"Didn't you say I would take revenge? You're afraid of me. It's a sign of guilt in my eyes. "

"Please, who is not afraid of you? Who dares to provoke you by wearing a smelly face all day and dying pets at home every day?"

"Ning Hao." Fan chili roared, "you'd better talk through your brain first."

"OK, I'm unlucky!" I thought for a while and suddenly smiled, "Mr. Fan, can I ask another question?"

Fan pepper nodded.

"That time... You went on a blind date... Didn't you?" Actually, I don't dare ask.

"Blind date?" Fan chili looked confused.

"That's the time we met in Longcheng restaurant."

"Do you think I need a blind date?" Fan pepper sneered, "only people like you will go."

"Frankly, I think you want to. I've never seen a man around you, and I've never heard of gossip about your love history, which proves to some extent that... You lack men."

"What is a lack of men?" Fan pepper was angry, "can't live without a man around?"

"It's far away. Come back!"

"Socializing, I remembered the wrong room number, and then I saw you dead." Later, I found that you were stupid enough to change your mind, but I didn't think it was worth it

"Mr. Fan, if I spray tea, I'm stupid and lack of heart? What's the matter? " Frankly, use me.

Fan chili didn't speak.

"Mr. Fan, can I ask another question?" This time, before fan chili answered, I put forward it first, "are you sure to go to war with other bosses? Why do you all want each other to die? Isn't Feiya good? It is said that you suddenly came to Feiya with a lot of shares and occupied four major departments by tough means. How did you do it? "

"I left the orphan at the age of twelve and was sent abroad." Fan pepper smiled sadly, "the road is paved."

"Who sent you abroad? Is it an orphanage? " I understand the meaning of fan Chili's bleak smile. No one likes to be controlled. I don't like such a stupid one. Besides, fan chili is smart, strong, arrogant and appreciated by Gu Fang alone.

"The person who adopted me."

"The person who adopted you is the major shareholder of Feiya?" I've never heard of this gossip.

"You can say so."

"And then? Who adopted you? Didn't you say the person who adopted you was dead? You also said that the person who adopted you was not rich. Was it another person who sent you abroad? You were reselled... No, I mean... You were adopted for the second time? " I can't talk with my bad mouth.

"The other one died, too. The couple died abroad." Fan pepper suddenly became sad, "crash."

"Hehe, such a good thing falls on you... No, I don't mean that. I just think it's like a TV play, leaving you a large legacy. But how did you get the inheritance? They didn't know in advance that they would die. There was no reason to leave a will or the like. Besides, they didn't have their own children? Adopted you? "

"You have a lot of problems!" Fan pepper glared at me like anger.

"Hehe, I'm a gossip, but I just listen and don't spread it, so you can rest assured to tell me."

"Lawyer, I gave her a lot of money, and then I got Feiya."

"That's it?" I was a little disappointed and thought it would be complicated. Of course, the process may be really complicated. Whether fan chili says it or not is another matter. She doesn't want to say it. It's useless for me to ask.

"What else do you want?"

"What you said is too simple, and... This kind of transaction seems a little..."

"Mean, right?" Fan pepper sneered.

I was speechless because I really thought so.

"If I don't, those legacies will have to be taken by others, even if they are eventually donated to charities." Fan pepper continued to sneer, "do you know how charities use donations? It's better to do it yourself. I do good deeds as well. I really do good deeds. "

Fan chili is right. Our country's charities are really speechless.

"And then?"

"It's not hard to imagine why we disagree. What's my identity in Feiya?" Fan chili said here with a momentum, "what are they? Stupid ability, can only play small tricks, do secret things and exclude me. Maybe they think I enjoy my success and think Feiya should belong to them. Funny, did I sit and enjoy it? Why don't you see what I brought to Feiya? Before I entered Feiya, the market value of Feiya was only one-third of what it is now, or even less. "

"Together, they should have more shares than you. Why don't they choose..."

"It's not that simple. If this can be achieved, the world will not be divided into race and people."

"Why doesn't Feiya have a formal leader?" I really want to know, even the whole Feiya interior wants to know, but what has been circulating is only various versions of speculation, and the real reason is almost unknown.

"You'll know later." Fan chili doesn't intend to answer in depth, probably because it's complex!

"Well, you're sure this time... What are you going to do with Feiya? Become your own? Or something else? "

"You don't need to be your own. As long as you kick those people out, Feiya still has their share. They will still get a lot of money, but Feiya's wheel won't get in their way."

"I've already done it. It's good to share the money at home." I sighed.

"You are worthless." Fan pepper despises me, "a man doesn't want to make progress, wait to die, you!"

"Mr. Fan, they all say that you have a half day's leisure. Why do you let yourself live so tired?" I sat away from fan pepper a little, "look at you. Do you have fun jumping your nerves every day? It's not your own money, and how many hands do you have? How many brains? How much youth and life? Why do you spell so hard? To whom? Are you going to get married? Make wedding clothes for others? The key is that you make yourself so strong. Whenever a man sees you, he has to retreat and stop. If you want to marry, it's not a good marriage. Who dares to marry you? It seems that I'm so good that I'm ashamed of myself and dare not climb up. How far can other men go if they don't buy tickets early? I'm not attacking your confidence. I'm seeking things from facts. Do you usually read newspapers? Most women with high knowledge and ability are leftover women. I don't know whether it's the current men's weakness or some other messy reason. Anyway, there are many statements, and none of them is accurate. "

Fan pepper stared.

"Forget it, if you don't talk about these problems, it's not clear. It's mainly none of my business to prevent you from getting angry. You can't even initiate a rage..." seeing that fan chili really wanted to get angry, I immediately opened the topic, "President fan, who are the three bosses you most afraid of? Oh, I mean, who's the hardest to deal with? " Nonsense, fan chili is not afraid of anyone, only other bosses are afraid of her.


"Can't it be Zhang Dingjun?"

"Zhang Dingjun? Ha ha, what is Zhang Dingjun? I didn't fix him. " Fan chili disdained, "if I fix him, can he still live a happy life now?"

"Then why don't you fix him? Didn't you tell me there was a wind to make the Buddha? "

"Why did the ancient emperor grant princes? Do you know? Why? " Fan chili despised me again. "It's easy for me to fix the army, but what are the practical benefits of fixing the army? On the contrary, leaving him has many advantages, which can make them contain each other. You just thought of it. As long as the three of them concentrate their strength, they are enough to fight me, but they can't concentrate peacefully. They have to fight first until the power is concentrated in the hands of one person, and the other two go away. Only what is left can directly compete with me. Do you think the cost of their concentration of power is high? Their every sacrifice can accumulate a strong point for me. Why should I settle the whole army? I ask for hardship. "

"Mr. Fan, you are really enjoying your success. When they finish fighting, what will you take to compete with you?" If fan chili is a man, it will certainly achieve great achievements in ancient times. It is difficult to say whether she is a Hou and a minister. With her endurance, ability and IQ, do ordinary people have? I don't have the condition that endurance can be cultivated the day after tomorrow. I'm too eager.

"This is the advantage of leaving Zhang Dingjun. There is still one injury when two tigers fight, and there are three." Fan chili said meaningfully, "timing and geographical advantage are important, but they must be based on wisdom. Planning depends on people and success depends on heaven. You don't even plan. Heaven won't help you. Learn some!"

I laugh!

I want to be able to learn. First of all, I don't like intrigue. I feel tired and boring. Like Feiya now, everyone lives in dire straits and has no sense of security. Leaders have the hardships of leaders, and small employees have the helplessness of small employees. This can't offend, but they have to curry favor with each other. They are bullied and tortured all day. They just work and live for a living. This dirty world makes people so despicable, but there's no way, You can't survive in the office with a little kindness

In a word, the traitors and evildoers all live a moist life, rising step by step. The kind-hearted people are oppressed and can't breathe. They stand and can't lift their heads and lie down to waste space. That doesn't belong to you. It's just that you have to bend your knees to set off others. You not only disgust others, but also let yourself endure nausea, say and do things against your heart. You can't hesitate all day. This is the office life of a bastard.

"What are you laughing at?" Fan chili wanted to rub me. He didn't rub it too far away. He became angry with shame, "a worthless man."

"Whatever, everyone has a different understanding of promise."

Fan pepper looked contemptuous.

"Mr. Fan, you haven't answered my question yet. Who is the hardest to deal with?" Far away from just now.

"Liang Zhenghua, this old man is not simple. You'd better leave him alone. He's different from Zhang Dingjun."

"I didn't want to offend anyone. It was always Mr. Fan who told me to offend people."

"Yes?" Fan chili didn't get angry. It's rare, "in short, don't mess with Liang Zhenghua. He is very good at hiding his power and biding his time, insidious, and has a gangster background. I'm not sure. I'm not sure if I'm 100% sure. I dare not touch him. They also dare not. Zhang Dingjun and Liang Zhenghua have a big feud. Liang Zhenghua has corrected Zhang Dingjun once, resulting in Zhang Dingjun losing his troops. In fact... I did it that time. What I did was very secret. Zhang Dingjun was stupid and didn't know. "

"It seems that they can't join the front line because President fan interferes."


"Mr. Fan, who offends you really doesn't come to a good end. Fortunately, I'm on the right team, otherwise it's a tragedy."

Fan pepper snorted and didn't answer.

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