Bring the dead back to life

Nalan sky and Nalan heaven and earth have arrived in front of Jiang Xiaobai. The speed of sweeping legs and feet and the speed of the black blade are really chilling.

Jiang Xiaobai's feet can only escape quickly, often leaving deep footprints on the ground. Although it's not panic, it's not easy.

He has to thank Nalan Zheng. Without the life and death of Nalan Zheng, how could he break through to the half step level so quickly?

"I have to thank you, too!" A blow to kill Nalan heaven and earth, jiangxiaobai youyou raised his head, staring at Nalan Zheng.

In a short time, Nalan fell into the darkness of death.

The chest has been crossed.


He looked down subconsciously.

Between lightning and flint, before Nalan's shocking mind fell, suddenly, he felt a chill in his chest.

Jiang Xiaobai's speed, Nalan Qiankun can't catch it with his eyes!

This This What's the speed? Before, the speed of Nalan heaven and earth and Nalan sky was the same as that of jiangxiaobai, but now

However, to his horror, he just stepped back, and Jiang Xiaobai had already stood in front of him, close to him.

Nalan was stunned. Subconsciously, his body method flickered and he wanted to retreat.

Jiang Xiaobai directly raised his fist and smashed it at Nalan.

One punch!



"Don't wait till tomorrow!" Suddenly, Jiang Xiaobai opened his mouth. The teeth stained with blood look too frightening. It makes people feel numb on the scalp. In the rolling of the throat, the voice is too oppressive to breathe.

Jiang Xiaobai, who stood up, did not dare to be faced squarely, just like climbing out of the hell of blood sea.

At the moment, Jiang Xiaobai's eyes are bone deep blood color, a pair of eyes exude the ferocious color of demon God.

That has become the blood of jiangxiaobai, that has been miserable is not like a person's jiangxiaobai, unexpectedly born to stand up.

Suddenly, no one thought, far away

The roar of nalanzheng had just fallen, just then.

"Nalan Zheng roared:" Nalan Qingcheng, today, I can let this boy go, but, I promise, he will still die! No one can move the hundred year foundation of the Nalan family. Even if I let him go today, all the Nalan family will pursue and kill him in the future. He can only die! "

About a minute later.

Time goes by.

Nalan Qingcheng is more firm, crazy, the hands of the Phoenix hairpin more in-depth, more and more blood, his purple skirt was almost soaked with blood.

He's in a tangle!

On the one hand, nalanzheng naturally can't see his daughter die in front of him. On the other hand, he doesn't want Yijiang Xiaobai to live.

Nalan Qingcheng is still fighting Nalan Zheng.

In the distance.

As long as he has some sober thinking, he can run the formula of heaven and earth, and turn these terrible auras into Xuanqi, so that he can not die, at least temporarily.

However, Jiang Xiaobai is in a muddle, but he has a firm idea that he must not pass out. Once he passes out, without that breath, he will burst out directly.

It's a pain comparable to scraping!

If someone can see through Jiang Xiaobai's whole body at the moment, they will find that Jiang Xiaobai's blood vessels are colliding bit by bit. The flow of aura is too fierce. His original blood channels can't bear it at all, so they have to be widened.

But he still has breath and breath.

The pores of his whole body began to bleed, and seven pores were bleeding more than ever.

Jiang Xiaobai's crazy and all-out operation of Tiandi Jue.

Dantian seems to burst all the time.

The terrible aura flowed in his body like a tiger biting and beating, and he wandered in the coma and soberness.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai's whole life seems to be put into the fire, and the pain that can't be described in words is disturbing.

"You..." Nalan shivered with Qi.

"If the Nalan family are as shameless and mean as you are, don't worry!" Nalan Qingcheng word by word of the road, very firm, neck blood flow faster.

"Don't make a fool of yourself Nalan Zheng roared: "you can't be willful any more. Do you know what you are doing? If the boy doesn't die, the whole Nalan family is in danger! Are you going to ignore the whole Nalan family for the sake of this boy? "

In the distance, Nalan sky and Nalan heaven and earth can only stop, but Kaijiang Xiaobai is not released. After all, Nalan Zheng has not said Kaijiang Xiaobai is released.

"You..." Nalan Zheng's face changed wildly. He quickly raised his hand and motioned Nalan Tianqiu and Nalan Qiankun to stop.

Blood dazzling flow, but Nalan Qingcheng did not know the pain, deep into, not far from her throat.The Phoenix hairpin has gone into the neck!

"Dad, tell them to stop, or your daughter will die in front of you today!" Nalan Qingcheng suddenly got rid of Wang Yiqing's control, holding a slender Phoenix hairpin made of colored gold, which she put in her hair this morning.

Same second.

Nalan heaven and earth nodded heavily, without Nalan sky saying, he would continue to kill.

"Kill it!" Nalan Tianqiong drinks that his black blade has been captured by Jiang Xiaobai and can't move. He quickly calls Nalan Qiankun and asks him to continue to kill Jiang Xiaobai.

The hungry wolf, who is forced to the point of life and death, is crazy and crazy to the bone

but he is helpless.

This is extremely dangerous. After all, the aura in tianlingzhu is too strong and ferocious. If jiangxiaobai doesn't do this right, the whole person will burst.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobai is crazy, fierce and even less deadly. He swallows the remaining tianlingzhu.

Today, however, there is a crisis of life and death.

Recently, his realm has been stable enough, and he is preparing to absorb the aura in the remaining tianlingzhu these days. Unexpectedly

Tianlingzhu, before, jiangxiaobai absorbed one third of the appearance, did not continue to absorb, in order to be more stable.

It's tianlingzhu!

A round, crystalline, half palm sized object entered his mouth.

Abrupt, Jiang Xiaobai's other hand, such a lift

Just then.

But because of this, Nalan Tianqiong and Nalan Qiankun have made up their mind to kill Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai's body, in addition to the endless smell of blood, only crazy, angry atmosphere.

A pair of blood red eyes, like a dead parents, brothers and sisters, clan friends of the hungry wolf, cold eyes crazy people dare not look directly at.

He's seriously injured!

"Roar..." Jiangxiaobai a roar, is forced to the extreme roar.

But Jiang Xiaobai didn't let go, because once he let go, the black blade would fall on his neck and he would die.

The blood of demon bright red, drop madly from his hand, can imagine is how painful?

Why did it stop? Because, at the moment, Jiang Xiaobai is actually using his hand, the hand of the flesh body, seizing the black blade, seizing it to death.

At the same second, the black blade was in front of Jiang Xiaobai's neck, but it stopped.

His whole body, full of bright red, rib fracture, dazzling horror, under the body, the ground has cracked.

Jiang Xiaobai's chest is directly sunken, blood is accumulating, his whole person is mixed with dust, miserable beyond description.


After a breath.

The other man's black blade flickered, ready for dozens of times, straight up and down, one blade out, unmatched, locked Jiang Xiaobai's neck, killing endless.

The momentum, mercilessly toward jiangxiaobai's chest under the top to go.

A man jumped up high, Xuanqi surged on his knees, and Taishan was the top of the mountain

but as he fell to the ground, Nalan sky and Nalan heaven and earth did not hesitate, just like spiders, and even more ferocious.

All of a sudden, he fell to the ground.

In the heavy sound, Jiang Xiaobai's left leg seemed to have been hit by a huge stone of ten thousand jin, and he almost lost consciousness.


It's just a little staggering change, a moment later

And with being scratched a knife, the rhythm of Jiang Xiaobai's foot also has a small change.

Jiangxiaobai finally some can't resist, wrist, suddenly a stabbing pain, was black blade cut, blood dripping, almost moriran see bones.


At the same time.

“…” Nalan Qingcheng's face immediately whitewashed, silent, as if he had given up.

"Qing Cheng, originally, I would spare him if you asked for his father. Unfortunately, he knew too much and he had to die. This is about the foundation and future of Nalan family!" Nalan's voice sank.

"Dad, if Jiang Xiaobai dies, I will hate you all my life. From then on, you are not my father!" Nalan Qingcheng roars, has been forced urgent, thoroughly forced urgent.

Wang Yiqing is a Leng at first, then immediately help Nalan Qingcheng, force to help her, don't let her kneel down or rush toward jiangxiaobai.

"Hold her!" Nalan Zheng is to give Wang Yiqing a look.

"Dad! Please forgive Jiang Xiaobai! Daughter, please Nalan begged with tears on her face, even kneeling on the ground.

Jiang Xiaobai insisted on it for a few minutes. It's incredible.

Nalan conquers the strength of Nalan sky and Nalan heaven and earth. Under their joint efforts, the general half step prefecture level will die in one minute at most, and can't die any more.

It's hard for ordinary people to stick to it for a few minutes in the hands of Nalan sky and Nalan Qiankun."I don't think I'm lying! This boy's strength has reached the top five or even the top three in the Qianlong list! " In the distance, nalanzheng thought silently.

As for the black blade, Jiang Xiaobai can only lift the duanxuan sword up, again and again. The other side's black blade has rowed four or five times in a second. Moreover, the route is strange. Although Jiang Xiaobai can resist it for the time being, it is also dangerous.

Crazy will that day all gobble up, jiangxiaobai die and later, forcefully forced himself from the late yellow level to the half step Xuan level.

It's not a step to the top, but it's also a step to the top.

"You say, what should I thank you for?" Jiang Xiaobai continued. His voice was even more suppressed. The air around him seemed to condense into a solid. Almost no one was able to breathe.

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