Chapter 274 Mount Tai in the sky! Dare to fight?

Hours later, Qin Feng woke up.

This divine crystallization not only once again transformed 20% of the attributes into the actual physical body, but also transformed the wizard’s passive skill [Intelligence Sublimation]! That’s right, other professional skills learned by the Brahma lineage can also be transformed. Into reality.

“Thinking is much clearer!”

Qin Feng noticed the change almost as soon as he woke up.

That change is simply too great! Originally, his actual intelligence was 129.

Another bloodline limited by the legal system is assigned to the sister of the Nirvana Guild, Yiling! Yiling is a priest, and the legal bloodline she has obtained is a particularly aggressive bloodline.

This allowed the priest to begin to rise in the Arctic Ice Castle! Together with Chaofeng, in the corruption incident in the Tombless Town, they achieved good results, and in the end they exceeded 100,000 Corruption Points and were exchanged for Divine Fragments.

Ushered in a wave of big improvements! Dunhuang City, Amina.

Although this girl wanted to team up with Qin Feng and was rejected, her strength is undoubtedly at the forefront of the world.

She is a relatively strong Summoner class.After receiving the reward of corruption and redeeming the use of the Divine Fragment, she once again broke through her own limit.

She began to attack the king class! Of course, she had defeated the temple and the corrupt king class in the corruption activity, but the wild and the activity were different.

The difficulty is much higher! At this time, Amina dressed coolly, looking at a huge king-level stone man in front of her with her arms akimbo, controlling several powerful summoned objects, and besieging them.

“Let you reject me, let you reject me, hum!”

She seems to treat them all as Qin Feng.

Seeing my pet keep biting off the blood, I feel a sense of comfort

Due to the early arrival of corruption activities, most players around the world have ushered in a wave of improvement.

For the average player, this improvement is even greater than that of the god tower.

After all, the average player cannot get the ranking of the god tower and cannot obtain the god props, but in this event, how many people in the world have obtained more than 100 points of corruption, and it is difficult to count the gods props! But at least there are Tens of thousands of people.

This is the development of global players in this life that Qin Feng did not expect, and it is much faster than the previous life.

The source is probably the large batch of gold-level equipment that Qin Feng sold before.Although Qin Feng has completed the accumulation of funds, the subsequent impact will be particularly large.

Many people bought several pieces of gold-level equipment, and the speed of spawning monsters will be the next level, and the speed of strength improvement will also be the next level.

As Qin Feng fell asleep continuously this time, fewer and fewer players mentioned him.

Although he was a hero of China in the corruption activities, the Chinese players hardly felt the pressure from the corruption activities, so the inner feelings were not very deep.

Not to mention, no matter

No matter how strong Qin Feng is, he is just “other people” after all

What players care about most is always themselves.

This time, many players have obtained divine props and have been promoted.Many people on the forum have posted to describe their feelings after using divine props.

“Finally, everyone has begun to develop, and the future must be full of flowers.”

“My beauty, Lin Yan’er, has also strengthened. Whoever talks about her food, who am I in a hurry!”

“Cut, I just strengthened it once and counted it as if the goddess Xia Ying is now at what level you don’t know”

“Puff, who doesn’t know what Lin Yan’er is like when she hugged someone’s thigh during the corruption event. I watched the live broadcast when she went to clean up the source of corruption. It was so spicy.

“Don’t say that, lying down also has the skill to lie down.

If you don’t lie down on someone else’s bed, why did someone make you lie down?”

Many fans of Lin Yan’er felt that they could finally speak with their heads high, but they were still sprayed with blood.

This makes a big boss very upset.

Shield Fight, level 38, Celestial Mount Tai! He was the anchor who took Lin Yan’er to lie down once at the source of Tier 4 Corruption. If he is strong, it is indeed strong, but it is a pity that this person looks a little too sorry.

Said that he was Taishan and praised him a little bit.Because of this, he took special care of Lin Yan’er.

After all, Lin Yan’er was his first woman since childhood! “Xia Ying, come in! Do you dare to bully my Yan’er, dare to fight Laozi!”

Cangqiang Taishan directly post on the forum! To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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