Whitebeard said with a smile.



  Marko also smiled when he saw Straw Hat Luffy.

  This is the top battlefield, and a little guy like him broke in without fear of death, just to save his brother, of course Marco would not sit idly by.

  All of a sudden, the battle situation became more stalemate!

  Suddenly, right at this moment—

  boom! ! !

  A figure fell diagonally from above and smashed directly into the square of the Navy, knocking over a lot of people in an instant, and a big pit appeared in the square.

  Many people were stunned, and quickly glanced at the figure that fell from the sky.

  When Buddha Warring States, Garp, and many vice admirals, and even Whitebeard and his captains saw this figure, their faces changed color instantly!

  "Baroric Redfield?!"

  "Why is he here?!"

Chapter [-] At least die with a backbone!

  That's right, this uninvited guest who fell from the sky is exactly Baroric Redfield, who was just in the advancing city and wanted to escape under Bai Yan's hands!

  However, the current Baroric Redfield has lost the domineering and majestic appearance just now.

  At this time, Baroric Redfield was covered in blood, and was dying. Almost all his internal organs and bones were severely damaged, and he was in extreme embarrassment!

  However, after a cup of tea, he actually came from the advance city to the Marine Fodor, the naval headquarters that had been together for a long time, and he still came in such an embarrassed posture... It is conceivable that he, who wanted to escape just now, experienced What a tragic encounter!

  But these outsiders do not know.

  "Who is this person? How did he fall from the sky?!"

  "Familiar guy, I always feel like I've seen him somewhere!"

  "Get out of the way!!!"

  The last sentence was shouted by Karp.

  17 He rushed straight over and stood in front of Baroric Redfield, looking at him in disbelief.

  How can it be? !

  Isn't this guy being held in Advance City?

  Why is it here now? !

  And it will be so embarrassing!

  Cap was shocked.

  Others don't know Baroric Redfield, but how could he not?

  Back then, Baroric Redfield slaughtered a lot of civilians and even sank an entire island. In order to save face, the world government directly issued an order to let the then-marshal of the navy, Konggo Steel, lead the admiral of the navy and go there. Crusade ~ Baroric Redfield!

  And Karp was one of the two generals that year!

  In that battle, it was earth-shattering, even if Marshal Koboku Konggo tried his best, he failed to subdue this monster-like guy.

  In the end, if it wasn't for his refusal to escape and his lack of strength, he was escorted back to the naval headquarters by Garp and the Warring States of Buddha, who were also severely injured, and threw him into the infinite hell of the advancing city, I am afraid I don't know how many now. The island is going to be ravaged by Baroric Redfield!

  "Promoting the city! Contact the advancing city and ask me what's going on?!"

  "Baloric Redfield, why is he here!"

  Buddha Warring States roared eagerly.

  His eyes were also full of incredible surprise.

  How could this legend that should be staying in the advancing city appear here?

  Could it be that... Magellan has...

  Buddha's Warring States face suddenly became extremely bad, and he didn't dare to think about it any longer.

  "Did Blackbeard do it?"

  The only conceivable reason for the Buddha's Warring States is Blackbeard... This guy who played cards out of line, when the war on the top was about to start, actually left without authorization and went to the advance city!

  "But... Baroric Redfield's injuries, how could he be so badly injured!"

  What surprised the Warring States of Buddha even more was the injury on Baroric Redfield... He had also seen the battle between Baroric Redfield and Cyborg Konggo. Even if Rorick Redfield finally lost his strength, his "immortality" made it impossible for him to have the slightest scar all over his body!

  But now, Baroric Redfield not only landed on the square of Marineford for no reason, but also suffered such severe trauma... Depending on the situation, he was already dying, and even if he wanted to save it, it was too late!

  Who the hell did it?

  Buddha Warring States believes that with the strength of Blackbeard, it is absolutely impossible to do this!

  "Report to the Warring States Marshal, the connection with the advance city has been interrupted, and we cannot get in touch!"

  Immediately below, there was an officer report.


  Buddha's Warring States face was so gloomy that it was almost dripping water.

  "The living legend actually appeared like this... and was dying, looking like he was about to die... Who the hell did it?"

  Marco's face was also very solemn at this time.

  "Baroric Redfield?"

  "Could it be that...is the big pirate who used to be on an equal footing with his father just by one person?!"

  Many people were shocked when they heard the name from the Buddha's Warring States.

  They didn't recognize Barloric Redfield, they didn't meet Barloric Redfield himself, and of course they didn't know him.

  But they knew the name Baroric Redfield!

  Who has not heard of this great legend on this ocean today?

  In the era of Golden Lion, Gol Roger, and Whitebeard, he was the only variable!

  Obviously there is only one person, but his prestige is no less than the other three!

  Such a position, such a prestige, his strength can be imagined!

  But now, such a legendary figure has fallen to the ground like a rag doll, looking like he is about to die... Where is the prestige of being a legend back then?

  "Baroric Redfield...is that him?"

  "It's so embarrassing, who did it?"

  Whitebeard looked gloomy.

  Being able to kill Baroric Redfield in 447, divided by strength, is stronger than him!

  After all, the current Whitebeard is no longer the one who dominated the world back then, and no one dared to provoke him... He is already old, and his physical response is far less than before, otherwise how could he be stabbed by a little guy like Scuardo?

  If there is such a terrible character in the war, which side will he end up on?


  Or the Navy?

  No matter which side he stands on, it represents the meaning of subverting the entire battle!

  "Kapp, get out of the way!"

  Suddenly, a waveless voice from the ancient well came from above the sky.

  Just before everyone could react, a lightning spear slammed into Baroric Redfield's body, piercing his heart completely!

  "Baroric Redfield, I have a word for you when you are dying."

  "Don't back down when you're fighting with someone... At least you'll die with a backbone."

  Baroric Redfield spat out a mouthful of blood again, his eyes were full of deep despair and fear, the whole person struggled to stand up, but as the lightning spear bloomed in his body, a powerful current instantly penetrated His whole body, suddenly he stiffened, fell to the ground again, widened his eyes, and no longer had the breath of life.

Chapter [-] Let me take over the world!

  A legendary figure of a generation, Baroric Redfield, was buried in the square above the war.

  There was no sign, everything was so sudden.

  Suddenly, everyone looked at the place where the voice came from above the sky, and they saw a floating figure who appeared in the sky at some point.

  "When did he show up in that place?!"

  "It's actually possible to float in the air! No, why do I look familiar to him?"

  "It's Bai Yan! Bai Yan with a bounty of 15 billion! Why is he here!!"

  The navy below stared at Bai Yan for nearly three seconds, and finally recognized him. In an instant, many people showed panic.

  This is a man who is almost as dangerous as the Four Emperors. General Kizaru died in his hands, and many officials of the Four Emperors also died in his hands. The Navy launched an expedition for him with great fanfare and offered a reward of 15 billion for his head. Bailey... At this time, he appeared on the battlefield, and he could think with his heel that he could never stand on the side of the Navy!

  If he's on Whitebeard's side...is there still a fight in this war? !

  "Things are getting worse..."

  Karp had just witnessed the death of Baroric Redfield with his own eyes, and the culprit was this dangerous man who appeared above them at some point!

  To be able to kill Baroric Redfield so easily, this alone is enough to show that this man's strength has reached a level almost equal to that of Whitebeard!

  If this man goes to help Whitebeard against the Navy, the consequences will be disastrous!

  "Bai Yan...it's him!"

  Buddha's Warring States eyes trembled.

  Don't look at how many times the Buddha's Warring States and Bai Yan have faced each other, but this is the first time that the Buddha's Warring States has really seen Bai Yan's true face... There is a slight discrepancy from the portrait, and now Bai Yan has a sharper edge and eyes. Even more indifferent, standing in the sky, like a god who came to the world, overlooking everyone!

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