Compared with ordinary people, many players who have awakened their power at this moment can perceive an abnormality in the sky. It is a very terrifying force that is brewing, which is fundamentally different from the usual lightning and thunder. If it is allowed to fall, I am afraid A terrifying blow to the entire planet.

"City Lord, this is the situation. This sudden thundercloud is really strange, we should be prepared!"

At this moment, the secretary of the city lord of a certain city is talking to the city lord anxiously.

At this moment, the city owner also hurriedly woke up from "Dream".

"Send the fire brigade, try to keep citizens from going out, try to evacuate places where there are dense thunderclouds, this is the power of heaven and earth, manpower is unstoppable, and at the same time, let the medical team be on standby at any time, and try our best not to cause casualties."

Obviously, "Dream" has a great influence. The lord of a city actually opened his mouth "the power of heaven and earth" and shut up "manpower cannot be stopped".

But the secretary didn't feel weird at the moment, but agreed with the city lord's decision.

Similar orders, not only the city lord, but even the palace lord, the lords of various countries, also issued similar warnings.

057 Ninety-nine Heavenly Tribulation, Global Live Broadcast (please customize)

Similar orders, not only the city lord, but even the palace lord, the lords of various countries, also issued similar warnings.

Some powerful awakened powers were even dispatched to guard against disasters.

At the same time, Wan Li carefully sensed the terrifying power of heaven and earth in the sky, and couldn't help frowning slightly. This power was far greater than he imagined.

At this moment, the thunderclouds in the sky have turned into red clouds, the thunder and lightning are roaring together, and countless thunder and lightning have fallen.

However, it is far more than that. Between the thunder and lightning in the sky, there are actually colorful lightnings, constantly jumping and rolling in the red clouds, and each color of the colorful lightning is extremely thick.

This is the Nine Nine Heavens Tribulation!

Each thundercloud is a separate catastrophe.

Even if Jin Xian was hacked, he would most likely die on the spot!

Such thunderclouds are everywhere at the moment, endless!

"Nine Nine Heavens Tribulation, I want to fight you."

Wan Li spit out a word in a deep voice. He had faced nine or nine calamities at most in his previous life. At this moment, his mood was a little depressed, but it soon turned into endless fighting spirit.

In this life, he has countless opportunities, and he has mastered the art of clear spirit and emptiness. If he can't even survive the small nine-nine tribulations, then he might as well kill him on the spot!

The more you think about it, the more powerful the mana in Wanli's body is!There was excitement in his eyes!

His Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation also came suddenly at this moment.

Nine is the number of poles in this world, which means reaching the peak.

Ninety-nine, of course, are nine kinds of catastrophe that reached the peak of the world and will descend to the world.

And the first robbery of the Nine Nine Heavens Tribulation is the Gangfeng Tribulation.

At this moment, the thunderclouds in the sky can not help but spread over a hundred miles, and the inexplicable astral wind is gradually blowing up.

From the beginning of never touching his face, to the moment when the wind whistled, it only took a breath of 767.

And this is just the beginning of the Gangfeng Tribulation.

Wanli's Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation must be the most terrifying Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation.Presumably because what he practiced was a Chaos-level exercise, even if the robbery was destroyed, it was still tempered.

Only the most extreme Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation can make Wanli transform even stronger!

However, although Wan Li did not expect that he would cross the nine rounds of calamity at the same time, he was not afraid in his heart.

Seeing that the calamity has not yet fallen, but is just brewing, Wanli is a little impatient.

"Since you don't want to come down first, I'll poke a hole in you!"

Wan Li snorted coldly. At this moment, the wind between heaven and earth is like a hurricane. If Wan Li didn't use mana to fix his body, his body would be blown to pieces at this moment!

The robbery of the Gangfeng came before the thunder robbery fell.

The so-called Gangfeng is not just a simple storm, it is a terrifying force that is invincible and sweeps away everything!Once it gets to the extreme, an ordinary fleshly body, when blown by it, will only have a skeleton left!

At this moment, the gang wind suddenly rises, and Wan Li also soars into the sky!

At this time, a live broadcast post appeared in the endless forum, and it was quickly pinned to the top.

The content in it is the picture of Wanli Transcending Tribulation! .

058 Sea of ​​Thunder?So far! (please customize)

Chang Ming is a casual player of "Dream".

Although the global "Dream" is now in full swing, countless people want to awaken their abilities from "Dream".But there are always some players with a peaceful mind who experience the fun of holographic online games in "Dream".

Such players are more like real game play.

Chang Ming likes to visit the "Dream" forum, because in the "Dream" forum, countless interesting and rare things are revealed every day, which is very interesting to Chang Ming.

For people like Changming who have been browsing forums for a long time, sticking posts is a must, but sticking posts usually only appear when major events happen, so sticking posts are not very common.

"What post is this?"

Chang Ming heard the thunder outside the window, and knew that today must be another bad weather, so he directly boarded "Dream" and entered the "Dream" forum.

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