One Punch Man's Unlimited Luck

One Punch Man: Unlimited Luck Chapter 808

Borrowing the ability of "Blood River Classic" to cultivate into the "Dragon Immortal Mode" and entering this state is equivalent to completing an almost permanent immortal mode, which can continuously and directly absorb the endless natural energy from the outside world to replenish oneself.

At this time, the body communicates with the energy of the heavens and the earth, which means that the cultivation of the "Blood River Sutra" in the body is endless, and the cultivation speed is much faster than before.

Not only that, because of the immortal mode, since then, it will continue to absorb natural energy and generate fairy chakras, which can maintain the vitality of the human body. As long as it is not too tragic, it will be difficult to exhaust itself. Powerful, keep it at its peak.


At this moment, all the steam in Xingtao's bathroom burst out.

"This is the power of boiling escape. It turned out to be this kind of feeling." Linglong stood up and muttered, closing her eyes, immersed in this strange power, and she felt very beautiful.

It was a powerful feeling, as if it was about to evolve, and it was full of Shutai, full of explosive power, and the whole figure seemed to be flying.

"Finally realized this powerful power again!!" Linglong said in her heart.

"Boiling escape is unparalleled!"

Linglong opened her eyes in vain, and her scarlet writing wheel flashed a strange red halo in the smoke.

At the same time, she squeezed a fist with her right hand and slammed it out at Xingtao.


Xing Tao blocked her small fist easily, and the terrifying steam immediately dispersed, smashing the barriers set up by Xing Tao.

Circles of ripples emerged from the barrier.

"That's the case again. Try me as soon as you break through!" Xing Tao looked at Linglong and chuckled.

"Who told me that every time I break through, you are by my side!" Linglong retracted her fist triumphantly, jumped out of the bathtub, and quickly put her clothes back on.

Chapter 105

While Linglong was putting on her clothes, Xingtao also dissipated all the steam in the bath room, then removed the enchantment in the bath room, and then brought Linglong to the living room.

"After the fifth chapter of "Blood River", your soul can be released a little bit, right?" Xing Tao turned to look at Linglong and asked.

"Almost only 1.5% of the power of the soul can be released!" Linglong shook her head and said, "Although not much, but I can finally relax a little bit!"

Speaking of this, Linglong's tone is also a little lighter.

When her soul was cultivating in the world of "Reaper", the cultivation was too strong, too strong, completely at the level of the Spirit King.As a result, she just squeezed such a powerful soul into a baby's body, and the power was almost completely sealed, which was very uncomfortable for her.

"The body and the soul are connected to each other. As your body becomes stronger and the soul continues to unblock, the power of this body will gradually affect your soul, allowing your fire soul to gradually merge with a trace of water vapor. At the same time, The soul of the dragon girl will gradually affect the body and let it develop in the direction of the dragon girl."

The pair of small dragon horns on Linglong's forehead is not stable now, and it can converge back.Maybe when her body and soul are completely blended together, the pair of dragon horns will become part of the real body.

"Linglong... your current physical fitness should be able to continue to stimulate your brain!?"

Xingtao stared at Linglong's big eyes, becoming more and more curious.

"What kind of ability is your kaleidoscope to write round eyes?"

Linglong also showed a slight smile and sat down directly: "Don't say it's you, even I am very curious. The power of kaleidoscope writing round eyes is really interesting, everyone's kaleidoscope writing round eyes is different. Every time everyone opens their eyes, it is a surprise!!"

With that, Linglong's eyes closed.

At this moment, Xingtao clearly felt Linglong's flame-like mental power spreading.Suddenly, this mental power seemed to penetrate a certain boundary and merge with a ray of cold breath.

Gradually, this cold breath blended with Linglong's hot mental power, and then as time passed, this cold breath became weaker and weaker, and finally it was completely assimilated by Linglong's mental power.

"Is this kind of spiritual power full of cold and cold breath the negative emotions after opening the kaleidoscope to write round eyes?" Xingtao said to himself, "but this negative emotion is for Linglong, a perfect soul who has advanced to the highest level. , There is no effect at all!!"

At this moment, Linglong's closed eyes suddenly opened.

The three Gouyu swirls violently in the eyes, so fast that they almost form a dark ring in the crimson eyes.

In the next instant, the spinning Gouyu stopped, and Linglong's writing wheel eye pattern suddenly changed drastically.

The background color is still blood red. There is a small black dot in the center of the eyeball. On the periphery of the eyeball, there is a circle of black circles. On the circle, there are three black protrusions like shark fins.

"Is this your kaleidoscope writing round eyes?" Xingtao looked at Linglong's eyes, and only felt a strange power rushing toward his face, as if he wanted to control the power of his whole body.

"It seems that the strength is strong, and ordinary Shangren can't look into your eyes directly!"

Although the exquisite kaleidoscope writing round eyes can't help Xingtao, it is definitely easy to deal with other ninjas.This is the strength of the Uchiha family bloodline.

Xingtao took out a mirror and handed it to Linglong.

Linglong took the mirror and looked at her eyes carefully, then her right eye condensed.


A black flame rose from the mirror, and it burned the mirror completely in just a moment.However, although the mirror was burned, the black flame did not disappear. Instead, it fell on the ground, burning through the ground in a blink of an eye, and then spreading to the side.

"Linglong... you are going to destroy my house!!!" Xingtao turned black when he saw Linglong set fire so unscrupulously, "I will take you to a place when I will experiment in the future!!!"

"Is this the Amaterasu of the Kaleidoscope writing round eyes? It really is the product of the fusion of Yin Dun and the change of the nature of fire!!" Linglong ignored Xingtao's complaint, but looked at the black flame in front of her, seeming Muttering to himself, "It feels... I seem to be able to control it!"

With that said, Linglong stretched out her right hand to the flame, and suddenly the pitch-black flame was drawn into her right hand by Linglong like running water, and then condensed into Linglong’s palm in Xingtao’s surprised gaze. The black flame sword, the terrifying black flame in the exquisite palm, seemed to not hurt her skin at all.

"Linglong, is this the ability of your kaleidoscope to write round eyes?" Xingtao looked at Linglong and asked, "The right eye releases Amaterasu, and the left eye controls Amaterasu. Is this an addition to earth life?"

Seeing Linglong's moves, Xingtao subconsciously thought of Uchiha Sasuke's kaleidoscope writing wheel ability in the original book.From the current point of view, the abilities of the two are exactly the same, that is, the ability of eyes seems to be reversed.

Uchiha Sasuke’s left eye is Amaterasu, and his right eye is Amaterasu, which controls the changes in the shape of Amaterasu. Linglong seems to be the opposite of Uchiha Sasuke, with Amaterasu in his left eye and Amaterasu in his right eye.

"No... this is just the power of my right eye!" Linglong waved her hand casually, dissipating the flames of Amaterasu, "The power of the right eye is very simple, it is to set fire, and you taught me "Xuanzhen Sun Moon Double Eyes" "Very similar. But this kind of flame should be the so-called Amaterasu that never goes out."

"Then how can you control the fire of Amaterasu?" Xingtao exclaimed, "As far as I know, Amaterasu only produces black flames where the pupils are focused, and has no control ability!"

"This is the flame I released myself. Of course I can control it!!" Linglong glanced at Xingtao and said helplessly, "Could it be that other people's Amaterasu can only be set on fire and cannot be controlled? Want to control this black flame? , Do you need the pupil power of the other eye?"

Chapter 106: Bai Yan

When Linglong said this, Xingtao was stunned.

After a while, he suddenly realized.

Linglong was originally a connoisseur of fire, and Amaterasu was originally a product of Yin Dun and Huo Dun fusion, and he was inclined to the spiritual aspect.

In the original work, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke can’t control Amaterasu with just one eye, because their spirit and soul are too weak; and Linglong’s spirit is too strong, so they can easily control the fire of Amaterasu. The pupil power of the right eye.

"Then what is the pupil power of your left eye?" Xing Tao asked curiously.

Before opening her eyes, Xingtao and Linglong were roughly certain that her kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes would definitely have the ability of Amaterasu.Now that Amaterasu really awakened, the two didn't think it was a surprise, the only thing that was a little bit looking forward to was Linglong's left eye pupil technique.

"I don't know, how can I know if I don't use it?" Linglong looked at Xingtao and closed her right eye in vain.

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