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Chapter 71 The prophecy was shattered and the whole audience was shocked

Luo, Luo, Luo Ya is still alive!!!

Bai Xing covered her lips, her expression unprecedentedly exciting and joyful.

Without any hesitation, Bai Xing pounced directly towards Roja.

When Neptune heard Bai Xing's words, he also opened his eyes in disbelief.

When he saw Roja, standing on the body of the sea dragon, swimming towards the Fish-Man Island, he was extremely shocked.

Seeing this scene, Xia Li was shocked both physically and mentally!

Luo Ya, Ju, actually tamed this 10,000-meter sea dragon?! How is this possible...

In disbelief, Charlie immediately took out her divination crystal ball and performed another divination.

The result of this divination shocked her.

When Charlie saw the divination results, she was immediately shocked and said to Neptune next to her in disbelief: Your Majesty, the crisis seems to have been resolved.

The crisis is over!

Her divination accuracy was 100%, but it was also broken by Roya.

Charlie saw unprecedented hope in Roja.

From Roja, Charlie discovered for the first time that the future can be changed!

At this time, Bai Xing came to Roja's side and excitedly held Roja in his arms.

Feeling Bai Xing's tenderness toward him, Roja felt like he was falling into a warm ocean.

This feeling is really an unprecedented experience.

Well, Bai Xing, please relax, I can't breathe anymore.

Hearing Roja's words, Bai Xing's pretty face suddenly turned red.

Seeing this, Bai Xing quickly released Roja.

He said to Roja: Yes, I'm sorry, Roja, I didn't mean it.

Okay, it's okay, it's just a small thing.

Or the Tomb of Heroes of Wenwen Township.

Roya almost couldn't breathe just now.

At this time, Neptune also came to Roja's side.

Bai Ge, what's going on now?

As the King can see, Xiaohai is already my mount!

Hearing Roja's words, even though Neptune had predicted it, he raised his eyebrows and was extremely shocked.

At this time, Neptune was even more determined to make friends with Roja.


On the other side, Ain's phone rang.

Because Roja didn't have the habit of carrying a phone bug with him, the phone bug stayed with Ain most of the time.

Master Marshal.

Ain, where's the white pigeon? What's happening on Fish-Man Island now?

Reporting to the Marshal, everything is fine on Fish-Man Island now. Admiral White Pigeon is now next to King Neptune.

Give the phone bug to Bai Ge immediately!

Yes, Marshal.

A trace of worry flashed in Ain's eyes.

From just now, the signs of fighting seemed to be weakening, which made Ain very worried about Roja's safety.

I just happened to be able to call through the Sengoku phone bug, so I went to Neptune's side to see what was going on.

Ain quickly came to Roja's side. She didn't say much. She said to Roya simply and neatly: General White Pigeon, the marshal is looking for you.

Taking the phone from Ain's hand, Roja answered softly with a gentle smile on his face: Marshal.

White Pigeon, now Marinevando has erupted into monstrous flames, as if erupting from the bottom of the sea. Did you see anything on Fish-Man Island?

While Warring States was talking, he was also listening carefully to the voice coming from the phone bug.

To make certain judgments.

In this regard, Roja said lightly: Master Marshal, King Neptune said that this is just a chain reaction caused by the eruption of one of the submarine volcanoes.

Really? King Neptune is here now. Can you hand the phone bug to King Neptune?

Neptune frowned, but still took the phone from Roya's hand.

King Neptune, I am Admiral Sengoku. Is it really a chain reaction caused by the eruption of an undersea volcano?

After hearing what Sengoku said, Neptune naturally stood on Roja's side and said for Roja: Yes.

King Neptune, please.

After getting confirmation from Neptune, Sengoku felt completely relieved.

At this time, Garp came to Warring States' office.

Warring States, have you found the reason? Don't tell me that mysterious man can move freely under the sea!

Warring States breathed a sigh of relief and said: No, it was confirmed by King Neptune that it was a chain reaction caused by the eruption of a submarine volcano. If it is really that mysterious person, it will be even more terrifying! He can cause... This kind of power is probably more powerful than you and me!

Garp nodded in agreement, but then he began to laugh heartlessly: Okay Sengoku, isn't it confirmed now?! Don't think so much, let's go see it together. Look at Aokiji, I heard he is very tired! He has used Ice Age more than 20 times, hahahahaha!

Hearing Garp's heartless laughter, Seng Guo couldn't help but have a slight smile on his lips.


Inside the Fishman Island.

Luo Ya and others also returned to the Dragon King's Palace.

Regarding Roja's subjugation of Hailong.

Neptune and others were in tacit understanding and did not mention it.

Charlie also returned to her fish-man cafe.

Because of Roja's relationship, she knew that even the determined future could be changed.

Bai Ge, if you can agree to the engagement, there will be no problem even if you come to sit as the future king!

Neptune didn't hold back at all, he said it in front of the three brothers Shark Star, Cartoon Star, and Emperor Star.

As if they noticed Roja's gaze, the three brothers immediately said, If we can make Fish-Man Island develop better, we have no objections.

Neptune bet everything on Roja.

Bai Xing was beside her, looking at Roya expectantly. She very much hoped that Roja would agree.

At this time, the atmosphere in the Dragon King's Palace was a bit strange.

However, Roya also considered Neptune's words.

Since you, the King, have said so, just call me Roja from now on. I will definitely let the world accept the people of Fish-Man Island!

Upon hearing Roya's words, Neptune's eyes suddenly lit up.

This means that Roja agreed!

Okay! Okay! Okay! Hahahahahaha, come, let's have a banquet to celebrate!

Neptune felt very happy in his heart and laughed out loud immediately.

Bai Xing also understood what Roja meant, and his pretty face was already flushed with embarrassment.

I saw that Bai Xing was very delicate and charming, and said to Roya: Roya, please give me more advice in the future...

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