The young man could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that this difficult guy finally agreed to the conditions he made.

Wan Li squinted slightly and smiled slightly.

The next moment, I saw the young man stretch out his hand. Outside the main hall, nine dragon corpses with a length of [-] meters swayed with iron chains again and came from the void.

The dragon corpse in this void came much faster than floating before.

Behind them dragged a huge bronze coffin, not much smaller than the [-]-meter-long dragon corpse.

"Hey, go in by yourself."

"If you can be recognized by 'death' and come back here after a thousand years, the nether land will be yours."

The young man said lightly, at this time, it seems that the previous hippie smile has disappeared, and it has become dignified and indifferent.

076 Get 'Death' (please customize)

The young man said lightly, at this time, it seems that the previous hippie smile has disappeared, and it has become dignified and indifferent.


Wan Li heard the words, did not hold back, and walked slowly forward without looking back.

And the nine dragon corpses flew outside the hall and landed, and the huge bronze coffin behind them was gradually opened.

Wanli walked towards the coffin, and with every step he took, a purple-black ghostly aura rose from his feet.


Wan Li narrowed his eyes and said in his heart, "This is not the first time I have dealt with you?"

Entering the Netherland this time, it can be said that it is really a chance.

Although Wan Li has been calm all the time, it seems that he is really not nervous at all.

However, only he knows what kind of huge wave has turned up in his heart.

The feeling of that sloppy young man gave him a bottomless feeling.

Even the Supreme Laojun can't compare with him.

His strength has reached the emperor's realm, and he is also a dualist of Confucianism and Taoism.

However, in front of this young man, there was no fighting spirit at all.

Not because you can't beat it.

But because... this "young man" is not a living creature at all.

If you have to say it, you can only think of him as a "system".

The system that governs "death".

It is precisely because of this that the appearance he sees is his own, because the system has no appearance.

It is precisely because of this that the young man must reward himself.

It is also because of this that every "pawn" of himself and him is full of death and destruction.

Even at the emperor level, he was like an ant in front of him.

Perhaps in this world, such a guy cannot exist.

But in "Dream", then everything is possible.

So he broke through the obstacles, and when he came here, he had to reward himself according to the procedure.

After defeating him in the chess game, his rewards were superimposed again, and he got an incredible gift.

He looked at the huge bronze coffin in front of him and stepped inside without any hesitation.


Seeing Wanli's figure stepping into the bronze coffin, the young man shook his head and said a little dejectedly, "It looks like I was designed?"

"But it's nothing, it can add some fun to this world, isn't it just right?"

"This little guy actually inherited the 'Qing Ling Kong Ming Jue', and I don't know where he got the chance."

"It's so stupid that it's 'chaos', ah, that guy's 'light' can draw the power of heaven, but can't I draw the power of death?"

"But this saint just won't tell you, just go and explore for yourself."


"Gobang, speaking of it, it is more suitable for this saint."

This young man, who is exactly the same as Wanli, seems to be a thoroughgoing chatter. After muttering to himself for a while, the majestic and magnificent hall behind him begins to gradually disintegrate, like a fortified building. The sand castle, which is scattered by the wind.


"Did this sage tell this little guy that the flow of time here in this sage is a little different from the outside world?"

"He came out of the bronze holy coffin, won't he fight with this saint?"

"Hmm... Probably not. He can see through the future anyway, so why would he care about the passage of time?"

End of Volume Three.

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