Chapter 404 Fresh Meat

As Yu Nan pulled out the demon sword, she shouted, “Be careful, everyone, there is something in the sea.”

Before the words fell, a wave of about ten meters high suddenly appeared on the sea, and a giant mountain-like monster appeared in front of the Owushi.

After the rustling of the sea water poured down, Yu Nan could see that it was a huge white creature with a head that looked like a cat, but there was something like a fish fin on its back.

In front of it, the Big Eagle became very small, like a small tree under the mountain, swaying with the wind.

Everyone was taken aback, and they all opened their mouths in a daze.

“Sea Kings?” Yu Nan looked at the “catfish” which was several tens of meters high, and said in surprise.

Jessica was startled and hurriedly shouted to the cockpit: “Akin, get the boat back!”

Ah Jin came out of the cockpit, his eyes flashed with cold light, and his hands had pulled out the epee. Sam and Butch’s eyes also lit up. They stepped forward with a grinning grin, and cried out, “You can eat fresh meat!”

Several other people also took out their weapons one after another, and they were all thinking of hunting.

“Wait, don’t attack!” Harvey shouted to several people who were eager to try, and said loudly: “This is a sea cat, not aggressive, very docile!”

Charlie had pointed the muzzle at the sea cat. If Harvey hadn’t moved fast, he would have to light the fuse. Sam licked his lips and said with a smile: “Wouldn’t it be better to be docile? It saves money.”

Butch said deeply: “Yes, that’s right, you can add more food,” he turned to Carmen with a smirk: “Carmen, you have to make it more fragrant, and remember to add more chili.”

With two slaps, Harvey slapped both of his heads in the past, “You know what to eat and what you want, if you really kill the sea cat, we don’t want to land on Alabasta.”

The “Prophet” behaved so maliciously that the sea cat was frightened at a loss. The previous second he waved its paws anthropomorphically, as if to say hello, with a smile on his face, but cold sweat on his forehead at this time. Stupidly froze there.

“Look, it’s welcoming us.” Harvey said and waved to Urine. Urine seemed to be very puzzled and aggrieved. He screamed at Harvey and immediately dived into the sea and disappeared quickly.

“In Alabasta, the sea cat is an extremely sacred sea beast. It symbolizes peace and tranquility. It is loved and protected by the entire country. If anyone dares to hurt it, it means declaring war with the billions of people in Alabasta.”

Harvey explained patiently, everyone suddenly realized that the cat brothers laughed and hid to the side, almost doing something stupid.

Krabatel said: “Understood, it is a symbolic mascot.”

Harvey smiled and said, “Almost, Alabasta has unique customs and habits. Many places are different. Since we are going to log in, everyone should pay attention to it.”

Yu Nan nodded to Harvey and said: “Harvey, it’s okay. It seems that I haven’t been in vain in the past few years. What else is there? Let’s talk about it. If we make a small mess, we are afraid that it will attract people’s resentment for no reason.”

Harvey scratched his head and said to him: “I only know some of the most basic. After all, I haven’t been here before. For the details, I have to go to Zhenshan to inquire.”

Fortunately, there is still some distance, Harvey told his friends about some common sense problems one by one.

The entry into Hong Kong went smoothly. Although the banner of the “Prophet” was more elegant, it was still a pirate flag after all, but no one came to check it, and even the routine cross-examination was not encountered.

After disembarking from the ship, Yu Nan asked people only to find out that because of the civil war, Ochoku from all over the country belonged to the army and was deployed in large numbers and deployed on the border of the town.

In addition,’Nahana’ is a coastal city. As the southern gateway of the kingdom, the rebels infiltrated very strongly, and conflicts occurred from time to time, which greatly affected the kingdom’s trade circulation and economic development.

Later, for some unknown reason, the king changed this place to a special zone. The sovereignty still belongs to Alabasta, but any forces can enter and leave freely. Not only the rebels but also the pirates can land smoothly.

The wharf is very busy. A large number of merchant ships are loading and unloading goods, most of which are under the banner of foreign merchants. There are also many local civilian vessels, mainly small fishing boats and medium-sized merchant ships.

On the west side of the pier, Yu Nan saw several pirate boats moored, the pirate flag was blatantly hoisted, and a group of pirates with fierce faces were smoking and chatting on the boat.

The leader was a big fat man wearing a standard captain’s cap. He was tall and pointed when he saw the Owl.

Yu Nan shook his head secretly. It seemed that the influence and control of the Alabasta government authorities had dropped to a very subtle level.

The east side of the dock attracted Yu Nan’s attention.

There are some well-equipped men with guns on guard. Hundreds of laborers are busy unloading goods from the ship, and there are people like supervisors around them, gesticulating and yelling, lighter, faster, and so on.

Yu Nan took a closer look. There were a total of six three-masted sea boats, all of which hung the same flag, which resembled a pirate flag. Two swords crossed a skull and flanked by purple wing-like patterns.

Yu Nan pointed to those boats and asked Harvey: “Those are?”

Harvey took a look and replied, “If I remember correctly, it should be the logo of Baroque.”

Jessica curiously said: “Aren’t they a secret crime company? How can they show up in the public?”

Harvey is also here for the first time, shook his head to indicate that he didn’t know.

Everyone was very curious when they arrived at a new island. Krabatel assigned manpower as usual. Charlie was worried about the whereabouts of his ‘right man’s arm’. The Cat Brothers stayed behind to guard the boat this time, and the others followed Yu Nan.

First to find out where to go, everyone didn’t have any idea, so Krabat suggested to go to places such as bars and pubs, where people and snakes were mixed, and there were all kinds of people.

Generally speaking, the information is relatively good, and if you are lucky, you can find a local snake selling information.

All the way out of the pier, everyone looked around, looking like a curious baby, like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, seeing everything fresh.

Coming to the center of the town, it gradually became lively, and there was an endless stream of pedestrians, dressed in the same fashion, men were mostly dressed in robes, and women were dressed in long skirts, which were basically plain. Everyone wore a headscarf or cotton circle on their heads. Hat, very exotic Arabian style.

There are many shops on both sides of the street, and there are various vendors on the street, including fruit, snacks, and jewelry. In particular, there is a large skewer of grilled meat, which is full of aroma. Carmen, out of professional relations, has his eyes bright and has been staring.

Yu Nan smiled and took everyone to taste it. It was really delicious. Carmen was even more surprised. Not only did he watch the production process, but also bought some unique spices, among them the familiar ‘cumin’ that Yu Nan is familiar with.

Jessica was even more happy to see many women’s clothing and accessories that she hadn’t seen before, and pulled Carmen to stop everywhere, lingering.

Everyone was in a good mood as we walked around.

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