Crossing the Lidinos Islands.

The year 1497 of the sea calendar.

Titch is coming to the end of his transition here in the West Sea, and the next experience will be even more dangerous.

Because he needs to fight the monsters of the New World, and lurk in the navy, the strongest force in the world.

Titch didn't have any fear in his heart, he just needed to plan carefully, and he looked at the sea and thought about it for a long time.

After having some plans for the future, I was ready to go.

I saw him jump nearly 100 meters on his toes.

In mid-air, his body swelled and turned into a majestic and demonic beast dragon horned octopus, with a body size of more than 1,000 meters.

The storm howled below, holding it in the air and scanning in all directions, like a majestic emperor scanning his territory.

Finally finding a direction, he quickly descended into the sea in mid-air and stirred up a huge wave, and the surface of the water was splashed by the entry of his huge body into the water and small waves, hitting the shore of the Lidinos Islands.

The body of the Tiki dragon horn is covered with a thin layer of mucous membrane. IT IS USED TO ISOLATE THE INFLUENCE OF PYROBROIN IN THE SEA ON THE ABLE.

In the seawater, it looks like a giant sea king.

Swirling in the sea like an arrow from a string.

There is hardly any special weather and sea kings here in the West Sea, and even a few of them have been completely explored by Titch in the course of three years.

Soon left the realm of the Western Sea.

Ahead is a calm sea with no wind zone.

Titch didn't hesitate and continued to move on, and the water here was completely different, with more marine life.

But for the time being, I haven't seen the figure of the sea king.

But soon, in Titch's perception of what he saw and heard, there was a strange movement in the distant sea.

There is only one reason why it is strange, and that is that the quantity and quality of these creatures have reached the point of horror.

This is a school of fish, not an ordinary school of fish, but a large group of sea kings composed of countless sea kings.

Even if Tiqi inevitably snorted his teeth, such a sea king group can be regarded as a challenge to the strong men of the sea.

Titch quickly collected his thoughts, but became excited, he was a few days earlier than the date mentioned by the aunt, the purpose is to make a leap forward in his strength here to meet the challenges of the future.

And this group of sea kings is his target, if he can completely absorb their flesh essence, Tiqi will become a physical monster that surpasses Big Mom and Kaido!

So, the dragon smiled cruelly and greedily, and sped up to the side of the sea king group.

Although these sea kings do not have a high IQ and do not have the high intelligence of those ancient sea kings near Fish-Man Island, they are not stupid.

When they saw this dragon horn chapter they hadn't seen before, they thought it was some new sea king companion.

But it didn't take long for the strange octopus "Neptune" to rush to the outermost giant Neptune, and bit the Neptune in one bite.

And he is also very skillful, two octopus tentacles hold the bitten sea king, and the remaining six tentacles keep waving to block the sea kings who stop him from biting.

These made this sea king group boil instantly, and countless sea kings attacked the dragon horn chapter as if they were wise.

But the difference in strength is a bit big, and the six huge tentacles used for defense are waving indiscriminately, and the power is amazing, even if they are sea kings, it is difficult to resist the consequences of being whipped by the terrifying power of the tentacles.

And as soon as the suckers of the tentacles come into contact with them, they will suck blood to death, and the group of sea kings who are in pain are crying.

Another point, the tip of the tentacle is as sharp as a steel needle, and a turtle Neptune who specializes in defense directly pierces the turtle shell, which is specially used to break through the defense, and the other Neptune defenses are not as good as the turtle, so they are naturally pierced casually.

Piercing is enough, this little injury is nothing to the sea kings, there is still venom in this steel needle!

This strong venom is extremely weird, a drop of thick can kill the sea kings of several kilometers.

There are even a few injected sea kings that go berserk and attack their allies in turn, even if Tichy's psychotoxin controls the injected enemy.

In this way, Tiqi absorbed countless sea kings, and this group of sea kings finally got scared and didn't stop Tiqi anymore, they still fled in groups, swimming towards the sea of the New World, far away from Tiqi.

Titch quickly used his tentacles to suck out some of the sea kings around him, and turned to chase after the fleeing sea kings.

A day later, the waters of Totland in the New World.

The seas of the New World have not been peaceful these days, and there are many sea kings wandering around like crazy.

Although the weather in the new world is so weird, this is the first time that the sea kings have gone crazy en masse.

Along the way, all the pirates were either crushed by the wind and waves, or accidentally fell into the water and fell into the mouth of a huge octopus, the Sea King.

The Sea Kings followed Titch's pursuit to the waters of Totland here.

The future Four Emperors of the Sea, the territory of the new world-class overlord Aunt Charlotte Lingling.

The current group of sea kings has been chased and devoured by Tiqi for more than two days, and there are only a few left.

Approaching quickly, Titch saw that his destination was almost there, and he no longer hesitated.

Be prepared to solve them quickly.

On the sea, the 34 small islands attached to Totland are the islands where the future aunt's children and ministers are stationed, but at the moment the aunt's children have not been fully adopted, many future ministers have not yet arrived, and only the children adopted by the original aunt are in charge.

One of the outermost islands in the Totland Sea, it was specially designed to welcome guests to tea parties.

The eldest son of the eldest son adopted by the aunt, Perospero, as the absolute wise general in the family, is waiting here at this moment, to welcome the most important guest in his mother's mouth, the emperor of the West Sea

, Blackbeard! He has been waiting for a long time, and the other tea party guests have already arrived, only this one has not yet appeared, Perospero will not get tired, he is just worried that those unruly guests will clash with Blackbeard, so it is better for Blackbeard to come early.

Perospero stared intently at the sea.

Suddenly, the sea was about to boil.

Many huge sea kings came out of the water and swam here, and Perospero broke out in a cold sweat, are these sea kings crazy? If they attack here desperately like this, these huge sea kings will definitely collapse these small islands of Totland!

He took out his phone bug and quickly dialed his mother's number: "Mom, the situation is urgent, several huge sea kings from the waters of Totland are rushing towards our island like crazy, and it is likely that they will 。。。。。。。 in the future." He was stunned before he could finish his sentence.

"What will happen? The aunt waited for a while, and found that her son was shocked and immediately asked.

"It's okay Mom, our guests have arrived.

"Well, well, perospero, you have to take care of this guest for the old lady, let him come~

" "Yes!" What

did Perospero see?

The huge sea kings sprinted towards the island where he was, and they were about to approach, and a huge sea king of more than 3,000 meters rushed out of the water.

This is a majestic and domineering dragon head octopus.

I saw him rush into the air, and the eight tentacles of the octopus grew rapidly based on the dragon's head, and each tentacle was like a life, quickly grabbing towards several sea kings on the sea.

Then he directly caught those sea kings, followed by the rapid drying up of the sea kings, and one by one they all changed from a sea king to small fish and shrimp, obviously devoured by the dragon horn chapter.

Then the octopus withdrew its tentacles and resumed its tentacles in mid-air, the dragon's head was majestic and solemn, and the eight octopus tentacles danced unconsciously around, matching the scene just now to properly look like a mythical monster of destruction!

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