One Punch Man's Unlimited Luck

One Punch Man: Unlimited Luck Chapter 1217

"Green pheasant, it's been a long time!!" Seeing the green pheasant on board, Xing Tao chuckled lightly.

"Allah Allah! Isn't it too dangerous to invite with something like this!!" The green pheasant placed the arrow in his hand on a table not far away, and then looked aside, lying on the recliner with a little trembling. . Shaking Nicole Robin.

"Speaking of it, what you do...makes me a bit difficult!!" The green pheasant finally found a reclining chair and sighed.

Ever since Nicole Robin was released, the green pheasant has been watching Nicole Robin's actions.

He had always known that Nicole Robin had taken refuge in Krokdal, so after hearing that Krokdal had been eliminated, he also took advantage of the holiday to use his personal intelligence system to pay attention to the affairs of Alabastan at that time. Things he cares about.

That is, someone witnessed a long and narrow, weird ship without sails in Alabastan.And it happened that the green pheasant had deliberately learned some things about Xingtao after he met Xingtao and his party, just knowing that Xingtao had such a ship.

The two things merged together, and the green pheasant suddenly felt bad.

So he immediately took advantage of the holiday now, and rushed over to see if Xingtao and his party had taken Nicole Robin away, and wanted to see what Xingtao and the group wanted to do.

"What's so difficult!? You are here for Nicole Robin. Just treat it as if you haven't seen it!" Xingtao smiled lightly, "Now the world is so messy, you still have the mood to come here, it seems You should be on vacation! Just consider it a happy vacation."


Xing Tao said it was very light, but the green pheasant felt more and more difficult.

He intended that he didn't want Nicole Robin to contact those who were too dangerous, but now she actually got on Xingtao's ship, which made him feel difficult.

He had seen Xing Tao's strength.Sakaski was seriously injured with a slap in the first place, and the green pheasant knew that he was definitely not Xingtao's opponent.But if Nicole Robin is allowed to do so, it will probably lead to catastrophic disaster.

We must know that what Nicole Robin is pursuing is the text of history, which is something the world government has tried to hide. This is enough to show that this thing can definitely cause serious damage to the world government.Once Nicole Robin finds the text of the history, maybe the whole world will be in chaos.

"Or..." Seeing that the green pheasant didn't speak, Xing Tao continued, "Are you going to do something here!?"

After a moment of silence, Qing Pheasant asked solemnly: "Xing Tao, you should know who Nicole Robin is... I want to know, why did you let her go on board?"

"Who do I want to board the ship, do I still need to report to your navy?" Xingtao said contemptuously, "However, if there is a reason for Nicole Robin to board the ship..." Xingtao said, smiling Looking at the green pheasant: "What do you think of the reason for'raising eyes'?"

"Raise your eyes!?"

Both the green pheasant and Nicole Robin on the side were stunned.

"Yeah... Raise your eyes!!" Xing Tao turned to look at Nicole Robin, and took a look, "Green Pheasant, don't you think Nicole Robin's figure and face are outstanding? I am on board. There are so many beauties in Nicole, the gentle and kind-hearted beauty of Nilu, the wild beauty of Yeyi, the lovely beauty of Lotters, and the straightforward beauty of Margaret; but the intellectual beauty of Nicole Robin is just missing..."

"Intellectual beauty, me!?" Nicole Robin's blue and black eyes blinked, and it was the first time she heard someone comment on herself like this.

In the past, everyone had always called her "demon" or "traitor" or something.But today, someone actually called her beautiful after knowing her nature.

Even knowing that this was a joke, Nicole Robin couldn't help feeling touched.

"Hey, your joke is a bit too much!!" The green pheasant twitched and said.

He absolutely did not believe in Xingtao's reason.Otherwise, when Linglong and Uchiha Izumi had left him when he was at the navy headquarters, he would have said nothing.

The green pheasant looked at Xingtao solemnly, and said secretly: "This man is definitely not a womanizer... But what is his purpose?"

"So... what's going on with Krokdal? What about the awakener of the thunder fruit?" Soon, the green pheasant let go of the idea of ​​continuing to ask Nicole Robin, and turned to inquire about Krokdal.

Now that it was confirmed that Nicole Robin was on the Xingtao ship, there is no doubt that it was Xingtao and others who killed Klockdal.

"What's wrong with Krokdal!?" Xingtao chuckled, "The so-called Qiwuhai, isn't the world government doing something about the balance between the four emperors and the navy? Now that the four emperors have become three emperors, I will kill another seven. Wu Hai, is there any problem?"

"Or...your navy is a little dissatisfied with us destroying Krokdal, want to want us?" Xingtao still looked calm, and glanced at the distressed blue pheasant.

"Allah, this is troublesome!!" The green pheasant lay directly on the chair and pulled the blindfold. "But... I also came out with a leisurely mood. Now that I have been on the ship, please take me. To the next island, let me disembark again!!!"

With that, the green pheasant fell asleep directly.

"It deserves to be lazy justice..." Xingtao also chuckled lightly, ignoring the green pheasant, drank a drink, and then lay on the recliner, closing his eyes to rest...

Chapter 100

There was an extra green pheasant on the boat, but everything didn't seem different.

The only interest of the green pheasant on the boat is to sleep on a recliner. In 24 hours a day, he sleeps for at least 18 hours, like a koala.Even when he is not sleeping, his whole person looks listless, as if he is about to die.

However, there was a green pheasant on the boat, and Xingtao's boat was much more regular, instead of drifting with the flow as before, but faithfully drove over to the next island-Food City.

The green pheasant’s holiday is arranged on the island where food is most concentrated on this great route.

Nothing happened in the Food City, but a group of people spent a week eating all the most prestigious restaurants in the Food City.

The Food City is the closest island to the windless zone.After eating and drinking, the group set off directly to the windless zone.

This windless zone is a windless zone separating the first half of the Great Sea Route and the East China Sea.Cross this windless zone and you can go directly to the East China Sea.

Compared with the great route, the windless zone is much more dangerous, and there are super sea kings everywhere.However, to Xingtao and his party, Neptunes are nothing more than ingredients. The entire windless zone is a paradise for food, with all kinds of strange Neptunes.

Speaking of these sea kings, they are also strange, of various kinds.And the meat quality is completely different. The frog-shaped sea kings taste like frog meat; the snake-shaped sea kings have the same meat quality as a real snake; there are also some strange sea kings, such as bird-shaped, Turtle type...Anyway, most of the meat is similar to the corresponding animal.

Not only that, the meat of these sea kings also contains a wealth of heaven and earth auras, which make the meat of these sea kings more tender and taste more delicious.

It’s just that in the windless zone, there is one of the most disgusting places, that is, there are sea kings attacking at any time 24 hours a day, that is to say...Xingtao, Yeyi, Nilu, Lotus, and Mag The five members of Lit must be rotated.As for Nicole Robin, it can only be used for logistics, such as cleaning, washing vegetables and cooking...

Fortunately, Lotus and Margaret wandered between life and death for two and a half years before in Ruskayna, otherwise, with their strength, there would be absolutely no way to deal with the sea kings above the windless zone.

After coming to the windless zone, Xingtao has completely become a guide here.

As soon as he entered the windless zone, Xingtao dived directly into the bottom of the sea to find the submarine spiritual veins.

Generally speaking, a spiritual vein on the bottom of the sea can stretch for at least hundreds of miles, and a super-large spiritual vein can stretch for nearly a thousand miles.

The basis for Xingtao to advance in the windless zone is the direction of the spirit veins on the seabed.By continuously absorbing the submarine spirit veins, then looking for new ones, and then absorbing them... explore the entire windless zone in such a continuous way.

At the same time, the scattered islands on the windless zone are also very easy to distinguish. As long as the first few spiritual veins are cut off at almost the same time, there must be an island ahead.

However...there are very few islands in the windless zone, and the density of the islands is far less than that of the great sea route. So along the way, a group of people encountered very few islands on the windless zone, and they spent most of the time on the boat.

However, once an island appears on the windless zone, it must be a very dangerous island.

The so-called things are reversed, and the windless zone will be calm and calm again, but once you get to the islands, the climate on many islands is super repetitive, even more extreme than Ruskaj.There are not many really stable islands at all.The monsters on some islands are so powerful that they are not even defeated by the admiral.

This kind of primitive island is also good, that is, the things on it are completely natural and have not been developed at all.Some rare things from the outside world can also be found here.

Among them, the most exciting thing for Xingtao is naturally the devil fruit that has existed for countless years on these islands.

Many devil fruits have never appeared in the outside world at all. They have stayed on islands in the windless zone since ancient times, and no creatures have taken these devil fruits away.

After seven or eight months of uninterrupted exploration day and night, this windless zone was completely swept away by the stars.In addition to the massive aura and world source power, there is also an extremely rare space-type devil fruit.

This is a silvery devil fruit that looks like a pineapple. I don't know its specific name.After Xingtao fed the devil fruit to the sacred tree, he then used the world's source power to replicate a similar fruit to Nilu.

In the end, according to the ability that Nilu can generate after eating the fruit, this fruit should be called a twisted fruit.

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