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Chapter 32 Rats attack and dragons run rampant

Walking into Nami and Nokigao's room, it can be said that the walls are bare.

There were only a few charts lying on the ground.

Do you like sailing?

Nami nodded vigorously, I like it! My dream is to record all the sea areas in the charts drawn by myself!

Looking at the energetic Nami in front of him, Luo Ya thought: It turns out that Nami already had her own dream at this time.

Then you have to work hard and work hard for your dreams, but you must also work hard to train your own strength. In this world where the jungle is strong and the strong eat the weak, strength is also very important!

Yes, I can do it, Roja~

While they were chatting, they heard footsteps coming from outside.

Aaron and Mouse looked at the small house in front of them, with sinister and gloomy smiles on their faces.

Nami, Nokigao, you two guys are very good! How dare you expose me in front of that guy Bai Ge!

Before you even entered the room, a rat's voice shouted from outside.

It can be seen that he is really angry now.

Hearing the sound of the mouse, Nami and Nokigao subconsciously moved towards Roja.

it does not matter.

Roja whispered to the two women, then picked up a pen on the table and came to the door.

I only heard Aaron outside, saying viciously: Why are you talking so much? Why don't you just kick the door down?

As Aaron's words fell outside, the door was kicked open instantly.

Just flying towards Roja.

Is this how you knock on the door?

Luo Ya held the drawing pen in his hand and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

The great swordsman's peak momentum completely exploded at this time!

I saw Luo Ya using this drawing pen to lightly draw in the air.


A terrifying sword energy slash formed a semi-circular arc in front of Roya, and struck forward with great force.

It was as if even the air had been torn apart!

The sharp and dazzling sword energy slash cut the door in half and fell to the ground, but its power did not weaken at all.

In the blink of an eye, it flew from between the mouse and Aaron, across their cheeks.

Two blood stains appeared on their cheeks.

Mouse and Aaron did not react at all to this sudden scene.

They never expected that there was Roja's face behind the door!

But how is this possible!

The mouse saw Roja leaving with his own eyes!

Mouse and Aaron stood there dumbfounded, feeling as if they had fallen into an abyss.

A cold air like a thousand-year ice cellar enveloped them.


Aaron swallowed.

His fists were clenched and covered with veins.

Mouse, you framed me? Didn't you say that the white pigeon has left?!

Aaron gritted his teeth and said to the mouse.

However, he found that the mouse was looking at Roja in disbelief.

The mouse only felt that his body was trembling out of control.

He tremblingly asked Roja: Big, big, sir, you, didn't you leave from the port of Cocosia? Why, why did you suddenly appear here.

If I didn't pretend to leave for a while, how could I catch you, a shark?

Aaron also knew at this time that he and Mouse were being tricked by Roja in front of him!


As soon as Luo Ya finished speaking, Mouse knelt down directly in front of Luo Ya, pointed at Aaron beside him and said, It was him, he forced me to do this. In fact, I really wanted to be a good person at the beginning. He is really a good man, sir!”

A good guy just keeps exploiting us and then kills innocent people indiscriminately?!

After hearing what the mouse said, Nami finally couldn't help it anymore and walked out from behind.

A gleam flashed in the mouse's eyes. As long as he could catch Nami, he would be safe!

Thinking of this, the mouse kicked the ground suddenly and rushed towards Nami behind Roja.

Just as he was about to catch Nami, the mouse saw his body and still stood there.

Then the mouse felt that his vision went dark and he fell into eternal darkness.

Roja had already understood the mouse's thoughts, so when he took the first step.

Roja used the drawing pen in his hand, combined with the artistic conception of the great swordsman at his peak, to chop off his head!

Roja said softly to the two girls behind him: Are you scared?

not afraid!

Nami held Nokigao's hand tightly. Although she was just showing off, she was still extremely afraid in her heart.

But she knew that if she wanted to pursue her dreams in this world, she had to go through all this.

After seeing the performance of Nami and Nokigao, Roja nodded.

Then he looked at Aaron who was standing not far away.

I'm very curious. According to my understanding, you should be a slave who just escaped from the Holy Land Mary Joa, right? Why didn't you follow Fisher Tiger and come to the East China Sea instead?

Aaron, who originally planned to find a chance to escape, heard Fisher Tiger's name.

His eyes were bloodshot and he looked at Roja in front of him fiercely.

Fisher Tiger!!! I will never admit him! He actually wants to coexist peacefully with humans! You must know that we fishmen have noble blood and are naturally stronger than humans. We should enslave humans, not what Bullshit peaceful coexistence!”

Powerful? Can you beat me?

Roja smiled lightly at Aaron.

Bai Ge! Don't think that just because you are a general, you can do whatever you want. I will kill you today and then eat the two people behind you!


Aaron's calf suddenly swelled a little, the muscles bulged, and the veins bulged on it, driving the whole body towards Roja.

Like a torpedo.

He planned to use his jagged nose to pierce Roja's heart.

No matter how strong the general is, he can't survive without his heart!

Just as Aaron was thinking about it again and again, he saw Roja's arm suddenly wrapped with armed domineering aura.

Like lightning, he pinched Aaron's jagged nose.

In an instant, the saw teeth on it were easily crushed by Roja, and then he was thrown directly into the sky.

It was obviously a fight, but the whole movement was smooth and fluid, like art.

The intense pain went straight to his brain, causing him to scream in pain!

Feeling the howling wind in his ears, Aaron felt bad all over!

How could human strength be so great!


This is absolutely impossible!

Don’t humans just like to eat fruits?

Don’t you just like to use external forces to strengthen yourself?

How could he be so much stronger than us mermaids in terms of the innate advantages of his bloodline!

This terrifying power cannot be achieved even by Fisher Tiger!

Damn it!!!

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