Ron shook his head, even if he was here, then those merfolk would treat him with good food and drink.

He just couldn't understand why Monassin had come to this place, he had already left a letter telling them to stay there and wait for him to go back.

He's down now, and those merfolk will definitely be aware of it.

So he looked at Monassin's face very badly, and said to him, "What are you doing down here? Why don't you go back quickly?"

Hearing Ron's unkind words, Monasin felt a little angry, but he came down because he was worried about Ron's safety.

Now that Ron has let him go back, isn't Ron worried about the accidents he encounters along the way?

He looked at Ron's tone and said stiffly, "If I don't go back, I'm going to be here with you." "

Ron wanted to pretend to be angry and drive him back, but Monacin didn't have the sight to see it.

He didn't know what to say, so he sat there, and Arthur smiled when he saw Ron sulking there.

In fact, he could also see that this person meant something different to Ron.

And he could vaguely smell the smell of Lost Soul Island on this person's body, so did this person also follow Ron to Lost Soul Island?

Thinking of this, the mermaid asked Monassin seriously, "Have you also been to Lost Soul Island?"

Hearing the mermaid's words, Monassine's face turned white, he didn't say anything, but lowered his head and came to Ron's side.

Ron knew he was scared, why wasn't he scared when he first came down?

If he had known to be afraid, his current situation would not have turned out to be the way it is.

After taking a deep breath, Ron smiled at the merfolk and replied, "He's my friend, and of course he's been to Lost Soul Island with me, but he's a bit introverted, so you shouldn't be able to ask him." "

Arthur looked at Monassin and nodded thoughtfully.

The man was introverted and he could tell it just by looking at it, but Monassine didn't know what was going on with Ron.

He was now baptized by this group of merfolk under the sea, and he didn't know where he was going next.

But Ron looked at ease, could it be that Ron didn't need them to come down to help at all?

As soon as he thought of this, Monasin felt a little embarrassed in his heart, he swallowed his saliva, he finally came down, but he couldn't lose Ron's momentum.

So he straightened his back slightly, but the merfolk didn't intend to leave.

When Ron saw this, he felt a little helpless, they had been here for so long, if they hadn't left, could it be that they wanted to hear him and Monassin whisper?

In order to understand the current situation on the shore, Ron said to the mermaid in a serious manner: "King Arthur, can you leave first, I want to whisper a few words to my friend." "

When Arthur heard Ron say this, she looked at Ron's eyes with some inquiry, but Ron's eyes were clear in them.

Seeing this, he nodded.

Human minds are terrible, but their eyes do not deceive, and if a person has no conspiracy, he can see what he is thinking in his heart just by looking at his eyes.

However, Arthur didn't see any conspiracy in Ron's eyes, so he would agree to Ron whispering to his friend.

Then the merfolk went out.

Ron looked at Monassin beside him and said with some hatred, "Why did you come down? Didn't I leave a letter for you not to come down? I can deal with it myself!"

But how could Monassine listen to Ron's letter, he knew just how pale Ron's letter really was.

He wouldn't be happy if he was allowed to stay on and wait for Ron to return.

Anyway, Ron came down here for him, and he looked at the expression on Ron's face with some frustration.

Without saying anything, Ron knew that he must be like this.

So he said to Monassin solemnly: "I have already come down, and it is impossible to go up now, so can you tell me everything you know, if you tell me, we must be up soon." "

Hearing Ron's words, Monassine's heart was also a little shaken.

After all, Ron was here so that he could be here, so why couldn't he tell Ron about it?

But as soon as he wanted to say it, he thought about the consequences, and if he told Ron, it would only hurt Ron.

And he didn't want to trouble others to do these things for him, so he shook his head and replied to Ron: "Does Ron's matter have anything to do with you, can you leave it alone?"

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