"Hey, Ron, I think there's something strange about this place!"

Ron nodded, "yes, I think so, but we're going to keep going." I wonder what's going on over there now?"

"It's okay to believe, after all, he is very familiar with this island, and he shouldn't encounter any danger, plus his mount is so powerful, his own strength is not bad, we should be worried about ourselves." "

Reilly's words made Ron react suddenly: "yes, that's right, we should worry about ourselves, why worry about him? "

After suddenly realizing this, Ron squeezed out a wry smile on his face, and felt a little speechless to himself.

But for a moment, he seemed to see a place glowing, so he said to Reilly: "Reilly, don't look over there, do you see there's something here, should we go over and have a look?"

Reilly came back to his senses, then looked at the place Ron was pointing.

It was a bush, but behind it was a pile of very large rocks, and it was very, very thick with foliage. But what was surprising was that there seemed to be something glowing there.

It seemed to them to be a very, very striking thing, and they walked over.

"Let's go over and have a look. "

By this time, Reilly had already come to the side of the place, and because he was really curious, he flicked it with his hand.

"What is it about this place that is glowing? Let me take a look. "

After pushing away the bushes in front of me, there was nothing in it, so to speak, nothing at all, but more vegetation.

But there's still something glowing.

"It's weird, what's going on?"

"Looks like we really should have a good look. "

Ron couldn't help it, and then he grabbed the bushes inside with his hands.

After removing the bushes this time, they found that the light inside was even more powerful, and it seemed that there was really something inside, so Reilly and Ron quickly opened all the bushes in front of them.

Because there were so many bushes here, they still took a lot of effort, and finally removed all the bushes, flowers, trees, and leaves in this place, and after removing them, what appeared in front of them was a very, very huge hole, and the inside was only a very rich light, which was being launched outward.

"Could this be the exit from this island?" asked Ron.

In fact, this is not impossible, but Reilly still has some doubts: "Could it be that this is really an exit? If this is an exit, it must be too simple, think about it carefully, Crimson has never found this place after staying in this place for so long, we found it as soon as we came, it shouldn't be a trap set by some person." "

Ron hesitated: "If that's the case, we really should think twice before we call Crimson over at this time?" After all, his strength is still very strong, although we don't do it, but there is a lot of strength in numbers, and we have a breakthrough point now, we should find her." "

"I think it's okay, after all, we should be on the safe side now. "

"Okay, in that case, I'll send him a message now. "

Soon Crimson, who was opposite Ron, looked up, and saw the fireworks on the island.

He had some doubts, then looked at his mount, "No, do they have results now?"

You know, he's been in this place for so long and never found an exit, and those two people found it as soon as they came?

He was a little surprised, so he didn't have that kind of curiosity, and then he hurried to Reilly with his mount.

This speed was very fast, and after a while he had already appeared in the vicinity of Reilly, and he had already felt Reilly's breath, but at this time, the ground suddenly shook.

"Oh no, what's going on? We didn't move anything. At this time, Ron was already flustered, he didn't think how this place could be so strange.

Reilly struggled to keep his composure: "I don't know why, could it be because of an earthquake? "

"This is an earthquake. At this time, Crimson, who was nearby, came over.

At this time, Crimson was very, very calm, in complete contrast to Reilly.

Even though the ground was shaking now, he still walked very slowly this way: "This is normal. "

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