One Punch Man's Unlimited Luck

One Punch Man: Unlimited Luck Chapter 835

As soon as Mu Dun came out, Qianshou Shujian was completely bound by Mu Dun, and countless wooden strips were like tying rice dumplings, completely binding Qianshou Shujian.

The rebirth of Dashemaru's filthy soil is not perfect, so now it can't display the strength of Qianshoujian.The current Senjukumen not only can't use those forbidden techniques, time-space ninjutsu, even general ninjutsu is rarely used.Not only that, but even the movements of Qianshoujian are a bit dazed now.

So there is no way to escape from Nilu's wooden escape.

And on the other side--

"It turned out to be Mu Dun!"

Oshemaru roared in anger, and then attacked the surrounding giant trees "pounced" without hesitation.

But he was horrified to find that the hardness of these trees, even with the sharpness of the Kusanagi sword, would cost a lot of chakras for every branch to be cut.And even if the branches were interrupted, the next moment, the branches next to them pounced on again.

"Bone bones and wood escape... plus the blood of the Golden Horn family, he didn't expect Xingtao to actually make such a heaven-defying thing!!" At this moment, Dashemaru has understood why Xingtao cares for Nilu so much. Strict, did not give him a chance to get close.

Just when Dashewan was shocked, suddenly a wooden strip continuously enlarged in front of Dashewan.


The wooden stick slapped on the face of Oshemaru accurately, and the terrifying force completely pulled Oshemaru's face into an extremely distorted appearance.The big snake pill that was pumped off hit the ground directly like a cannonball.

At the moment when the Oshe Maru landed, countless wooden slats flew past the direction of Oshe Maru's inverted flight.In a blink of an eye, Da She Wan's body was completely tied up.


The Oshe Maru, trapped in the Mu Dun, suddenly widened her mouth, and unexpectedly crawled out a new Oshe Maru from the mouth.This Dashewan is intact, and there is no slightest injury on his body.

Dashewanliu substitute technique, this is a very advanced substitute technique developed by Dashewan.Using the externally traumatized body as a substitute, his own body is like a snake shedding its skin, and quickly escapes.This is a very advanced and practical substitute technique.

"Nilu... I didn't expect you to use Mu Dun to this level!!" The brand new Oshe Maru looked at Nilu not far away, and the color of greed in his eyes became more intense, "This Mu Dun... … Far from being comparable to those fake Mu Dun, you are the authentic Mu Dun who passed down to the original Hokage!!"

"It seems...I still underestimated Xingtao's technology, and I can create a monster like you!" A hot light appeared in Oshemaru's eyes, "Nilu...I really want you more and more and become me. The preparation container for it!!"

Da She Maru let out a low growl, her neck stretched out in vain, like a snake, and quickly bit down on Nilu's neck with lightning speed.

"Oshemaru... is still disgusting as always!" Nilu sneered, and the bones all over her body trembled. In the next instant, countless bones pierced out of her body.

Facing the sharp thorns formed by Nilu's whole body bones, even Dashemaru didn't want to touch it hard, her neck slammed down, and Dashemaru's head instantly hit the ground in front of Nilu.

"The Array of Ten Thousand Snakes!"

Dashewan's mouth opened, and immediately countless snakes rushed out of his mouth frantically, and in a flash, a huge wave formed, like a mountain torrent and tsunami, rushing towards Nilu.

"It's a big snake pill... The general methods are really useless to him!" Nilu frowned as she watched the overwhelming snake tide. This kind of move is no longer a matter of defense, but needs to completely eliminate all these snakes. , Or you will have big trouble if you miss one.

"Will you continue to expose your power!" A trace of entanglement appeared in Nilu's heart.

"Nilu, step back!!"

Suddenly the familiar voice rang from the top of the tree.

"Linglong? It's coming soon!!" A trace of joy flashed across Nilu's face, her legs flexed slightly, and the whole person jumped up instantly.

And at the moment Nilu jumped up--

"The fire escapes and the fire is gone!!"

The powerful fire escape technique passed down from generation to generation by the Uchiha clan broke out in an instant, and only a petite figure opened its mouth in mid-air, and the flames of hell that could destroy everything descended from the sky. The flames covered the Osamaru Mansara array. In an instant, all the snakes were burned out.

The aftermath of the flame ignited Nilu's tree world, and even the big snake pill was severely damaged by this fire escape, and had to use the substitute technique again.

Chapter 143

"Writing round eyes, and this degree of fire escape..." After Oshemaru used the double, she was still surrounded by a sea of ​​fire, and drops of sweat dripped from her forehead. "Uchiha is exquisite... truly worthy of the Uchiha clan. Peerless genius, even such a move can be used!!"

"Oshe Maru... I didn't expect that this fire escape would not even burn you!" Linglong said softly, "but what about the next move?" As soon as the voice fell, Linglong's hands quickly flipped.


"Art fire escape ho fireball!!"

In an instant, dozens of huge fireballs with a diameter of six or seven meters suddenly appeared beside Linglong. These fireballs floated beside Linglong, like little suns.

The same is the art of the fireball, but when used in Linglong's hands, the power is quite different.Ordinary ninja's arrogant fireballs eject a fireball from their mouths. Even Shangnin, who is particularly good at fire escape, can only eject a large fireball about six or seven meters in diameter at a time.

But Linglong, a powerful fireball technique, directly produced dozens of super fireballs.

Standing in the center, Linglong waved her arm, and these dozens of huge fireballs instantly slammed down the big snake pill on the ground.At this moment, Linglong is like the god of fire coming, and all fires in the world must obey her orders.

"Even to practice Huo Dun to this level!!" O She Maru looked at the coming fireball, although surprised, his expression was still calm.

"Water escapes the water wall!"

At the moment when the fireball was about to hit Oshemaru, a majestic voice suddenly appeared. At the same time, a figure in blue armor appeared beside Oshemaru. This figure appeared with an endless stream of water, and the terrifying water was quantified as a water dragon. The volume soared into the sky, colliding with the exquisite Huo Dun, arousing countless water vapor.

"Linglong, your fire escape has come and burned my tree world!" At this time, Nilu came to Linglong's side and said helplessly, "I used the wooden escape before. The second generation of Hokage was also released. !"

"Is the filthy reincarnated? It turns out to be the second generation of Hokage... No wonder it can stop my fire escape!!" Linglong nodded, "However, as long as I be more serious, I can easily solve the battle; Nilu, take your own The strength is suppressed too hard, even if you don't want to expose your strength, there is no need to do this step, let alone Konoha is no longer here."

Whether it was Linglong, Nilu, or Yeyi, Xingtao asked them to show their talents as much as possible, but they couldn't fully show their strengths.This is to ensure that they get enough attention in Konoha and are not regarded as monsters.

"Next, I will take over this battle!!" Linglong looked at Nilu and said, "You still have to go back to Xingtao first, I'm really afraid of what my stupid sister would do!"

"Xingtao's side..." Nilu was startled, and then immediately extended her perception ability to Xingtao's side.

In the next instant, her expression changed: "No, someone escaped my perception and got there!!"

"What?" Linglong's pupils shrank and exclaimed, "Nilu, what's the matter?"

"I don't know, that man's Chakra appeared out of thin air!" Nilu frowned, "It's time and space ninjutsu!! The opponent is proficient in time and space ninjutsu, and is different from the art of flying thunder god, but a time and space that can move at will Ninjutsu. Looks quite difficult."

"Linglong, Dashemaru and the second generation of Hokage are handed over to you, only I can rush over in a short time if I have the Art of Flying Thunder God!!" Nilu looked at Linglong and said, then she made a seal, and her body disappeared instantly. In place.

"It looks like...what trouble you have also encountered over there!" Da She Maru looked at Nilu who had left suddenly, a pair of snake eyes showed a hint of shock at first, and then looked at Linglong calmly.

He was shocked by Nilu's time-space ninjutsu. It was the first time he knew that Bofeng Shuimen's Flying Thunder God technique had such a descendant as Nilu, and he used it so smoothly.The calm one was because Nilu was gone, and Linglong in front of her, although she was extremely strong, but without Nilu, her combat effectiveness was definitely weaker.

"Even if you encounter any trouble, Nilu will be able to deal with it!" Linglong looked condescendingly at Dashemaru and the reincarnated Thousandshoukan, a pair of writing wheels shining with a scarlet halo, "Now is the time to solve you. Orochimaru!!"

At this moment, Qianshoujian on the side looked a little ugly.

"Uh, ah!!!"

Suddenly, Qianshoujian's face became more and more distorted, and the dust on his body began to slowly fall off.

"What's the matter?" Oshamaru's face changed, and the gaze that looked at Qianshoujian was filled with a hint of surprise, "What's wrong with the reincarnated dirty soil? Is it possible... this time the experiment failed?"

"It's troublesome, without the support of the second-generation purpose Shui Dun, even I can't continue to hold that level of fire ninjutsu!!" Oshemaru glanced at Linglong not far away.

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