Online Games: Only I Can See Hidden Information

Chapter 197 The Third Job Transfer

Eternal Tower, nineteenth floor.

After clearing the level with 100% exploration, Ye Bai naturally received a 4S rating.

But there was no server-wide announcement from the Eternal Tower!

"It's done!"

Ye Bai made a fist with his right hand and waved it gently in front of him.

That’s great, third brother!

In this way, the demons in the abyss plane do not know that Shura has completed his third job transfer. Ye Bai's entry into the abyss plane this time can give them a big surprise.

The benefits don't end there.

When and how to distribute rewards is a big question.

Of course, these are all things for later.

Right now, Ye Bai needs to focus all his energy on the rewards for his third job transfer!

"A total of 600% basic attribute bonus, 5 points of luck, increased chances of two series, and a career template upgrade."

Ye Bai immediately tried to get the bug:

"Improve the career template of the Wrath Mage!"

"Upgrade failed, you currently have an SS-level career template, please choose again!"

Card BUG failed.

Judging from the feedback from the Eternal Tower, if Ye Bai only had the SSS-level career template, he could indeed continue to improve.


When he thought of this, Ye Bai wanted to punch Poseidon twice.

This unsatisfactory thing, why is the professional template is SS level, and it is causing Ye Bai's card bug!

In Ye Bai's inner ledger, Poseidon was recorded again and sentenced to death with a suspended death sentence.

However, Ye Bai also knew in his heart that if this matter really had to be settled, Poseidon could not be blamed.

If Ye Bai does not get the second profession [Wrathful Sea Mage], then Ye Bai will still get the second profession when he changes jobs for the third time.

The second career is most likely to be SS-level, and Ye Bai can only continue to choose the second career that advances to the SS-level career template.

Poseidon is just a god who takes the blame.


Does this have anything to do with Ye Bai's desire to punch Poseidon more often?

It doesn't matter.

"Improve the career template of the Mage of the Raging Sea!"

"Advancement completed, obtained [Shura Great Mage] career template, SSS level!"

"Acquired status [Water Affinity]: water magic effect +100%, consumption -50%."

"Acquired skill [Shura Sea]: Summon the Shura Sea in the exclusive space (currently not under construction, the skill cannot be released)"

Ye Bai's eyes lit up. The SSS-level template was actually named after his eternal ID?

Shura Hai sounds very powerful.

If you want to release [Shura Sea], you must first build a Shura Sea and then summon it.

Not everyone can be as good at making something out of nothing as Ye Bai.

Ye Bai kept the corresponding information in his heart.

Before setting off to the abyss, you must seize the time and stupefy Shura Haizhi first!

Putting aside the information about [Asura Archmage], Ye Bai now faces a more important choice:

Add two lines to your career!

In the previous BOSS battle, the Bone Snake proactively evolved to 18 heads, which means there are 18 choices!

After excluding the four series that Ye Bai owns, the remaining options are:

[Earth], [Ice], [Lightning]

[Charm], [Bone], [Shadow]

[Undead], [Wood], [Gold]

[Civil Engineering System], [Rare Metal System], [Manipulation System]

[Puppet System], [Air System]

The more heads you have, the more choices you will have.

Among these choices, there are a few that are really good.

[Earth Element] is a combination of [Earth Element] and [Wood Element]. It can release some dual element skills, which is very powerful.

But there is another prerequisite, you must have both [Earth Element] and [Wood Element].

Ye Bai ran away without thinking.

[Undead] sounds very suitable for Ye Bai's character.

After careful study, Ye Bai discovered that this was to make his various summons immortal, which was of no help to his own life-saving.

Unless Ye Bai is willing to refine himself into a skeleton, the kind that is neither dead nor alive.

"If I turn myself into a skeleton and meet Xiaoyao as a dog, will I turn into a skeleton dog?"

Ye Bai shook his head and quickly gave up this dangerous idea.

Although immortality is valuable, skin is even more expensive.

If you are a human being, you can throw away both.

Among the 14 choices, Ye Bai prioritized the [Shadow Element].

In order to be a rebellious young man, he must use the [Shadow System] to defeat Master Jiu!

Only shadow can defeat shadow!

As for the remaining choice, Ye Bai hesitated between [Manipulation System], [Air System], and [Wood System].

The air system is one of the mutations of the wind system, with extremely fast movement speed and instantaneous burst damage.

The manipulation system can be paired with the [Shadow system] and some puppets and avatars to assist in combat.

These two series are very rare, and as a trump card, they are definitely not a loss.

"Wood type?"

Ye Bai once tested his elemental affinity, and the wood element ranked in the top five, as well as the soul element.

If the options include [Soul System] and [Space System], Ye Bai doesn't need to hesitate at all.

"The role of the air system can be temporarily replaced by the wind system. As for the control system..."

Ye Bai glanced at the three-headed hell dog and black tiger.

"You can rely on me, little brother. Dracula can climb trees."

In the final battle between truly strong men, you can only rely on yourself!

As a basic elemental system, the wood system is indeed not good enough in some aspects.


Foundation also means solid!

High elemental affinity blessing, as well as equipment such as [Power of Nature] and [Mogu Hat].

Ye Bai's study of the wood element will greatly improve his current combat power!

He was about to go to the abyss, so he couldn't miss any opportunity!

"I choose the shadow type, the wood type!"

After making the selection, Ye Bai's body immediately flashed with white light, and a series of prompts popped up in front of his eyes:

"Level improvement: level 200!"

"The third job transfer was successful!"

"Current occupation: Great Mage of Wrath (Wind, Thunder, Fire, Wood)!"

"Second profession: Great Shura Mage (Shadow·Water)!"

"[Poseidon's Curse (1)] has been exorcised!"

"Get the blessing [Blessing of the Shura Sea]!"

"Get a new curse [Poseidon's Curse (2)]!"

"Acquire the skill [Shadow Sea]!"


After the job transfer was completed, the attribute panel expanded in front of Ye Bai:


Eternal ID: Shura

"If you like to play, can I call my apprentice to play with you?"

[Shadow Sea]: Can be used after creating Shura Sea!

Equipment: Power of Nature (+4), Nightmare Wind, Heavenly King Sword (+1), etc.

"Is it fun?"

Agility: 25,032 (+6871)

At the same time, the existence of a certain old monster was careless, and his shadow was directly ejected.

Intelligence: 85,666 (+2360)

HP: 3,278,800/3,278,800

The newly added [Shadow System] is automatically classified into the professional template of the Shura Archmage, and at the same time, the professional skill [Shadow Sea] is automatically obtained.

Master Jiu said coldly,

In the dormitory,


The moment Ye Bai appeared, with a thought, he turned into a black shadow and rushed into the shadow under his feet!

Luck: 17

Talent: Eye of Insight (sss level)

Spirits: 81,753 (+1740)

Master Jiu's next words made Ye Bai immediately leave his shadow and return to the status quo. He stood there honestly and very well-behaved.

Skills: Shura Sea, Shadow Sea, etc.

Level: 200

The third job transfer is undoubtedly a qualitative leap for Ye Bai's paper strength!

Constitution: 23,835 (+6710)

Heiwu looked at the shadow under his feet, then at Shura in the shadow, and spoke hoarsely,

At the same time, Ye Bai's blood volume exceeded 3 million, his magic value was close to 10 million, and his five-dimensional attributes exceeded 10,000 even without the blessing.

Ye Baigang wanted to say 'fun'.

Before Ye Bai could check more information, at 6:10, the time limit for the Eternal Tower was up, and he was bounced directly back to the Blue Star.

A shadow is waiting for Ye Bai's return.

MP: 7,257,600/7,257,600

He didn't look rebellious at all, not the tall and handsome young man.

The most important intelligence and spiritual attributes are close to 100,000!

Of course, Ye Bai also possesses some basic abilities of the [Shadow System], such as being able to hide in shadows.

Status: Blessing of Shura Sea, Curse of Poseidon, etc.

All basic attributes are +600%, which is equivalent to 7 times the original value!

Occupation: Great Mage of Wrath (Wind·Fire·Thunder·Wood) SSS level

Strength: 41,251 (+7350)

Second occupation: Shura Archmage (Shadow·Water) SSS level

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