The secret of the primeval forest

Han Yuxi pours on Jiang Xiaobai's back, and the dark shadow takes Qin Ziyi's hand and retreats to one side. There was a black snake's head under the leaves. Jiang Xiaobai was not afraid to see the snake want to rush to him. He immediately said the snake language. The snake's body was frozen in mid air. After a long time, it slowly returned to the fallen leaves.

Han Yuxi is still in shock. She knows that the Snake must be a very poisonous one. She no longer dares to walk on the ground. She holds Jiang Xiaobai's neck with her heart beating wildly. His taste is intoxicating and her heart is crisp.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai had no way out. He just hoped that the temple really had a dilapidated Bodhisattva? It can't be an empty temple. That's too much

"yes, when I see Bodhisattvas later, I must kowtow to them more and thank them for blessing us. Before, I always thought they were all made of mud and never wanted to worship them. If they really protected us, I would go to the temple to worship Bodhisattvas in the future." Qin Ziyi also agrees. She is so scared that she is shaking all over.

"It's going to be dark in the sky. Let's find that place quickly. Maybe we can take refuge. It's not that ghosts are afraid of Bodhisattvas or something. I hope they are really afraid, otherwise we will be really pitiful."

Cold rain Xi immediately went to jiangxiaobai's side, see he said there is such a place, immediately urged him.

"I see a dilapidated temple nearby. Maybe you can avoid danger by going there for a while, but it seems that the temple has been idle for a long time and no one has ever been in it."

Net, if you clean up and let them in for a night, there should be no problem.

Jiang Xiaobai is turning his divine sense, hoping to find a place for them to escape for a while. It's not easy to see a dilapidated temple in a cave wall near you. Although it's full of spiders, Jiang Xiaobai is in a bad mood when he looks at their panic. He thinks that he may not be able to resist those things tonight, Now I saw three people scared like this. I couldn't help sighing. It's too late to go out now.

"I don't want to see the excitement any more. I feel really scared. Can we go back immediately! Fly eagle, you come with us. I think you are afraid too. "

Han Yuxi looks around. It's all tall trees. She can't hide anything. She tightly holds the ring in her hand and hugs Qin Ziyi. Seeing that the sky is dark, her legs can't help shaking.

"Now it's too late for us to go back. The island Master said that he is here for business today. If I do it successfully, he will be a little reluctant to go. Well, let's find a safe place to hide so as not to affect his business. What do you think?"

Yufei also had a cold sweat on his forehead at this time. The two girls were not afraid, but they didn't believe Jiang Xiaobai's words, so they would come to watch the fun. That would be too bad.

"Han Yuxi, let's go back. I also feel that some people don't love this place very much. It's not the place we should come to. I always feel that there's something inappropriate. You see, the peach tree I'm wearing around my neck is also getting deeper. Maybe it's really weird. I thought it was a joke."

Qin Ziyi also said the neck, feel here a gust of wind like heart very uneasy, a little regret to go to this place.

"Han Yuxi, you'd better wait until the island master comes back? I think it's really unusual here. We can't go any further. It's going to be dark. If there are ghosts like things, I can only protect myself. I'm sure I can't protect you. "

Cold rain Xi see jiangxiaobai stopped, step, did not pick that flower, immediately go back, heart very anxious, want to go over, oneself put it to you to pick back, Yufei but dead blocked her.

It smells so disgusting.

This place can't let them come, otherwise he can't protect them, but how to persuade them to leave is a very troublesome thing, he didn't stop, walked directly to the flower, the flower sent out is not fragrant, is a strong smell, jiangxiaobai was surprised, immediately, let himself The eye on his head opened, and he found that the colorful flower was not a plant, but grew out of the human head.

it seemed that the flower was in front of him, but after a long time, he had not gone to the place where the plant was. He felt strange in his heart. Finally, he turned a big corner and found that it was a very big valley The smell inside is very uncomfortable. It should be the place you want to find. The trees here are also very rare. Most of them are not very tall.

Jiang Xiaobai is stunned for a moment. He asks Yufei to stay here and watch the two girls go to the plant alone. How can there be flowers blooming here, and they are all covered by uncle? There is no sunlight at all. There are no weeds under it. How can such beautiful flowers grow? There must be something strange."Jiang Xiaobai, take a look. There is a very beautiful flower on the cliff over there. I like it very much. Can you bring it here for me?"

Han Yuxi looks at Qin Ziyi with pride. Before he understands his meaning, he doesn't speak any more. He sees a colorful flower on the cliff not far away. He is very strange. He has never seen such a beautiful plant.

"Han Yuxi, you must be mistaken. We should be afraid of him. How can he be afraid of us?"

Qin Ziyi can't help laughing, only she is afraid of those things, how can those monsters be afraid of her?

"Biyun, why are you so interested in the primeval forest? I never like these things. I don't want to come to this place today because you want to come. But you can rest assured that there will be nothing wrong with Jiang Xiaobai. He is looking for demons and ghosts. I'm a little worried. Don't scream at that time. I'll leave you alone People are scared. "

Jiang Xiaobai, what other martial arts can be used to control her in the future? He is most interested in underwater activities, and he doesn't like anything except the last jump.

Han Yuxi doesn't know much about these activities, and she has always been not interested in outdoor activities. If she wasn't interested in Jiang Xiaobai's skills, she would not come here. She would like to see

"there is nothing in this primeval forest, except a black snake. It's really disappointing, and the trees here are very beautiful The trees all look the same. It seems that someone specially planted them here. It means that there are many exotic flowers and plants in the primeval forest. I haven't met any of them. "

Han Yuxi slips down from Jiang Xiaobai's back and doesn't want to add too much trouble to him. Qin Ziyi also stops. The search just now makes her feel a little tired.

"The place here is really full of momentum. It doesn't look like a place where there will be heresy. If you bring a compass, take it out and have a look. We're heading south. Maybe that side is weaker."

Jiang Xiaobai always thinks that those two ghosts won't cheat him. From their eyes, he can see that I can't smell that kind of smell in this place. Isn't Li Hui's back mountain the same place as what he said?

"Master of the island, we have been walking in this direction. Can't we go wrong? The trees are covered in the sky. We can't see the direction at all. It's not a way to go on like this? And I don't think there can be those evil fires in the forest. Did those two ghosts deceive you? "

Jiang Xiaobai doesn't feel anything at all. Now in this dangerous place, his ears and eyes become very sensitive, for fear of other things. Just now, he was so careless that he almost let Han Yuxi be bitten by a snake. He didn't dare to be so careless any more.

Han Yuxi is now lying on Jiang Xiaobai's back, smelling the smell of a man coming out of him. He feels infinite sweetness in his heart. He hopes he can go on like this all the time. He has never heard Qin Ziyi's question.

"Jiang Xiaobai, after you go back, you must teach us my skill. Otherwise, what can we do when we encounter such things in the future? Can't we take you with us all the time?"

I like to explore in the wild. Maybe it will be useful in the future. If he didn't communicate with the snake just now, they are afraid that they will all become a snake's dinner.

Qin Ziyi knew that he had this ability for a long time, and he was very excited. He felt that he must learn this technology from Jiang Xiaobai when he went back. When Jiang Xiaobai saw that he asked, he had to answer honestly. "I just apologized to her, saying that I stepped on it carelessly, hoping that Fen could forgive me. Then she saw that I could speak snake words, so she forgave me?"

"Jiangxiaobai, what did you say to the snake just now? Why did he give up? Don't come and attack us. "

One thing to be afraid of.

The four people were very worried. They stumbled over and found that although the temple had been covered by many vines, the whole temple was made of stone. The surviving Bodhisattvas were very complete, but the paint on their bodies had completely fallen off, which was very mottled.

Qin Ziyi immediately kneels on the ground, thanks for the blessing of Bodhisattva, and hanyuxi can't help kneeling down.

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