Online game Warcraft: Continental Hegemony

Chapter 77 New Improvement, Part 2

Tip: Please choose elements that match the thunder skills.

Finally, we came to the thunder skill that Chen Fei used most often. The thunder system is undoubtedly the strongest output system in the game center! Most of all the lightning skills I know in my past life are powerful output!

Regarding the choice of thunder element, Chen Fei was quite cautious. After all, having a powerful output skill has great benefits.

But, what combination should I choose?

Water, earth and light, Chen Fei gave priority to eliminating them. If you want high output, they are not suitable. Chen Fei thought about it and ruled it out. Finally, Chen Fei hesitated in Huo Hefeng.

The wind and thunder array combination in front is quite powerful, which also shows that the combination of wind and thunder is a good choice. However, fire itself is also explosive! Needless to say, the word explosion is full of fire! Therefore, it is not a bad idea to choose fire for combination!

After a long struggle, Chen Fei finally chose fire!

Click the fire symbol with your mouse. Immediately, a fire symbol appears behind the two thunder symbols, followed by a new skill prompt.

Tip: Get a new skill, Thunderstorm Flames.

Thunderstorm Flame: Thunderstorm Fire, costing 300 mana, summons a circle of thunderstorm flames with a diameter of 300 yards, which detonates after two seconds, causing 450 points of damage to units within the range, and additionally burns 50 points of damage for three seconds, and stuns for one second. After the explosion, it will cause 200 points of damage to units within a distance of 300 yards to 500. Cool down for 30 seconds.

After reading Thunderstorm Lieyan's long explanation, the only thought in Chen Fei's heart can be expressed in just one word: strong!

That's right, the effect of this thunderstorm flame is too strong! Super high damage! Huge range! And there is still a second of dizziness! This is even better than the Thunderstorm Technique! Chen Fei even doubted whether this was an upgraded version of Thunderstorm, because the release methods, casting delays and cooling times of the two skills were exactly the same!

Of course, regardless of whether these two skills are related or not, for Chen Fei, as long as the skill effect satisfies him, this is enough!

After the thunder element, there is the choice of the light element. Regarding this, Chen Fei had already made up his mind and directly chose water!

Ding Dong: Players gain new skills to recover.

Recovery: Light Water, consumes 120 mana, restores the unit for 10 seconds, and restores a total of 500 blood points.

Sure enough, just as Chen Fei thought, when the light system is paired with water, the recovery skill really appears. Moreover, this is a recovery with a very good amount of treatment!

However, the recovery skill is only good. Even though the recovery amount is 500, it takes ten seconds. In other words, it only recovers 50 blood points per second. And, more importantly, recovery is actually a state recovery skill, which means that it can be dispelled! Leveling up in the wild is good, but when placed among players, it is easy to be targeted.

Here, restoration cannot compare to the Holy Light.

However, the overall recovery is still acceptable, and the actual effect of the skill depends on how the player uses it!

The last prompt sounded, and all that was left were the dark skills.

Speaking of these dark skills, Chen Fei's knowledge of these skills in his previous life was mostly about debuffs or assists. Of course, there are also skills like resurrecting dead bodies and summoning skeletons. However, summoning skills, Chen Fei thinks, can also be regarded as auxiliary.

After thinking for a long time, Chen Fei didn't have an idea to say which combination of dark elements was better. Simply, he closed his eyes, tapped his fingers on the screen a few times, and then opened his eyes again. Even-handed, just above the wind.

In this case, there is nothing to think about and just choose the wind for matching.

Ding Dong: Players gain new skills, [Magic] Exile.

Seeing this prompt from the system, Chen Fei's eyes widened for a moment!

Exile: Dark Wind, costing 75 mana, exiles the unit to the subspace, making it unable to perform basic attacks. It is also immune to physical damage, but can be attacked by magic, and the damage is 1.5 times the original, lasting 3 to 8 seconds, and has a cooldown of 20 Second.

Just looking at the skill description of Banishment, you may not think it has any big effect. However, in fact, in the previous life, this skill was a skill that many intellectual hero players dreamed of!

For intelligence heroes, skills are their first output! Therefore, how to improve output capabilities is very important! However, while doing output, intellectual heroes also need survivability! Their fragile bodies often cannot sustain for long when faced with close combat! Even if you are approached by a hero with stealth ability, you may be killed without even using a few skills. What output will you get?

But the skill of banishment is exactly the combination of output and survival! The melee unit came up and directly destroyed his physical output, and then used the banishment magic to increase the damage by 1.5 times, enough to inflict heavy damage on the opponent!

It is worth mentioning that banishment is not just against the enemy! It can also be used on yourself and your own units. As for how to use it, it depends on the player's operation.

In short, the effect of banishment is a magical skill for intelligent players! And for Chen Fei, it is even more of a magical skill among magical skills! After all, how can you say that he has all kinds of game knowledge from his previous life! Coupled with the pile of skills he now possesses, thinking about the role banishment can play makes him feel a little scared!

All seven series of skills have been selected. However, these new skills are not the only ones that Chen Fei has improved, the previous skills have also been improved - including elemental arcana, all eight skills have been upgraded to level two! [The attributes attached to each element can be doubled directly]

Elemental arcana, four skills can now be pre-saved!

Fireball, damage increased to 200.

Water element, life increased to 800, attack 28-33.

Tornado, the damage is increased to 150, and the stun after landing is increased to one second.

Stone Wall, HP increased to 1250, armor increased to 6 points.

Holy Light, HP recovery increased to 400.

Curse, down hit rate increased to 70%.

Thunderstorm, damage increased to 350.

The upgrade of these skills has further improved Chen Fei's strength! Especially the upgrade of elemental arcana and pre-saving four skills, this is simply too important! Now there are a total of fourteen skills! And almost no one can be called useless! If he just saved two in advance like before, Chen Fei felt that he would really have difficulty choosing...

After confirming all his improvements, Chen Fei felt that all his previous hard work was valuable! The new skills gained are so satisfying! Take out any one of these and it will be the envy of many players!

Si Gai and Ying Fei had already explored the surroundings of the book pavilion when Chen Fei was choosing skills, and found nothing special. At this point, the three of them had no intention of staying any longer. Chen Fei opened the scroll given by Medivh, the magic circle appeared, and the screen went dark. When the screen appeared again, he had returned to the main city of Storm!

Chapter one today, four more chapters to go. All remembered. I went home on the weekend and was quite busy, so I updated less often and continued to pay.

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