Chapter 352

Just after knocking down a few teams of Marine, there were intensive footsteps in the front and rear, and a loud whistle sounded. Yu Nan had seen it and knew that he was calling for reinforcements.

Looking at the crowds of chasing soldiers before and after, Yu Nan couldn’t help being a little big.

“What should I do? Do you want to kill?” A Jin asked in a dull voice.

“These are ordinary people, there is no need to kill in vain.”

Ah Jin is a little anxious: “If you don’t want to rush out, you will be dragged to death. You have seen the Marine boss just now, and his strength should not be underestimated.”

Yu Nan frowned, and his thoughts turned sharply. He really didn’t want to kill the innocent as a last resort, but at this time, he was flanked back and forth and wanted to return to the dock, so he could only use full firepower.

Even if it can break a blood path, the number of thousands or hundreds in front of him, and the constant coming, the physical strength is estimated to consume more than half.

Yu Nan couldn’t think of a good way. He gritted his teeth and said to A Jin: “Well, I can’t take care of that much.”

Just as the two Yu Nan were rushing, someone suddenly called his name upstairs on the south side of the street next to him.

“Yu Nan, Yu Nan, here!”

Yu Nan looked up and saw that there was a head poked out of the window on the third floor. He was also dressed as Marine, but he was a bit familiar. It was Burri, the sea soldier who had been saved by himself.

Yu Nan looked back and forth, the marines were about to encircle, and he couldn’t care about too much at this time. He asked Ah Jin to jump up together, and got into the third floor in twos or twos.

After taking the leaf given by Yu Nan, Brie returned to health within a day, but he was slightly weak, and he didn’t need to participate in this encirclement and suppression operation.

However, I learned from my colleagues that Yu Nan was also the target of the arrest, and was anxious, so he took the initiative to come over.

There are twelve members in their team, one of Tashigi’s direct teams. They all witnessed Yu Nan’s rescue of Brie and the scene where Damn it’s Lucas beaten up. So they had a good impression of Yu Nan and didn’t believe that he was a heinous crime. man of.

“Brother Yu Nan, hurry down from here,”

Brie pointed to the side of the stairs and said anxiously: “It’s a small street. Go straight to the west and turn north at the sixth intersection. Then you can return to West Street.

Remember, it’s the sixth street junction, only there can you go there, if you miss it, there will be no way to the pier! ”

Yu Nan nodded and thanked, and couldn’t help asking: “Why help me?”

“I know, you are not bad guys! And you have to report your life-saving grace!” Brie smiled.

The other marines had been with Brie for many years, and they were not only colleagues, but also friends and brothers. They had similar smells and similar personalities, and they all started to explain.

“Yeah, yeah, how can it be a bad person if you can come up with a panacea to save Brie?!”

“Hey, although we are just small soldiers, we have seen a lot in recent years. Many people, who are obviously not evil people, are also wanted by the world government.”

“Yeah, the businessman Casoli the year before last, isn’t it a living example? It’s not because he was framed by others for his property.”

Seeing his colleagues talk endlessly, Brie quickly interrupted: “When is it all, still talking nonsense.” He urged Yu Nan to say, “Come on, after going back to West Street, it’s very close to the pier, it should be nothing. Chasing soldiers.”

Ah Jin has always been indifferent, not believing that marine soldiers would be so kind, and asked coldly, “Why?”

“Originally, on the pier, the most elite first-class unit in Logue Town was in charge of ambushing. As I said in the intercom, because of the sudden heavy rain, they went back to change the gunpowder.”

Ah Jin wanted to ask again. Yu Nan waved his hand and thanked Brie’s marines, then suddenly smiled and said sorry: “I’m sorry, everyone!”

After a few “bang bang bang”, twelve seamen, including Brie, were all stunned to the ground. A Jin looked stunned. Yu Nan quickly pushed the table and chairs to the house, making a mess in the house. To Ajin: “Don’t implicate them because of the two of us.”

After the two went downstairs, there was a loud yelling behind them. The chasing soldiers had arrived, and there were shouts for the medics.

Brie really didn’t lie. The two rushed all the way. Except for the sporadic marines on duty, they hardly encountered any obstacles. There was no road to the north until the sixth intersection, and it smoothly circumvented back to West Street, and the rain was getting heavier. , There was no one on the street.

“Hey, it’s Zoro!” Yu Nan ran, and said in surprise: “Akin, look, the woman who fought against Zoro is like the Marine sergeant Tashigi.”

A Jin looked at it, nodded and said yes, he was naturally impressed by the woman who looked exactly like Kuina.

At this moment, Tashigi’s long sword fell to the ground with a look of dissatisfaction. Zoro jumped in a fit of anger. The two of them didn’t know what they said, and suddenly they quarreled. Yu Nan vaguely heard something, “Women are not as powerful as men by nature, and they are dead. Friends…’ things like that.

“Zoro, why are you still here?” Yu Nan approached them and asked strangely.

Zoro saw that it was Yu Nan, but was slightly surprised, and didn’t ask why he was here, but complained: “Huh, it’s not this inexplicable woman, who looks exactly like Kuina, and speaks exactly the same thing…”

Yu Nan’s face was black, and he pulled Zoro and said, “Hurry up, the chasing soldiers are coming soon!”

Zoro then reacted, glared at Tashigi bitterly, and followed Yu Nan.

Tashigi was only easily defeated by Zoro. He also saw Yu Nan’s strength. He knew that he was not an opponent at all. He had never believed that Yu Nan was a villain. At this time, seeing them running away, he didn’t chase after him. Shouted: “Yu Nan, are you a pirate?”

Yu Nan didn’t look back, but raised one hand and said, “Sorry, I’m a pirate!”

Tashigi shook his body, revealing an expression of disbelief, his legs were soft, and he sat directly on the rainy ground, muttering to himself: “Impossible, how can you be a pirate? Why are pirates? Save people.”

“Zoro, Luffy and them?” Yu Nan strode forward and asked casually.

“Before me,” Zoro resented Tashigi deeply, and continued to complain: “Yu Nan, tell me whether the woman looks the same as Kuina, that’s all, I still want to grab Kuina’s relics-“和道一字” ‘!”

Yu Nan was trying to perfuse, when there was a sound of fighting and scolding in front of him.

The silver light flashed in Yu Nan’s eyes, and he saw the situation clearly. Luffy and Sanji were fighting with the Naval Headquarters Colonel Smoker, but the situation was one-sided.

“Milky smoke!” Smoker yelled, and his right arm suddenly swung out, which instantly turned into a long, curved smoke wrapped around Luffy’s waist and abdomen.

Yu Nan saw Smoker’s weird ability again and couldn’t help cursing in his heart, monster!

Luffy was slowly lifted into the air by the smoke, and his body was firmly fixed. The heavy squeezing sensation from his waist and abdomen made him more uncomfortable, and his strength was slowly disappearing.

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