If that's the case, it's better if he didn't know it in the first place.

Seeing Ron's thoughtful appearance there, Raysol didn't want to embarrass Ron there, after all, no matter what, this matter had to be decided by Ron.

And he's not a persecutor either, and if Ron doesn't want to leave his partner now, then he won't force Ron to leave.

So he looked at it there with a very serious expression and said, "Don't worry, if you really want to rescue your partner, then I won't say anything." "

Hearing what Resol said, Ron made up his mind, he couldn't be so selfish, and he had to consider the feelings of others if he was already on the same road with Resol.

Besides, he'd been looking for Monassin several times, but what did Monassin do with him?

He didn't care about himself at all, so why did he waste this effort trying to get that person back?

He looked at Resor there, shook his head, and replied to him seriously, "Don't worry, I have figured this out too." As for his reluctance to leave with us, then I decided to give up on him. "

Hearing what Ron said, Resor was actually very surprised in his heart, because he had heard Clam Rey say that Ron was not the kind of person who would give up easily, and now he heard Ron say that he had given up here, how could he not be surprised in his heart.

So, he looked at Ron's expression there with some doubts and asked, "Are you really Ron?" I knew before that Ron was a person who would not give up easily, and now you say that you give up so easily, which makes me still a little suspicious in my heart. "

Hearing Resor's words, Ron smiled bitterly there, he didn't want to give up on this matter, but so many facts were already in front of him.

Monassin just doesn't want to leave with him, so what can he do?

Even if he didn't give up, what would he do? Could Monassin change his mind because of this? It's impossible.

So Ron looked at Resor there and said seriously: "You don't have to worry about this matter, even if you say anything, I won't tell you what my inner thoughts are, let's go to them quickly and leave here with them." "

As long as they bring Tai Sui with them, then no matter what Arthur wants to do, he will not succeed.

Hearing Ron's words, Rayso also nodded there, and then the two of them went to Tai Sui together.

Because Tai Sui was guarded by the bell, but they didn't find the bell there, Ron wanted to say goodbye to the bell.

But Resor looked at Ron's hesitant appearance from the side, and felt a little unhappy in his heart, no matter what, Ron shouldn't have shown such an expression.

So he replied to Ron very seriously, "We don't have much time left, so you better not say goodbye to the bell and let's go straight away." "

When he heard Resor say there, Ron felt a little helpless, although he still wanted to say goodbye to the bell in his heart, but there was no way to do it now, he nodded to Resor and left with him.

As they were about to leave, a soldier approached him, and Ron tried to finish him off, but Raysol stopped Ron.

If he had eliminated the soldier now, Arthur would have been aware of their existence, although they had known about Ron's existence before, but it was very suspicious why Ron had returned to the village for no reason.

Maybe Arthur would notice that Tai Sui was on them, so for safety, Raysol stopped Ron directly.

He came to the soldier and looked at the soldier and said very seriously: "The two of them are my partners, if you have any doubts, then you can go directly to Arthur and ask." "

When he heard Resor say it in a serious way, the soldier wondered if this was really the case, but why had Arthur already told them that they were obscene and that Ron was the only companion.

Although the soldier was very strange about this, he didn't ask directly, he nodded at Ressol, and left without saying anything else.

Seeing the soldier leave, Ron breathed a sigh of relief, and realized what kind of impact his reckless actions just now might have on them.

He watched there, and Resor said with some gratitude on his face, "Thank you, if it weren't for the fact that you stopped my reckless actions there, then we might have been captured by Arthur by now." "

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