One Punch Man's Unlimited Luck

One Punch Man: Unlimited Luck Chapter 939

"Mongrel! Do you want to die?" Gilgamesh looked at Xingtao angrily.

Ignoring Gilgamesh, Xingtao turned his head to look at Saber, with a mocking expression on his face: "And you... Saber! You are nothing but a loser. As a king, you still pay Stick to the so-called chivalry? You don't even understand what the king should do."

"People are selfish, and all people in the world have selfishness. If a country is governed by the way of the knight, this country will eventually come to an end in the betrayal and resistance of its subordinates!!" Xingtao said lightly, "So say' The knight king doesn't understand people's hearts' words... not bad at all!!"

"The true king... After enjoying the offerings of the people, he must give up his feelings and dedicate everything he has to the country and his subjects! It is a pity that neither Gilgamesh nor Iskandar can If you do it, you are all failures." Xingtao looked around and skipped the three kings of Saber, Archer and Rider. "Although Saber has this intention, he lacks the ability and lacks the strong means to govern the country. The so-called'chivalry' shackles failed to discover the country's crisis in time. It is also a failure!"

"Tonight... the three failed kings are also talking about the kingly way, it's ridiculous!!"

Chapter 076 The King's Army

Following Xingtao's words, both the archer and the rider looked angry.Only Saber stood lonely.

After a moment of silence, the rider couldn't help but stood up abruptly. In his body, the magic power was boiling, and the hidden and angry murderous aura spread to the audience.

"In other words, assassin, are you rebelling against my kingly way?"

How could Rider not be angry, the path he followed all his life, the path he and his soldiers did not fear death, and practiced for their whole life, were so degraded.Ordinary people will get angry if they are completely denied by others for their lifetime efforts, let alone the Conquest King Iskandar.

"Disobedience!?" Xingtao sneered, "What right do you have to say'disobedience' to me! You are just a dead man who can't keep up with the times, and still talk about kingly way in this modern day with your tyrant thinking? Immersed in the glory of my former hypocrisy, triumphant, just a foolish fool!!"

"Good, good! Assassin, now you can't be treated as a guest, you are a rogue! Wang Yan, there is no room for rogues, the prison and Xingtai are their homes!"

Rider screamed, and in a blink of an eye, the T-shirt on his body disappeared, and replaced by the dark red cloak and battle armor, which obviously made a fighting posture.

"Master!!" Medea called softly.

"Father!" Xing Yao also stepped forward.

"Don't worry... I'm invincible!!" Xingtao stretched out his finger and hooked the rider.

Seeing Xingtao's contemptuous attitude, even the rider was furious, and said angrily: "assassin!! Feel the wrath of the king!!"

Before the words fell, a whirlwind roared.

The wind is hot and dry, as if to burn everything.This is not like the forest at night, or the wind that should be expected in the atrium of the castle-this wind is simply coming from the desert and is roaring in my ears.

Feeling sand in his mouth, Weber spitted quickly.

This is indeed sand, brought by the strange wind, it is really hot sand that could not have appeared before.

"Saber, and archer, the last question of the banquet-is the king alone?"

Archer laughed out loud.There was no need to ask at all, so he answered with silence.

Saber didn't hesitate either. If she shakes her belief, it is a denial of her daily life as a king.She immediately returned: "The king... is naturally lonely!!"

"No way, doesn't it mean you haven't answered it! Today I still teach you what is the real king!" Rider laughed loudly.It seems to be responding to the laughter, and the whirlwind's momentum is even stronger.

Unidentified hot wind eroded the present world, and subsequently, subverted.

In the weird phenomenon that appeared this night, distance and location have lost their meaning.The dry wind with hot sand changed everything wherever he went.

"Why... how could this be..."

Webber and Alice Phil exclaimed.

This is a phenomenon that only those who can do magic can understand.

"It's actually... an inherent barrier!?"

The sun scorching the earth, the clear sky, until the horizon blurred by the gravel.

There are no obstructions wherever the vision goes.

Einzbern at night will change in an instant, which undoubtedly shows that it is just a phantom that erodes the real world.It can be said that this is the limit of magic that can be called a miracle.

"How is it possible... You can actually realize the scene in your heart... You are obviously not a magician!?"

"Of course not, how can I do it alone."

Standing in the wide barrier, Iskandar proudly smiled and denied it.

"This is the land that our army once traversed. The warriors who share the joys and sorrows with me have this scene firmly in their hearts."

As the world changes, everyone changes their positions instantly.

Xingtao, Xingyao, berserker, and caster Medea stand on the other side of the desert, and the rider stands in the center; on the other side are Saber, Archer, and two magicians.In other words, the rider stood alone in front of Xingtao.

Could it be said that the rider will fight alone now?

Everyone stared at the mirage-like images that appeared around him with rounded eyes.One, two, four, the images gradually increased, and they looked like an army.The color also became more intense.

"This world can be reproduced because it is printed on each of us."

In the eyes of everyone's astonishment, physical cavalry appeared next to Iskandar.Although they have different races and equipment, their strong bodies and brave knights all show the strength of the army.

Only one person figured out what was going on in this weird scene.

"These people... are servants..."

Because he was the only master among the people present, he understood that the real trump card and ultimate treasure of the servant hero Iskandar appeared before his eyes.

"Look, my unparalleled army!" Full of arrogance, pride and pride, the King of Conquer stood in front of the cavalry queue and shouted, "Even if the body is destroyed, their heroic spirits are still called. My loyal warriors. My eternal friends who have traveled through time and space to answer my call. They are my treasure! They are my king's way! They are also my strongest treasure for conquering King Iskan's-'The King's Army' !!!"

An EX-level anti-army treasure, a continuous summon of independent servants.

There are military gods, King Maharaja, and founders of successive dynasties.Gathering in front of them are unique heroes that have only been heard of in legends.

All of them have a prominent reputation, and they are all warriors who have fought with Iskandar.

A horse without a rider rushed towards the rider.It was a sturdy and huge horse.

"Long time no see, partner." The rider smiled childishly and hugged the horse's neck.

Obviously, "it" is later known as the legendary horse Bessie Phallus.Following the King of Conquer, even the horse became a hero.

Episode 077

Facing the rider's king's army, everyone couldn't make any other sounds except for amazement.Even the archer, who also had an EX-class super treasure, never sneered after seeing such a radiant army.

The heroes who gambled on the king's dream and raced on the battlefield with the king.

There is no end to loyalty until death, and the King of Conquer has turned this into an exceptional treasure.

Saber was shocked, not afraid of the power of his treasure, and this treasure shook her proud belief.

This perfect support!

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