Online Games: Only I Can See Hidden Information

Chapter 178 Say Something Heartfelt


Thunders fell from the sky, killing Euryale again and again.

Randy is numb.

Every time he was killed, Euryale took longer to recover, even with Ye Bai helping with treatment.

It was such a good healing scroll that Ye Bai couldn't bear to part with it, so he could only pick some defective ones for her to use.

The situation fell into a stalemate for a while.

Euryale came to life, writhing on the ground in pain.

But what does this have to do with Ye Bai.

He even had the time to play a game of backgammon with Randy.

Looking at the anxious situation, Ye Bai used a magical trick!

Three white stones fall one after another, forming five stones in an instant.

Ye Bai spoke calmly,

"I won."

Randy looked at the chessboard, lost in thought.

Is there something wrong?

Is this really how this chess was played?


There were so many things that shocked Randy during this time.

The curse of immortality, Euryale, Shura's promise...

It all seemed so unreal.

The backgammon thing seemed ordinary.

Randy is not stupid, he is even smart.

In this business of bounty hunting, an idiot will never survive long.

Shura would not bring him to fight the BOSS for no reason. Euryale was vulnerable to Shura and did not need anyone's help at all.

Randy's appearance here was a warning or demonstration to him.

The previous immortal monster would die at the hands of Shura.

If Randy uses this power to do evil.

His fate will definitely not be better than that of Euryale!

Even more miserable!

Just look at that dog and you will know how terrifying Shura is.

Randy couldn't imagine what kind of torture he would experience once he broke his promise and ended up in Shura's hands.

These thunders will always be engraved in his mind and will be unforgettable for the rest of his life.

Ye Bai looked at Euryale, raised his hand and another thunderbolt fell.

"It's the ninth time."


This time, unlike the previous near-death state, Euryale's body began to shrink crazily and no longer looked like a sea monster.

Judging from the body shape, it has restored the posture of a girl.

Not only that, a layer of petrification appeared on the surface of her body, quickly covering her whole body.


A standing beauty sculpture appeared in front of Ye Bai. Her hair was flying and fixed in the air. It looked a bit scary.

"As long as you kill her once, the curse of immortality will be transferred to you."

With that said, Ye Bai walked forward and stood next to the sculpture.

"Euryale, let's say something heartfelt."

While Ye Bai was speaking, a prompt popped up in front of his eyes.

[She could once kill human players]

【Real Kill】


Even Ye Bai couldn't help but take a breath when he saw these words.

Real kill.

There are indeed some levels and monsters in the Eternal Tower that can cause real damage to players or even kill them.


According to the information Ye Bai knows.

This situation usually occurs above the 50th floor, or even higher!

What Ye Bai never expected was that the BOSS on the fifteenth floor also had such an ability!

Unheard of!


Ye Bai captured these two words keenly.

"In other words, after the nightmare left, it also took away some things from Euryale, such as real kills!"

Ye Bai lowered his head and noticed a new detail.

Euryale, who looked like a sea monster before, had a shadow.

When she returned to her human form and turned into a sculpture, there was no shadow under her feet!

Who took her shadow away?

Nightmare, or Master Jiu?

There were only these two people on Ye Bai's suspicion list.

The shadow disappeared, this was the first time Ye Bai noticed it!

It was probably Master Jiu who did it.

From the first floor to the fifteenth floor, Ye Bai could find that the strong human race who had passed through the level in the past would leave various traces.

Leaving aside the three most powerful seeds, even Xue Meng would leave various messages.

There was no trace of the person in the shadow.

Master Jiu, Shadow Seven Zhao Ziyan, a shadow-level powerhouse...

It was as if they had never been to the Eternal Tower.

"Most likely Xiaoyao helped them cover up their traces."

In any case, Euryale's inability to cause real kills to players must be related to the disappearance of the shadow!

Ye Bai sighed,

"You had three chances to survive, but you didn't cherish them each time."

Looking at Euryale, Ye Bai shook his head and said sincerely,

"Seriously, you are the first to survive under the hands of three powerful men.

Live a wonderful life in this life, but don’t live such a wonderful life in the next life. "

Saying that, Ye Bai drew out the Heavenly King's Sword and slashed at Euryale.

"I promised others that I would come and chop you down."

If you dig deep into your heart, that's the end of it.

The Heavenly King's Sword slashed out, and the petrification on Euryale's body was instantly shattered.

The next second, the three-headed hell dog struck out with all its head, lunged forward, and ripped out Euryale's heart.

This time it’s [really heartbreaking].

The beating heart was thrown at Randy's feet, and Ye Bai said,

"Kill this heart and you will inherit the curse."

Without any hesitation, Randy stepped down hard, and his whole heart exploded like a crushed tomato.

Euryale, die!

The moment he killed the BOSS, Ye Bai received several Eternal Tower prompts.

The Taoist Gujing Wubo's voice came from the conch,

"Captain, was it you who killed that immortal monster?"

Let's pretend that Ye Bai is sleeping in class and having sweet dreams!

Since Euryale itself is not within the exploration range,

Ye Bai did not gain any exploration points by killing her.

Ye Bai was very satisfied.

The magical conch ringed in my ears.

"This is the treasure of the mermaid clan. You will gain the friendship of the mermaid clan until the sea and the earth are shattered."

When Ye Bai took Randy to find Jane, she was gathering with a group of mermaids.

As the representative of the mermaid tribe, she held up a pair of conchs in both hands and brought them to Ye Bai.

"Kill Euryale and gain the friendship of the mermaids..."

"This thing is good!"

However, Mermaid Island has also undergone drastic changes.

From then on, there was one less person and one more dog in the classroom...

Ye Bai put away the magical conch and made up his mind.

"Kill Euryale, gain 50 million experience points, LV.108 → LV.124!"

The magical conch is perfect for saving lives!

But isn’t the conversation function a bit redundant?

【Magical conch】

"This thing must not be given to Master Jiu!"

Ye Bai felt completely safe!

Not only was Euryale cruel to humans, he was no better to mermaids.

"Dispel the curse of the sea and obtain the blessing [Flying in the Four Seas]. When flying on the sea, the movement speed is +100%!"

Is there a possibility?

He gave the [Magic Conch] to Master Jiu, and Master Jiu casually gave it to one of his apprentices to have some fun when he was bored.

When you encounter enemies that Ye Bai can't deal with, why not try blowing the magical conch?

You can talk through conch shells, blow any conch shell, and open a portal to travel back and forth, even across the abyss plane!

SS level props.

After receiving a positive reply, another burst of cheers broke out among the mermaids.

Keep one with you, and one with Master Jiu.

To celebrate the death of Euryale!

Beautiful singing sounded on the island. The singing was melodious, melodious and moving, accompanied by tears of joy.

Ye Bai looked at the introduction of [Magical Conch] and fell into deep thought.


"Maybe, you're a dog?"

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