One Punch Man's Unlimited Luck

One Punch Man: Unlimited Luck Chapter 1282

Suddenly, she jumped directly into the sea and transformed into the form of a mermaid.At the same time, as the white star, the Neptune entered the water, the entire sea seemed to be alive and resonated with the white star one after another. Numerous fish, shrimps and beasts jumped out of the sea as if they were cheering.

"Allblue really is the sea of ​​miracles!!" Nicole Robin also looked at the white star playing with various fish in the water with some surprise.

"Hidden in another wonder the world government has not been able to find it for 800 years!!" Xingtao sighed in his heart.

It is a small island, 800 hours, even if you use the elimination method, you should be able to find out the location of Lavdrew, but nothing happened.Moreover, after Roger found the island, even if the world government did not know the specific location of the island, the general area should be known, but it still couldn't be found.

So, the only problem is that Lovelu is not a normal island.Because it is hidden in another plane, it is absolutely impossible to find it without a method.

"Here, all the pointers point to one place!" Suddenly, Ye Yi took out the three pointers used in the second half of a great route, and said in surprise.

"There is also a place where all three pointers point to the same place... Maybe it's the so-called Lavdrew!" Xing Tao said in his heart.

In the "One Piece" world, in the second half of the new world, there is an island whose three pointers all point to the same place.There is also the "end" of the great route.It was because Gore D Roger arrived on that island and discovered some secrets about "Clan D" and historical texts on that island, so he regrouped and set off again, and finally found the so-called "Lafdro"!

"Let's take a look!!" Xing Tao said softly.

Immediately, the group called on the white star still in the water, and continued to walk towards the island.

In Xingtao's eyes, the island was completely the center of the entire demiplane. It can be said that the entire demiplane was formed with this island as its core.

Not long after, the ship came to the island.

"Is this Ralph Drew?" After going to the island, Margaret and Lotus were the most excited. Both of them were inexplicably excited about the name "One Piece".

"Master Xingtao, you are the first to land on this island after One Piece King Gore D Roger. You are already the real One Piece!!" Margaret said excitedly.

"I'm not a pirate!!" Xingtao said lightly, "Moreover, I prefer the title of'Explorer King' compared to the title of One Piece!!"

"Haha, after you go out, you will announce that you found onepiece, and then disdain the title of'One Piece' and call yourself the'Explorer King'!!" Ye Da laughed next to him, "At that time, Roger's carefully crafted era of the big pirate will be true It's going to fall apart!!"

After what happened just now, Ye Yi and Roger and the so-called "D clan" had no good feelings at all. Ye Yi didn't mind adding a sum to anything that could ruin them.

"Title or something, totally unnecessary!!" Xingtao said faintly, "I just need to announce, I found the onepiece, and then packed all the treasures inside. You think there are people in this world who care about the onepiece. ?"

Obviously, there are four kinds of people who are pirates in this world. First, they can’t be forced to be pirates. Second, they yearn for the so-called "freedom" and don’t want to work honestly People; third, greedy people who want to get treasures; fourth, people who are named "One Piece".

Once Xingtao announces that he has emptied onepiece, first of all, the fourth category will be eliminated. Onepiece is gone, and there is a P's One Piece; second is the third category, without the treasure of onepiece. As an attraction, most of them have to disappear from the sea.

As a result, the number of pirates will definitely drop to the lowest point in history!!

"In order to build a harmonious society, reducing the first type of pirates is the direction of future joint efforts with Dorag; the second type of pirates is the key target, such as Shanks and others!!"

In this "One Piece" world, it has been long enough to watch the scenery and travel. The next step is to seize the world. Xingtao already has a systematic plan for the future in his heart.

After setting foot on Lovedrew, the first thing that comes into view is a piece of historical text.

Nicole Robin excitedly ran to the side of this historical article to study it; Xing Tao also asked the system to translate it again.

"It turns out that this island... is here!!" After reading the translation of the system, Xing Tao also had an understanding of the origin of this demiplane.

This demiplane did not originally exist.It is formed by the power of two supreme devil fruits-space fruits and time fruits.The fruit ability of space alone can only form a space without time; therefore, the ability of time fruit must be used to give this space time.

When the "D family" sensed that things had changed, they made a lot of sacrifices and used the two fruits of time and space to create such a world.

And this world is exactly the back road that "Clan D" prepared for itself.

However, there are some provocative discourses in the text of this historical article, most of which are advocating "the D family", such as the freest nation.

The so-called "will of D" is actually the so-called...freedom!!

Chapter 191 Inheritance Palace

"'D's will' is freedom, so that's what happened!!" Nicole Robin next to read this historical article, exclaimed, "It's a romantic and free family!!"

"Do you really think this so-called freedom is great?" Xingtao sneered, "Everything is relative. There is no absolute freedom in this world. Freedom is relative. What is freedom, everything is in accordance with one's inner desires. Look at things? What is the difference between indulgence and wild beasts?"

"The reason why people are people is because they have thoughts, and thoughts give birth to constraints. Freedom under a certain bondage is human freedom; if there is no such basic bondage, then the so-called people are nothing but It's just a beast that looks like a human!" Xing Tao finally said, "Throughout the group of pirates in the great pirate era, most of them were beasts in human skin. What's the use of this kind of freedom?

"Robin, look for it, the so-called blank one hundred years of history!!" Xingtao finally said, "Since Roger said that he left them here, he must be nearby."

After a while, Nilu pointed to a piece of dirt on the back of the history text and shouted: "The dirt here should have been moved more than 20 years ago!"

The group of people immediately ran to the place indicated by Nilu, and then dug out a huge stack of paper.

These are all the historical texts that Roger traveled around the world, rubbed down, and connected them together to reproduce the history of the blank one hundred years.

Xingtao has no interest in these histories. Anyway, it is also from the "D family". It is not clear whether it is true or not.Do you still talk about your shortcomings if you have sentimental inclinations, things left by the "D family"?It must be said to be good.

Taking these things to Nicole Robin at will, Xingtao immediately led Nile and others to the center of the island.

As a group of people came to the center of the island, there was a golden glow in front of them, and everyone was shocked.

"This...Isn't it true!!" Marguerite looked incredible, "Gold...there is gold everywhere, this is...a palace of gold casting!!!"

"How come there is such a thing!?" Xingtao also looked at the golden palace in front of him in astonishment, "This is really a real'treasure', how rich is the ancient'D clan'!? I'm afraid the current Tianlong people. Don't have the ability to build such a palace!!"

The wealth in the palace before him has surpassed the gold in Xingtao's portable space.You must know that Xingtao has emptied all the wealth of Gilde Tezolo and all the gold in the Golden Country, and there are many other worlds. The gold jewels in his system space add up to even the three of the golden palace in front of him. None of it.

"I am afraid that the gold contained in this palace is more valuable than all the wealth circulating outside the world!" Xing Tao was shocked secretly, "The'D family' is indeed a worthy fellow. I would rather have such a huge wealth piled up here. The uninhabited island is unwilling to use it for circulation..."

"It is absolutely impossible to obtain such a huge amount of gold by proper means. Before Lenovo, the strength of the "free will" mentioned in this article, it is conceivable that in this "D family", some people must live. Too'free', and then committed public anger!!" Xing Tao guessed unscrupulously.

Just like the current Tianlongren.Are all the damn guys in the Tianlongren, there are no talents?Impossible, they have the best conditions in the world, whether it is education or medical care, there will definitely be a large number of talents in the family.

The same is true for the "D family". There is definitely the kind of guy who has lost the restricted "freedom", just like the current black beard.

"Go in and take a look!!" Xingtao sighed, and then continued to walk towards the golden palace in front of him.

Entering the Golden Palace, Xing Tao discovered that the walls of this palace were covered with various things.These things are all-encompassing, including astronomy, geography, navigation, art, poetry...

It's a hodgepodge!!

Moreover, they have achieved extremely high achievements in everything, and even some of the scientific achievements in it are not inferior to Bergapunk.This golden palace may be the inheritance palace of the "Clan D", so it needs to be made of the "immortal" metal like gold.

"Speaking of it, that fellow Begapunk, maybe he got the science and technology here!!" A strange color flashed across Xingtao's face, because he saw that several of the techniques portrayed on the wall were similar to Linglong It was passed that the things that Begapunk researched alone were exactly the same, even the process was exactly the same.

"No...According to the original book Institution Island, Begapunk has been different since he was a child, and he established a high-tech institution city on the island when he was a child..." Xing Tao frowned.

To say that Begapunk was really genius to surpass the world for 500 years, Xingtao didn't believe it at all.Science is rigorous, and many results can only be discovered through repeated experiments over and over again.Summarizing experience after failure after failure, this is science...

Being able to study so many things shows that the design of every experiment of Begapunk is extremely correct. Because there is no failure, countless time can be omitted, so that such a large amount of results can be made in a limited time.

But Xingtao didn't believe in this kind of thing that he was born with.Knowledge cannot be born out of nothing. Even the heavenly laws of this world, it is impossible to deduce the future science according to human experimental ideas and then instill it into a baby's body.

"Perhaps, Begapunk is the reincarnation of the so-called "D family"..." Xingtao said in his heart, "Charlotte Lingling's matter has confirmed that there is indeed a reincarnation in this world, although the case remains the same. Rare, but it does exist. Maybe there are some Devil Fruits that can achieve similar effects. Vegapunk may be the reincarnation of someone 800 years ago; it may also be because of some special Devil Fruit ability. And got the scientific data 800 years ago."

Chapter 192 Uranus

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