At this time, Gu Qingyun couldn't see the discussion from the outside world.

He was completely immersed in the song at the moment, and his voice unconsciously rose a lot.

"You'll also fall in love with someone and give a lot, a lot.

You'll keep it a secret and won't tell me.

One night on my shoulder, tears flowed uncontrollably all night.

Like you, I don't know what else lies ahead.

I want to shield you from the wind and the wind.

Let your sky only see rainbows.

Until one day you become me too. When

this paragraph was sung, the listener on the other side of the phone couldn't hold back any longer, tears slid down their cheeks, and they couldn't cry.

This is her worry, this is her expectation, these things she can't describe, but they are sung by the other party in songs.

At this moment, all parents with children, especially their daughters, also instantly turned red.

What parent doesn't love their children? Who doesn't worry about their children? But there's really very little they can do.

They can only hope that their children's world will not experience any wind and rain, and they can only see rainbows in their lives.

Wang Xiaoxiao listened to this song, and her eyes turned red.

She is the only daughter in the family, and the rebellion of youth has also appeared in her.

She didn't understand her parents at the time, why did she have to take care of everything

, how was her academic performance in school, she asked about her job after graduation, and when she was time to get married, she was asked if she had a boyfriend.

She was really reluctant to go home at the time, because she would be nagged by her parents as soon as she got home, and she even thought about renting a house outside at that time.

But in the end, she still didn't choose to go out to live, and there was no reason, maybe she felt that her parents were old and afraid that something would go wrong.

Wen Gu Zhiyin Forum.

"Who said you can't write a good song with piano accompaniment! This song is so good! If it weren't for this little story, I would have thought it was a love song."

"Indeed, the lyrics sung earlier can indeed be brought into my girlfriend, but the last sentence until one day you become me, this paragraph is very dramatic, if you put it another way

, it is definitely a love song!" "I think this song has a good idea, and now the market is full of love and love songs, and I am a little afraid to get married, this song is good, so that my shackles that are about to move are slowly opened." "

What about the person who said that piano music is not good? Are you wearing the wrong place? Why are the posts missing?You crossed over again and deleted the comments, right?"

"Don't listen to that group of people's nonsense, I said at the beginning, Gu Qingyun's production must be high-quality, what guitar and piano, is it completely ok

!" "Upstairs, you are so embarrassed, don't think that deleting the comment can be regarded as if it didn't happen, you are very impressed by this ID labor, two and a half years of chicken!" "


in the studio.

Gu Qingyun was still playing the piano slowly, and his singing voice changed from the original excitement to flatness.

After singing, Gu Qingyun was a little stunned, when he first listened to this song, it was indeed regarded as a love song, until he saw the creation story, he knew that this was a song written by a singer who saw a friend who was a first-time mother.

Gu Qingyun got up and returned to the mixer, pulled the cantilever back to him, and whispered into the microphone:

"This song is for you, and for your daughter, I hope that in the future, your daughter will only see a rainbow in your sky as sung in the song."

"Is this song called to you? It's so good, thank you for your blessings, when my daughter grows up, I'll listen to this song for her and say to you, thank you host."

On the phone, the woman's voice choked, she originally had the attitude of trying, but she didn't expect to choose her, maybe this is the good luck that her daughter brought her.

"You're welcome, then due to the relationship of time, the phone is about to hang up, but I still want to advise the majority of parents to say a word, hope that the child Jackie Chan is this kind of thing, don't force the child, if the time causes the child's rebellious psychology, then it will be too late. After

speaking, he transferred the call to Wang Xiaoxiao's side.

"Okay, today's call session has ended, so does this little story hit your heart? This song, will it bring you different feelings?

Welcome to leave a message on the Wen Gu Zhiyin forum, or you can also send a private message to my Weibo account, the account name is me, Gu Qingyun.

It's almost twelve o'clock in the morning, let's listen to soothing music and fall asleep, say more, stay up late and hurt our bodies.

After speaking, Gu Qingyun slowly pushed up the volume, took off the headphones and sat on the chair, his body relaxed for a while.

He was really nervous when he first chose the piano, but gradually, his hands seemed to be out of control, and he played the piano with a fluency that he had never had before.

Thinking of

this, Gu Qingyun couldn't help but feel funny, this kind of process of slowly discovering by himself was quite fun.

Stretching, Gu Qingyun stood up from the chair and looked at Wang Xiaoxiao, who was still whispering to comfort the other party.

He raised his right hand and made a walking gesture with his index and middle fingers.

When Wang Xiaoxiao saw it, he rolled his eyes and nodded, still comforting the audience just now.

I guess the other party has thought of something sad, and is looking for someone to seek comfort.

This is also the daily life of a call editor, not only is she responsible for the transfer, but after the session, if the listener does not hang up, she must answer.

hung up the phone without authorization, and someone complained that she did it for nothing for a month.

didn't care about her, opened the door and Gu Qingyun walked out.

He has to hurry back and record the song and upload it to Cool Cat Music.

There is money for free, this is something he never expected, and it just so happens that he is short of money now, and this kind of good thing is not seen with a lantern!

Standing downstairs looking at the sky, dotted with stars, and occasionally a passenger plane flying overhead, Gu Qingyun's mood was also a lot more beautiful.

He didn't choose to take a taxi, but planned to walk back, where he lived was not far from here, and it would take him more than ten minutes to walk.

He doesn't seem to have taken a closer look at the world, and he's been busy since he crossed over until now.

Twenty minutes later.



combination lock opens.

Gu Qingyun walked into the room with barbecue and beer.

Looking at the darkness in the room and the neat shoe cabinet, I thought that my roommate didn't come back.

"What does the other party do? It's not during the day or at night? Isn't this me spending one thousand and five to enjoy the treatment of seven thousand?"

Thinking of this, Gu Qingyun couldn't help but be happy.

I walked to the dining table, put my things away, held my notebook, and watched the forum while skewering.

PS: The songwriters of "Say to You" are Wang Zheng, released on April 1, 2006.

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