One Punch Man's Unlimited Luck

One Punch Man: Unlimited Luck Chapter 1252

"Is this the snow disaster? Combining the coldness of his ice dragon with the domineering color of his domineering, he has formed such a power..." Xingtao looked at the blizzard in front of him, and a strange color flashed in his eyes, "The domineering ice is sealed in In the deepest part of everyone's heart, this guy's development of fruit abilities should not be underestimated, and his own strength is not bad!!"

"Snowstorm Beckett, that's the guy with the highest bounty in the Bai Beast Pirates except Kaido. His bounty is as much as 1.4 billion Baileys..." Karina explained to the side. , "The bounty of the beasts and pirate group is generally higher.

The bounty is linked to the strength to a certain extent, but the strength has reached the level of the top cadres of the Four Emperors Pirates. The bounty does not represent the strength. The bounty is 800 million and the bounty is 1 billion. There is little difference in strength; The difference in gold represents the "big things" they have done.

The Hundred Beasts and Pirates have always been fierce, often slaughtering cities and annihilating the country, and after each such event, the bounty will increase, so the bounty of the Hundreds of Beasts and Pirates is generally higher than the other Four Emperors and Pirates.

Chapter 150-Ice and Fire

"Ye Yi, have you probably found out how many Devil Fruit capable people are on the opposite side?" Xing Tao suddenly turned his head and asked Ye Yi on the side.

"If you are not mistaken, it should be four!!" Ye Yi said directly, "Beckto is an ice dragon capable person; the one I struck with lightning just now is also in the form of a snake fruit viper; One is a woman with white hair, which should be in the form of a monkey fruit gibbon; the last one is the man with blue hair and green eyes, which should be bat fruit."

"They are all animals, it really is Kaido's characteristic!!" Xing Tao said with a light smile.

"There are probably only these four real devil fruit abilities in their place, but basically most of the crew are artificial devil fruit abilities." Ye Yi continued, "The strength should be limited..."

"I don't need to pay attention to their abilities, I will shoot them directly and defeat them!" Xing Tao said calmly, and at the same time the whole person floated up and flew directly towards the place where the beasts and pirates were opposite.

In an instant, Xingtao came to Becket's ship of the snow disaster.

Looking at Becket, who was mad in front of him, Xingtao could clearly perceive that Becket now looks extremely cold, but his heart is like a gunpowder bucket that is about to explode. Anger and frenzy are used to describe him. .

"Oh!? It looks like a bit of strength to be able to hold my overlord look!!"

Beckett walked up to Xingtao, looked at Xingtao condescendingly, a trace of anger and disdain flashed in his eyes.

"Just now, it was you who was provoking? You bastard, a newcomer, dare to challenge the king of this sea!! Do you think this is still a pirate play game?"

Xing Tao was stunned. The so-called "snow disaster" in front of him seemed to have something to do...but he was going to do it, so he still said these things?Brain disease?

"A bunch of idiots!!" Xingtao glanced at Becktoe on the opposite side and said lightly.

Beckton's round eyes stared at Xing Tao motionlessly, almost a terrible spark jumped out of his eyes.The muscles on his face kept twitching and twitching, and his teeth made a "creaking" sound, which seemed to crush his teeth.

At the same time, the surrounding blizzards became stronger and stronger, and Bector's domineering domineering color became more vigorous under the burning of anger.The terrifying overlord color is mixed with a trace of dragon power, as if it has turned into a violent wind, blowing wanton!!

"Who are you asshole talking about, do you know who the man in front of you is?"

"This is Lord Bechtor, the confidant of Lord Kaido, the beast."

"Kneel down to apologize to Master Beckto, and then cut off your own limbs. Today, you can die a little more comfortably."

The subordinates behind Baktor began to verbally attack Xingtao, but no one did it.A guy who can withstand such a violent overlord by Bector, even a guy who doesn't change his face, shouldn't be underestimated.Even if there are many lunatics in the Beast Pirates group, it is impossible to lose sight of the slightest situation!!

"Are the beasts and pirates a group of low-level animals with no brains?" Xingtao said lightly, "It's really a shame that you can establish a foothold in the new world. It seems that your luck is still good!!"

"Speaking of which, is the brain disability of Bai Beast Kaido getting better!?" Xing Tao said with a light smile.

Not long after coming to this world, when a group of people were in the naval headquarters, Kaido, the beast, was hit hard by Linglong.According to the information obtained in the past few years, Kaido has been doing things more and more crazily since that time, and has even faced off against the white beard and red-haired pirates.

You should know that Kaido in the past, even if he singled out the Four Emperors Pirates, he needed to rest for a while, and he didn't dare to do it continuously.But since that time, the beast Kaido is like a beast, it seems that even the IQ has dropped a lot, and the whole person has been a complete lunatic.

Perhaps in the eyes of the navy and the world government, Kaido is already mentally ill.


Beckto couldn't bear it for a long time, and he immediately roared and directly started the transformation of the animal devil fruit.Pieces of frost dragon scales covered Becktor's skin, and dragon horns and dragon tails also appeared.

When Bector transformed, a gloomy chill swept across the entire deck.

"Sure enough... Frost Giant Dragon!!" Xing Tao said in his heart when he saw Bector's transformation, "The Giant Dragon in the West is far worse than the Dragon in the East...Of course, at this low level. I don’t see anything in the world..."

Bector seemed to see Xingtao wandering, he had already been furious, and he shot straight away——

"Dragon Claw!!!"

I saw Beckto's left hand turned into a dragon claw, with five fingers like a hook, and the extreme cold instantly covered the dragon claw, grabbing Xingtao's body.This grabbing seemed to grab all his internal organs from his body.

"Ice..." Xingtao chuckled lightly, and a group of dragon fire burst into his palm in an instant, and then directly greeted Bector's attack.


One side is a red flame, and the other side is an ice blue dragon claw.The flames collided with the ice dragon's claws, and for a while, light and shadow clumped, sparks and ice fragments flying away.



The auras of Xingtao and Becket suddenly collided with each other, and there was a thunderous roar. In an instant, the world was pale!This is no longer a simple collision of forces, but a collision that is rare for ordinary people in their entire lives... Overlord-like collision!


The two domineering colors clash with each other, creating a terrifying vision. Thunder bursts in the sky, and the world is turbulent for an instant, as if the void is shattering!

The sky, which was originally covered with dark clouds and howling wind and snow, suddenly cleared.

The wind stopped...

Snow, stopped...

As if the previous blizzards were all illusions.

Only the sky that seemed to have been cut apart remained above everyone's head, exuding an aura that made everyone's heart palpitating.

"Overlord... Domineering..." Beckton's furious expression changed in an instant, shaking his heart.

He obviously didn't expect that Xingtao would have a domineering look that could rival him!

Chapter 151

There was a stalemate for a while, Xingtao's eyes narrowed slightly, and Becktor's side was like an avalanche.

There is no thunder on Xingtao's side, while the black thunder flashes violently on Becket's side like the end of the world; and in the sky, the gap that originally represented the two overlords. The boundary quickly collapsed. The cloud energy on Xingtao's side directly defeated the cloud energy on Bector's side with the momentum that swept the world.


After the dark clouds, the sun in the sky once again shone on the sea.The golden sunlight is full of warm breath, sweeping away the ice and snow atmosphere that Bector had created before.

At the same time, the dragon scales on Becket's dragon claws turned into wisps of water and evaporated quickly.The dragon fire in Xingtao's palm became more and more vigorous, swallowing Bector in an instant.

With just one blow, Bector was defeated.

Not only was Bector defeated, his fleet was also defeated.As early as when the overlord collided, all Becktor's subordinates rolled their eyes and fainted completely in the two domineering.

"Sacred Tree Realm is coming!!"

Xing Tao put his hands together and said softly.

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