Chapter 286 You are my only

Chapter 284 You are the only one for me

After seeing the strength of Tang Zheng, Neptune also wanted to tie The fish men island with him!

Leaving aside the powerful abilities of this Tianlong person, relying on his extremely short-term temperament, there is absolutely nothing wrong with following him!

Except for himself, no one can bully him!.

Think too much, I don’t need allies!” Tang Zheng said lightly.

After listening to Neptune, there was a hint of disappointment in his eyes, but he still insisted:. Your Highness, I understand, we just want to follow in your footsteps.

Tang Zheng chuckled lightly and said: Whatever you do.

Neptune is a smart man, The fish men island needs a Xingshan, especially after the death of Whitebeard!

If The fish men island wants to continue to live steadily, it must take another big boat. Obviously, Tang Zheng, who suddenly appeared here, is the best choice.

Neptune’s words were already a surrender in disguise. Tang 25zheng did not intend to refuse The fish men island, which has huge resources.

Thank you for staying silent!” After Neptune heard this, his expression suddenly changed.

Following the conversation between the two, Neptune also seemed to see that Tang Zheng’s interest was not high, and the large-scale competition was quickly over.

Tang Zheng and his party were also arranged to stay in the palace, feeling the peculiar wind/Qing of The fish men island, Tang Zheng also seemed to be in a good mood.

In the luxurious bedroom of the palace, Tang Zheng puts the empress Hancock on/under her body. Tang Zheng never feels satisfied with Hancock’s physical demands.

Do you like your women? The Empress lying under Tang ZhengShen/ suddenly asked.

Tang Zheng stopped immediately, and asked: Why did you say this suddenly?.

Hancock looked at him confused/liedly: “Because my concubine feels it, you seem to only use us as tools/tools for sending /Xie/Yu/Wang!.

This feeling was not the first time in the heart of the empress, she had never felt the emotion that Tianlong people showed towards his women.

The empress was extremely frightened. As she got more and more contact with Tang Zheng, her body/body had completely accepted him…

She was afraid if one day she couldn’t live without him.

Don’t think too much, there are many women in my palace, but not all of them can be related to me!. Tang Zheng said indifferently.

After hearing this, the female emperor’s eyes became more blurred/distracted, and the fear in her heart seemed to be reduced a lot.

Looking at Hancock’s exquisite and perfect Rongpo, Tang Zheng had a strange smile on his face: No matter how many women I own, you are my only second~female/Nu!!.

After Hancock listened, Jiao/Suo suddenly reached Chan

I couldn’t help but think of the moment Yu Pei was thrown out, and the moment she announced that she would serve the country!

As the emperor, she has become the daughter/Nu of the Tianlong people. Shouldn’t Amazon Lily become his country of service…

Hancock slowly raised Shen with his hands and hugged Tang Zheng tightly:’My master…loves me!!.

Tang Zheng Huihui smiled, and the two immediately hugged each other, and the room immediately filled the room with a breath of Yi/yi.

Next day

Tang Zheng was announced early in the morning and set sail to return to Mariejois. When he was ready, he brought a large group of people back to the front of The fish men island.

The three big ships of the Holy Family of Etrich still steadily stopped there.

The guards who got the news early in the morning, under the leadership of the guard officers, stood neatly on both sides.

In the middle, there is a long red carpet road!.

See you now!.

After Tang Zheng approached, the guards on both sides immediately knelt down and waited for Tang Zheng to pass by!

Tang Zheng took everyone onto the red carpet, and the guard officer immediately followed by:. Fortunately, your Highness, you are all right, when we encountered a sudden war before, we almost shot!.

It’s just a group of small characters!” Tang Zheng said lightly.

The guard officer’s emblem smiled. He also saw the scene on the big screen of The fish men island. He was also extremely shocked by the strength of Tang Zheng!.

His Royal Highness’s strength is naturally not comparable to them, but just a group of people with fish heads. The tone of the guard officer was with a trace of disdain.

Although the words are awkward, almost all people in Mariejois are extremely disgusted with murlocs, thinking that they are a group of inferior races, which is a common phenomenon.

Tang Zheng didn’t want to change this kind of problem either, he didn’t have such a leisurely mind.

After returning to the deck with a group of people, the guards also put away the red carpet and returned to their posts one by one!

At the same time, Neptune and the three princes also brought the ministers of the Long Palace Kingdom, slowly appearing in the sight of everyone!

Behind them were a large number of city guards, and surrounded by the city guards, there were also a large number of mermaid women!

After seeing this scene, Tang Zheng also had a smile on his face. Kensney’s big move can begin immediately!.

His Royal Highness Elwa Neptune brought many mermaid ladies to Tang Zheng’s presence and saluted him.

It seems that everything I want is ready, right?. Tang Zheng glanced at the mermaid behind 740 Neptune, and said.

Neptune nodded and said: This time almost all the beautiful mermaids of The fish men island were brought. In the selection, a total of more than a thousand girls who met the requirements of His Highness were selected.

After seeing Tang Zheng did not speak, Neptune continued:. In order to thank His Highness for his assistance to the Long Palace Kingdom, we also selected some of the most beautiful girls among them and dedicated them to your Highness…..

Why? Don’t you go to play with?” Tang Zheng asked.

Neptune shook his head and said:. This is The fish men island’s thanks, and they are also willing to follow your Highness.

Following Neptune’s words, among the crowd of bright mermaids, dozens of girls with a state of power came out, and every one of them was shocked when people saw them!

Even the guards around Tang Zheng are extremely slow to admire His Royal Highness.

It’s worthy of being a mermaid clan who is famous for being beautiful. After seeing these girls, Tang Zheng is also extremely idle.

Hancock looked at all this without expressing her face, she was still the arrogant/arrogant, narcissistic Pirate Empress before others!

Tang Zheng glanced at the crowd below and frowned: What about Shirahoshi?.

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