. She had a beautiful and lovely face and big eyes. However, there was a bit of anxiety and anxiety on that lovely face.

"You are a good man." She looked at me very seriously and said very seriously.


"Although you are... Frivolous and like... Flirting with girls, you shrink back at the last moment. Can a person with lust but no courage be a bad person?"

"Why do I think you're turning the corner and scolding me?"

"I'm telling the truth. I do think so."

I'm speechless. The girl is so straightforward. In other words, she is very kind... Dare to be outspoken.

"Why don't you talk?" Look at my silence, she asked.

"I'm thinking about how to turn the color center into a color gall, ha ha..."

"It's almost impossible. According to the human cell structure... Simply put, the color center uses the brain and the color gall uses the cerebellum, unless you can cut the head open and..."

"All right, just think I didn't say it." This beauty in white is very interesting. You think she's teasing you. It doesn't seem like that. At least her expression looks very sincere and her eyes are very clear.

"Thank you!"

"Thank you for what?"

"You are a good man."

"By the way, where are you going?" good person? I am a good person. Ha ha, I didn't mean well at that time.

"Zhongshan hospital!" At this point, she sighed.

"What are you doing?"

"My mentor... Is ill."

"Well, do you want to drive faster?"

"On the premise of ensuring life safety, it should be possible." She gave me a smile, a sad and beautiful smile, gorgeous.

I stepped on the accelerator and ran to Zhongshan Hospital.

"By the way, you just said your tutor... Are you still a student? That school? "

"I've come out for an internship!"

"The school?"

"Shanghai business school."

"Business? If I tell you, I also graduated from business school, do you believe it? "

"Why not?"

"Why do you believe it?"

"Because you are a good man!"

What logic, good people will not lie, will not cheat?

The beauty in white has a beautiful name, "Chen Qianqian". The process of talking with her is very happy. I can feel her youth and kindness. I once owned these things, but when I entered the big dye vat of society, I felt that I was no longer young and kind-hearted. I lived in deep water every day. There were all kinds of traps and struggles around me, especially when I was cleaned up by fan chili these days. My kindness has been completely removed from the dust and I don't know where to go.

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