Call me childe

"grass! Grass In the distance, Yuan Shen scolded the grass three times in a row, but still not satisfied.

Dream, it's like dream!

"What? Do you want a high profile? " After Jiang Xiaobai sat down, he poured a glass of red wine and drank it.

"Young master, you are so low-key!" Yuan Shen said with a smile.

Jiang Xiaobai takes back his eyes and takes Nalan Qingcheng, duanqing and Yuan Shen to a corner of the hall.

Yang Ya stares at Jiang Xiaobai deeply, then whispers what she is talking to her boyfriend.

Wang Beishan gives Jiang Xiaobai a respectful look.

You can't yell.

After all, it's a big meeting today, and the etiquette and politeness should be taken care of.

JIANG Xiaobai noticed thin monkey, Wang Beishan and Yang Ya, and naturally they also noticed Jiang Xiaobai.

What's more, Yang Ya looks beautiful and has a new boyfriend beside her. Her boyfriend should have some status and status, because Yang Ya is full of pride and pride.

"Why, she's here, too?" Then, Jiang Xiaobai unexpectedly saw a familiar face, Yang Ya, the former girlfriend of thin monkey, the woman who had reached the extreme of power also came.

"Here comes Wang Beishan, too!" Jiang Xiaobai saw Wang Beishan, and then he saw the thin monkey. It was expected that Hou Hong, the father of the thin monkey, was a senior executive of a listed company in Yinhai city. He had status and status. He was invited to the charity dinner tonight. It can be said that the thin monkey should represent his father Hou Hong. In addition, Jiang Xiaobai noticed that there was Lin Zi beside the thin monkey, two of them People are very loving, jiangxiaobai see in the eyes, but also very pleased.

Big figures and stars in WuJie and other cities in China.

Half of them are dignified people in Yinhai City, and the other half are from Xiuhua City, with a total of 400 or 500 people!

Of course, Jiang Xiaobai also took a glance at the people at the scene.

"You're going to host a charity dinner! Charity dinner is a good thing. It helps a lot of people in need. It's worth doing all the time! " Jiangxiaobai encouraged a, with Nalan Qingcheng, duanqing, Yuan Shen toward the back.

"Young master!" LAN Xiao's way in a low voice.

Jiang Xiaobai, Yuan Shen and Duan Qing were ignored.

These eyes are mostly on LAN Xiao and Nalan Qingcheng. After all, the two women are so beautiful that they are the focus of the focus wherever they go.

All of a sudden, there are many eyes.

Walk into the VIP conference hall.

"Yes, sir!" Yuan Shen is excited and paralyzed. Having a big brother like Jiang Xiaobai is not a shame, but a pride!

"Call me childe!"

"Thank you, boss. Hehe..."

"Name me first, little brother!" Jiang Xiaobai suddenly stopped and looked at Yuan Shen: "I'll see your performance in the future!"

He yuan Shen is also the eighth in the Qianlong list. Can't he be a little brother? However, at the thought of duanqing being accepted by jiangxiaobai, jiangxiaobai doesn't like himself, which is normal.

"Jiang Shao, I'm not casual!" Yuan Shen has some grievances.

"I don't accept my younger brother casually!" Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile that Yuan Shen was very interesting.

Yuan Shen followed Jiang Xiaobai and flattered him: "Jiang Shao, you should accept me as your younger brother, too!"

Duan Qing follows Jiang Xiaobai.

"Let's go!" Jiang Xiaobai takes Nalan Qingcheng into the VIP conference hall

"Jiang Jiang Jiang Shao, please LAN Xiao quickly came over, Jiao body slightly trembling, respect and panic raised his hand, made a gesture of invitation.

"Come on, go in for the charity dinner!" Jiang Xiaobai nodded, pointed to the door of the VIP conference hall, and then looked at LAN Xiao with a smile: "can I go in?"

No matter how excellent she is, no matter how capable she is, no matter how resourceful she is. In the face of Jiang Xiaobai's demon like existence, she is a mole ant who can't decide her fate.

"I I can only go one step and see one step! " LAN Xiao thought that he was sad.

But is it going to be the plaything of this mysterious, terrifying and invincible young man? LAN Xiao's heart is not willing, but also has some grievances.

Jiangxiaobai is like a holy mountain, which completely suppresses her. She even dare not look up at jiangxiaobai. How dare she refute jiangxiaobai?

In the distance, LAN Xiao bit her lips slightly. She wanted to say something, but she didn't dare.

He followed Jiang Xiaobai, not to mention LAN Xiao? He also met LAN Xiao for the first time. He didn't know her at all before. All along, he didn't take care of the charity of the times himself.

Duan Qing nodded.

"She's a philanthropist of your time. I'll take her!" Then, Jiang Xiaobai raised his hand abruptly and pointed to LAN Xiao.

Duan Qing is also accepted, and Qingzhu is his own woman, as well as blood demon, lengmang and others. Jiang Xiaobai dare not say that he belongs to his era now, but as long as he is given five years or even only three years, this era is his."Call me childe!" Although Jiang Xiaobai's face was blank, he was excited at the bottom of his heart.

Sure enough, the next moment, Duan Qing face struggle, finally, nodded: "boss!"

Jiang Xiaobai is very likely to succeed!

But in front of me

In the martial arts world, which big force doesn't want to accept Duan Qing? Which old monster doesn't want to take Duan Qing as an apprentice? None of them succeeded.

Hegemonic, such as the king of the world, the king of the same town.

Jiang Xiaobai is too overbearing.

In the distance, Yuan Shen's blood was boiling and his whole body was sweating.

"Follow me, I can help you improve your kendo. In addition, you can always have the chance to challenge me. As long as you win me, you can regain your freedom!" Jiang Xiaobai continued: "of course, you can disagree. Today, you can only die!"

Duan Qing's pride is known to the whole martial arts circle!

How can you be so proud as Duan Qing?

Is the other party trying to convince itself?

“…” Duan Qing's face changed wildly and said nothing.

"Jiangxiaobai!" Jiang Xiaobai light way, speak to call, he let go of hand: "today, I don't kill you, but is, you this life, hereafter is my!"

This kind of sudden, simply swept him crazy!

A 20-year-old boy in the secular world, whom he didn't know, beat himself so easily? What's more, Duan Qing has a kind of intuition. Just now, the other side still hasn't tried his best.

I didn't expect

He always thinks that he is the second person of the young generation, and even has the chance to become the first person in the future.

"You Who the hell are you? " At the moment, Duan Qing almost bit off his teeth, and his pride was completely broken in such an instant.

I picked up a life!

Fortunately, he pretended to be a grandson. Fortunately, he didn't want to take revenge on Jiang Xiaobai. If he didn't, the consequences would be Yuan Shen didn't dare to think about it at all.

He provoked Jiang Xiaobai a few days ago!

He's very lucky, unspeakable.

"God, God has come to the world!" Yuan Shen gulped his saliva and his face turned red with excitement.

Duan Qing, the second madman in Qianlong list, unexpectedly Are they all defeated by Jiang Xiaobai? What's more, Jiang Xiaobai only used one move?

"No, I just think you are too cunning. You are so low-key and easy to be a pig and eat a tiger. Some people who don't have long eyes think you are an ordinary person. You are in trouble and have to die miserably?" Yuan Shen is a bit depressed, even if he died under Jiang Xiaobai's disguised as a pig eating a tiger.

"Drink your bar!" Jiang Xiaobai stares at Yuan Shen.

Nalan Qingcheng is giggling.

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